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Your tricks to maximizing your USCF experience


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QUOTE (3E8 @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 11:49 PM)
Yes, Jim Beam Club is the s hit. And the secret to getting those tickets is to wait until the week you want to go to the game (assuming it's not Sox/Cubs or something) and then they'll only be $180 apiece on StubHub opposed to > $300

Or get them comp. Oh my. I'm fairly certain if I had Jim Beam Club season tickets, I would weigh 500 lbs. and would be an alcoholic. Nice spread tonight with the prime rib, turkey and fish.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 04:58 AM)
Or get them comp. Oh my. I'm fairly certain if I had Jim Beam Club season tickets, I would weigh 500 lbs. and would be an alcoholic. Nice spread tonight with the prime rib, turkey and fish.


Alright so, how do I go about getting these tickets? Also, would you guys recommend getting scout seats? Are they worth it? I am coming into Chicago from South Carolina and I am going to be taking my girlfriend to her first Sox game. We are going to the Sox/Pirates game on the 24th....should I wait to get seats the week of? How would you guys recommend I best go about this? Also, would it be possible to get scout/Jim Beam tickets at the gate? What are the amenities offered for these tickets and are they worth it (this is coming from a grad. student who is quite broke but wants a good experience). Thanks.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 04:54 AM)
Hope this thread is saved somewhere.

Do they still sell that great corned beef in the same area as the roast beef?

I remember corned beef sandwiches years ago.

yeah along the 1st base/rf line. i just got one on sunday.

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QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 10:21 PM)
Church lot...


QUOTE (SnB @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 03:32 PM)


if you need to drive (like many of us in the south suburbs do) that's the only way to go.

sorry if this is a dumb question, but can someone elaborate on this? or maybe PM me if it's a big secret or something?

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QUOTE (False Alarm @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 11:58 AM)
sorry if this is a dumb question, but can someone elaborate on this? or maybe PM me if it's a big secret or something?


The church lot is south of the stadium, right next to it...it runs along the Dan Ryan and like 37th street. Its usually pretty easy in and out.

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My favorite food is the brats off the open air grills. If I'm in the mood for heartburn, I get the chili-cheeses fries from behind the fan deck, in center.


I like to play split the pot (goes to charity) and then swear when I lose.


For a cheap snack, get a churro.


Don't buy beer from the vendors....its not meant to be drank from plastic bottles.


Jeer at everyone who wears Cubs crap, when the Cubs are not playing us.

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I have the Hit & Run Package and really appreciate the fact that parking opens in the early AM. So much easier for me to drive downtown and park at the Stadium in AM, take the El to work and come back that evening. Parking is perfect too - right next to the new and improved Gate 5. I agree with a previous poster that Gate 5 is the only way to go in - no lines, congestion, etc.


As for other parking options, we sometimes park on 35th Street east of the Green Line. Not the greatest of neighborhoods but, no meters and I've never had any problems (tickets, break ins, etc.) over there. I've also parked on Halsted, paid the meters and walked over. Not too far and the neighborhood is better that way. There are a number of bars up and down Halsted that we've had a good time at pregame. Plus you can hit Grandstand on the walk to the park - great selection of Sox hats, clothing etc at much lower prices than at the park. If you're planning on some pregame activities, you'll end up spending the same amount for beers at bar as you would for parking in the Lot. For my buck, I'll park close, bring a couple chairs, some food and beer and tailgate before the game - if only the weather would cooperate more this season.


When we lived in the city, I often used the Green Line for games that were very crowded. It's a little further of a walk but, if you're connecting with anything in the Loop -Brown, Orange, Purple, Pink it's very convenient. I did make the mistake of taking the Green Line with my wife on a less busy weeknight game and would not suggest it. Drugs, shadiness, etc going on that night. It's the only time I've experienced that on Chicago Public Transit and now believe better safe than sorry. I'm not put off by too much but, it was pretty out of control that night.


As for seats in the park, I think you need to be in the infield - Lower or Upper is fine. I know many people who say the Upper Deck is no good but, IMHO it is 10x better than the seats in the outfield. If you get on Stubhub and get Season Tix from an UD Season Ticket holder you can still access the lower level if you want. A few bucks saved can't hurt in this economy. The games haven't been all that crowded this season so you can jump around the lower deck if that's your thing. If not, Upper Deck Box seats offer a great view of the field and are the best in the house for Fireworks Nights.

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QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 12:57 PM)
Er, have you been to the green line recently? That neighborhood's gettin re-done. Hell there's even a Starbucks and sub shop on 35th there between the stop and the park. Crazy!


