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If You Were King...

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I thought this might be a little fun:


If you were king / dictator of you local, state, or national government, what law(s) would you implement?


(try to think a little outside the box here. no "i'd ban all guns" kinds stuff)

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ May 6, 2009 -> 07:29 AM)
I thought this might be a little fun:


If you were king / dictator of you local, state, or national government, what law(s) would you implement?


The fun part.


Everyone has to bow before Zod.

Pink is outlawed.

Wrigley field gets demolished for a tribute to the 2005 WS team.


What I would really like to do..


Disband unions. The only thing they provide is an excuse to move jobs overseas.


Implement tax breaks on corporations.


Try to lower prescription costs and get the same price that they charge for the stuff overseas.


Edited by southsideirish71
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On a local level, I'd require all new commercial buildings to have a certain percentage of their power usage to be supplied by solar or wind power.


This would be the basic formula: Look at all the commercial buildings in the town and calculate the average kWatt per square foot. Then require all new commercial buildings to provide somewhere between 25-50% of that kW/sf via solar or wind. Building owners/renters would get a SIGNIFICANT tax break if they provide over 80%.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 6, 2009 -> 07:31 AM)
Pink is outlawed.

The singer or the color? Both would be great in my opinion.


QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 6, 2009 -> 07:31 AM)
Wrigley field gets demolished for a tribute to the 2005 WS team.


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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ May 6, 2009 -> 07:35 AM)
all I can think of is History of the World Pt 1



so I would say that I would implement "GANGBANGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!"



As King I would initiate the right of Prima Noctum. ( Braveheart )



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I would ban the Cubs from MLB.


I would banish Mike North and David Kaplan to Green Bay.


I would ban twizzlers.


I would banish Tyra Banks.


I would ban skinny jeans on fat men and women...oh and of course on regular size men also ban.


I would ban all "loud talkers".


I would ban Mylie Cyrus.


I would deport my boss to Iraq.



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Punishments to fit crimes.


For example... you are arrested and convicted of spraying graffiti. Your punishment is, while wearing nothing but underwear, goggles and a gas mask, you will be spray-painted head to toe. Its OK, it would wear off in a few weeks. Meantime, enjoy the embarassment.


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If I...were king...of the foooorrrrrrest:


Goodbye BCS, hello playoff.

Have 10 hitters in a game, including a DH AND a pitcher so everyone can just shut up about it already.

Ban Muffin-Tops on humans.


For realz:


Free healthcare for everyone under the age of 16.

Tuition waivers for inner-city kids who WANT to go to college (with the caveat that they have to keep their grades up at a certain level).

Ability of opt out of Social Security taxes. You no pay, you no get.


Have 14 queens. Not the kind you find at Broadway and Roscoe, either.

Edited by CanOfCorn
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I would have Grinder Day...


All people will honor grindiness in their daily routines of life by doing things how a grinder would do it...


Run into walls when need be.


Dive to the cash register at the grocery store.


Rowand and Erstad will lead the Grindy Day parade.

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Let the states run themselves. Get rid of big national departments like the board of education. It makes no sense to compare a kid from Boston who plans on continuing his education versus a southern kid who plans to work on his family's farm for the rest of his/her life.


Legalize morphine, pot and cocaine. Automatic felonies and mandatory 5 prison term for possesion of manufactured drugs (moonshine, crack, meth.) 21 age limit to buy legally.


Raise tobacco age to 21.


Restrict rifles and shotgun possession to two per household. Ban semi-automatic guns.


Free vesecatmies and tube tieing to choosing individuals making less than $30,000k per year.


Revoked license for 5 years for DUI conviction of .16 or higher. Two convictions = loss of license for life. Mandatory different colored plates for DUI offenders (hate to give cops a target.)


Mandatory 10 year sentence for any officer convicted of corruption and a felony.


Every state celebrates the same Holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Labor day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, New Year's and New Year's Eve.


Sex Ed in middle school should teach abstinence and safe sex.


No bans on abortions.


No bans on gay marriage.


Rebuild the train systems.


No display of any religious nature in any place funded by tax dollars


For killers sentenced for multiple homicides, specifically in separate events, with DNA evidence or a guilty plea, punishment should be a bullet to the head no more than 1 week after the trial.


No mandatory re-trials for death row inmates.


All executions shall be a firing official


Legalize prostitution and tax brothels (only legal form)


Legalize online gambling


No more $1 coins


My face on a $2500 bill


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On a serious note:


-Id change the law to when 2 illegal immigrants have a child in this country, that child is still an illegal immigrant, and the reverse when 2 US citizens give birth over-sea's, that child should also be a US citizen.

-Make a college playoffs for football

-Legalize and tax weed/marijuana

-Cut insane college tuition prices

-many other things that I'm too sick/tired to think of.

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