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The Bears have given up on Lovie not Jerry Angelo. This team is unprepared to play on a weekly basis, see the penalties, poor play calling (has the red zone fade worked ever), and inability of players to get better over the course of the season and a career.


Maybe this team will hire a legitimate coordinator and coaching staff instead of some hack and his merry band of incompetence.


When Lovie signed his current deal he was giving personnel decisions that is where this team has failed.


I will give Angelo a pass for this year as he seems to get players in here and then they get worse as this coaching staff works with them.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 11:08 PM)
Super Bowls:

Elway 2

Cutler 0

I'm not sure if this is a real argumentative point or if you're kinda of kidding about too much importance being put on winning championships. But, if your serious:


Elway won his Super Bowls in his late-30's, so I'm not really sure how that applies in comparing the two at the same age. So while I don't think Cutler will ever be as good as Elway, I don't think that's the right argument to make here.


Let's put it this way - Peyton Manning has 1 SB win. Does that mean he's worse than Brady, Bradshaw, Plunkett, Griese, Starr, etc. with more than 1 SB win? No. He's better than all of them, so get that SB win stuff out of here.

Edited by dasox24
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Cutler and Elway had similar statistical seasons at the same age.


My point that I'm getting at is that, while Cutler may be pushing himself too hard to "make things happen," part of his failure this season has to be laid upon the lack of quality contributory personnel around him.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 04:52 PM)
So I apologize if this has been mentioned in the thread (I am being lazy), but I heard this morning that Shanahan is as good as the Redskins coach already. You guys think this is true?


And if so, what the hell do we do now?

Probably. I know that Buffalo wanted Shanahan as their new head coach, but he's good freinds with the new GM in Washington Bruce Allen, and Shanahan might be able to make Clinton Portis relevant again with that zone blocking scheme of his, so you can see why they're going after him.


If the Bears are going to hire a new coach, they'll probably go with another defensive minded one and hire Jeremy Bates as their new OC I'd say (Bates was the QB coach or OC back when Cutler was in Denver).

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QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 05:32 PM)
Weis should be the Bears O-Coordinator.

Well I don't think he'd be the most popular choice, and if he'd be the OC anywhere, I'd say it'd be back in New England, as those 2 need each other right now.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 05:38 PM)
Why on Earth would New England need Weis?

They have no OC since McDaniels left, and bringing in a OC like Weis would allow for Belichick to focus more on the defense which has really slipped over the past couple of seasons.


Doubt Belichick would swallow his pride and make the move though.

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Brett Favre revealed after Sunday night's loss that coach Brad Childress tried to pull him in the third quarter with the Vikings up 7-6, but Favre refused to leave the ballgame.


Favre looked heated on the sideline, presumably right after Childress tried to take him out. He indicated that Childress wanted to pull him because he was taking so many hits. Favre was "not a happy camper" in his post-game presser, and beat writer Judd Zulgad says "this seems like a real issue." ESPN will eat up the report, but we wouldn't think much of it. Favre is certainly in no danger of losing his job.

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QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 12:16 AM)
The Bears have given up on Lovie not Jerry Angelo. This team is unprepared to play on a weekly basis, see the penalties, poor play calling (has the red zone fade worked ever), and inability of players to get better over the course of the season and a career.

Missing on the 2005 and 2006 drafts hurt the Bears a lot long-term...but there's more to it than that. I'm not sure whether or not a GM can be found who would have done a better job than Angelo with the same picks, salary constraints, etc. It's probable that there is, but let's not pretend that even the best GM's won't have a run of 2-3 stinkers in a row.


The thing that really bothers me is what you cite here. It's how the Bulls look under VDN right now, it's how the White Sox looked last year towards the end, it's a team that doesn't care, that doesn't really want to come to the park every week and is now just playing for their paychecks. It's possible for a coach to turn that around, but if it persists, it's going to be a hard cycle to break (see: Detroit Lions under Matt Millen).

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QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 12:22 AM)
My point that I'm getting at is that, while Cutler may be pushing himself too hard to "make things happen," part of his failure this season has to be laid upon the lack of quality contributory personnel around him.

DING! He knows it's him or nothing. THere is so much crap around him that is he doesnt try to force everything, they will lose. If he forces it, they lose. It's lose lose.

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That steelers game is still pissing me off.


Still feel Ward ran into Chillar at the end.


Also, I knew the holding call on Max Starks was f***ed up.