I've been on the Green once this season and parked over there 2x. While I'll agree that the neighborhood is getting better, I wouldn't say the Starbucks and Sub Shop have made it safer. Like anywhere in the city, just be aware of your surroundings and you should be good to go. I'm very happy to see the changes and I think in a few years it will be the next hip spot/neighborhood to live in.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 02:54 AM)
Hope this thread is saved somewhere.

Do they still sell that great corned beef in the same area as the roast beef?

I remember corned beef sandwiches years ago.


Get a combo, half roast beef / half corned beef do the same at the little BBQ stand alone down the third base line. I used to like the Brat but the kraut is not warmed and the grilled onions seem to be hit or miss on the grilled part of the equation


I always get beer from the venodr that keg s*** leaves a nasty hang over. On cold nights, enter the park in RF and hit the bar and get a bomber and take it to your seat.


Kids before the age of 7 are not worth it. You spend half of your time trying to entertain them. Unless they are really into it and watch the game at home it is a lost cause. Kids prior to 6 months are fine as they do nothing anyway.


Tailgating is great.


Use the port-a-jons if they have them.


Punch any moron in the outfield that feels the need to make dumb comments that make no sense to the opposing teams outfielders.


Trade your tickets in for seats behind home plate or the 300 section. I used to trade in a full price season ticket for a 300 level seat on half price night. That doesn't work anymore as the 300 level is sold out but you can always try.


Never been in the Jim Beam club but scout seats are great. I used to try and get in there once a year.


Wings and Rings on Halsted is great.


Oh and my thoughts on the free t-shirts is well documented in this forum. Anyone that clamours for this crap.......well if you have nothing nice to say......

Edited by Jenks Heat
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If you've never been into the club section, I highly recommend it.


The tickets can be between $40 and $100 each; depending on the game, and the sight lines are...average. But, you have your own waitress and menu at your seat. You can run a tab and pay at the end of the game. The lobby is carpeted, has a flat screen tv area with leather sofas, a buffet area, and restrooms that are club restricted only, so they are very clean and no lines. There is hardly ever a line for anything, and you never even have to leave your seat if you don't want to.


In fact, there are 2 tickets for only $23 each on Stubhub right now for May 6, vs. Det.

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Should be a given but no1 mentioned it...


NEVER buy a hotdog from the vendor. go get it from the stand, heavy onions


also tailgate before the game so you only need to buy a few 7 dollar beers during the game. I think the Sox have the only stadium that allows tailgating anymore so take advantage of it.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 11:39 PM)
Man I'm hungry reading these threads. The roast beef/corned beef/pulled pork all sound awesome.

I'm with ya on that one.


Brat and Sauerkraut with a lot of red sauce.... A must anytime I go to a game. Hungry or not... usually I'm hungry.


BTW, the pulled pork sandwich was a rip off at the stadium club when I had it once. It was basically all bread and BBQ sauce. I then went back and got a roast beef at the end of the game and told the girl to put some meat on it this time and boy was I happy... and full.

Edited by Whitewashed in '05
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QUOTE (djcollie03 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
IAs for other parking options, we sometimes park on 35th Street east of the Green Line. Not the greatest of neighborhoods but, no meters and I've never had any problems (tickets, break ins, etc.) over there.

There are meters just east of the park now, but they end at 7pm. Just a little hint for my ST friends.

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QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 11:59 AM)
Kids before the age of 7 are not worth it. You spend half of your time trying to entertain them. Unless they are really into it and watch the game at home it is a lost cause. Kids prior to 6 months are fine as they do nothing anyway.


I agree with this. I've taken my kids (8 and 6) to quite a few stadiums and nothing compares to the fun they have at the Cell. That Fundamentals deck is really nice. It's a good excuse to get to the game early and they dig it.


Great thread, thanks for the tips. Looking forward to my yearly pilgrimage now that I have the 411 on that breaded steak sandwich. Man that looks good...

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QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Apr 30, 2009 -> 09:07 AM)
I agree with this. I've taken my kids (8 and 6) to quite a few stadiums and nothing compares to the fun they have at the Cell. That Fundamentals deck is really nice. It's a good excuse to get to the game early and they dig it.


Great thread, thanks for the tips. Looking forward to my yearly pilgrimage now that I have the 411 on that breaded steak sandwich. Man that looks good...


The fundamentals are great borderline incredible. Unfortunately you are limited in being able to watch the game.........I guess I am being selfish.


The Section 149 BBQ stand is awesome as I stated earlier. The lady Tuesday cut back on the portion but the normal lady gives you a nice sandwich. Also get a combo half brisket/half pulled pork and give her a little tip and it is meal well worth it. For $8 (tip included) it really was that good.

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