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"Colon to NYY rumor untrue."


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The rumor that Bartolo Colon was headed to Montreal for Nick Johnson and Juan Rivera was untrue. However, I noted something positive in the article.


Click here for the Colon story


"The Expos need a first baseman..."(goes on to talk about Nick Johnson)


"(Rivera may be)...the left fielder the Expos are looking for..."


I'm smelling maybe a Lee, Liefer and a prospect deal IF we were to get him. Odds are, we will not. I just wanted to point this out.

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No doubt....KW is a huge douchebag and will probably end up f***ing us over royally too. Maggs will hit .220 with 1 homer and 10 RBI. Everyone else will too. The Sox finish in deadlast, with the worst record ever, and the Cubs win the World Series.


And then this Cubs fan wakes up. ;)


Now that I think of it though.... .220 1 10 isn't bad for Mark Johnson! :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1

again i say we arent going to get colon.... there is no way possible..... i dont care who you try to dump off... with jr being on the get rid of the expos team we wont be getting any of their players... it will look like favortism......

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It probably won't happen, now that JR is helping out with the whole Expos thing. This is actually the first thing JR has really done since the last strike.


Of course, being that he's no partially on the inside, he may know what it takes to get a guy like Colon or even Vazquez.


Still, I think we'll likely pick up a free agent pitcher, but if Thomas comes, then I guarantee Lee goes somewhere for a starter. Whether its Colon, I don't know.


Oh ya, Jose Vidro is on the trading block as well.


Reports are the Cubs are talking trade with them for Tatis, Vidro and Vazquez for Bobby Hill, Carlos Zambrono,and Kyle Farnsworth. To me thats a great move by the Cubs and it shows the Expos really don't feel they can get a ton of prospects, considering they are just dumping salary.


I'd easily give them Willie Harris and Matt Ginter for Jose Vidro, lol. Then move Jimenez to short and we have a great leadoff guy in Jimenez and a great #2 hitter in Vidro.


Man oh man, think of how good this team would be with a great mind like my own on the mound :)

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