Unless the rule has been changed since 2007, any offensive holding call under 2 minutes requires a 10 second runoff (or loss of timeout). The Steelers neither lost the timeout nor the 10 seconds, and they needed every second they had to win that game. Bear in mind that the game winning play started with 3 second on the clock-3 seconds they wouldn't have had if the 10 second runoff had taken place, or if their timeout had been taken away.


Two-minute warning/10-second runoff: The requirement that the offense has to be behind in the score or the

score has to be tied for a 10-second clock runoff to be exercised against the offense for an excess timeout with two minutes to go in the first half or in the game has been eliminated. Now a 10-second runoff will take place no matter what the game situation. Any possible advantage for the offense (e.g., the old rule would not require a 10-second runoff if it were ahead) has been eliminated. The defense has the option to decline a 10-second runoff (which will give it more time should it get the ball back).


If the rule was changed then ok, but I haven't found anything.


Feeling pretty pessimistic towards GB making playoffs now, they should beat Seattle but Arizona won't be a cakewalk. Hopefully the Giants can lose to either Was or Car, otherwise Minny should beat them I would think.

Edited by ChWRoCk2
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 20, 2009 -> 08:59 PM)
Angelo is the far bigger problem. As long as he is around I'm not sure it matters who is coach.

I don't really think so. Jerry has done a lot of good. He's done some bad, but he's also done a lot of good. I am fine with him getting another coach.

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Terry Boers is giving out some VERY interesting stuff about the possibility of Lovie and or Jerry getting fired on the Score right now.


Basically, a very important McCaskey wants Lovie gone, but a group of the lesser influential types wants him to stay (however, they want to see how the last three games went). And it looks like that if Lovie goes, so does Jerry.


Jerry has no idea on what side of the fence to be... fire Lovie, or keep Lovie.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 11:27 AM)
Terry Boers is giving out some VERY interesting stuff about the possibility of Lovie and or Jerry getting fired on the Score right now.


Basically, a very important McCaskey wants Lovie gone, but a group of the lesser influential types wants him to stay (however, they want to see how the last three games went). And it looks like that if Lovie goes, so does Jerry.


Jerry has no idea on what side of the fence to be... fire Lovie, or keep Lovie.

Interesting. I certainly expect a few more beat-downs and when a team is constantly getting blown out it means changes are necessary.

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In what sane world does Love Smith and his staff keep their jobs? I will refuse to follow this team and spend another f'n dime on the Bears if he's back. This team has done nothing but regress since the SB run 4 years ago. Nothing. Last year was a team that should have gone to the playoffs but didn't because of AWFUL coaching. And, it's not like they've regressed to average, they've regressed to one of the worst 5-6 teams in the league.


I'm meh on Jerry. If Jerry has to be sacrificed to get a guy like Holmgren or Shanahan, do it. If you're bringing in a new coach, then I'm fine with him here. Although some of his draft picks have been wretched, it's becoming clear that a lot of those guys are succeeding outside of this coaching staff.


As to Cutler, he gets the pass this year because his supporting cast blows and the biggest deficiency of the team is their defense. But guess what, there are a lot of qb's with crappy supporting casts that don't throw awful f'n passes everyone f'n game. At this point, he's WORSE than Rex Grossman. At what point do the apologists stop saying "oh it's his wr's not running the right routes" and start saying "well given the fact that the wr's run the wrong routes all the time, it's his f'n fault for throwing it to them?"

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 04:17 PM)
In what sane world does Love Smith and his staff keep their jobs? I will refuse to follow this team and spend another f'n dime on the Bears if he's back. This team has done nothing but regress since the SB run 4 years ago. Nothing. Last year was a team that should have gone to the playoffs but didn't because of AWFUL coaching. And, it's not like they've regressed to average, they've regressed to one of the worst 5-6 teams in the league.


I'm meh on Jerry. If Jerry has to be sacrificed to get a guy like Holmgren or Shanahan, do it. If you're bringing in a new coach, then I'm fine with him here. Although some of his draft picks have been wretched, it's becoming clear that a lot of those guys are succeeding outside of this coaching staff.


As to Cutler, he gets the pass this year because his supporting cast blows and the biggest deficiency of the team is their defense. But guess what, there are a lot of qb's with crappy supporting casts that don't throw awful f'n passes everyone f'n game. At this point, he's WORSE than Rex Grossman. At what point do the apologists stop saying "oh it's his wr's not running the right routes" and start saying "well given the fact that the wr's run the wrong routes all the time, it's his f'n fault for throwing it to them?"


The world of business. I'm not saying it's right, but the Bears don't usually eat contracts like that. Lovie has what...2-3 years left at 3mil per? Or more? The McCaskeys don't do that.

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