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QUOTE (Sox72 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 04:54 PM)
Yeah, probably not much to tell me. I just gotta get the dumbbells. I would do more reps, but I'm trying to go for size over definition.

Well doing more reps of less weight is ALWAYS better than doing less reps of less weight! You only do less reps if you have the option of doing less reps with MORE weight.



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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 05:57 PM)
Well doing more reps of less weight is ALWAYS better than doing less reps of less weight! You only do less reps if you have the option of doing less reps with MORE weight.


Ha. Very true......

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QUOTE (Sox72 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 06:10 PM)
5'10" 180



That's pretty similar to me...I'm about 5'11" 170...


If you do a lot of reps with the bands, you'll add strength...and when you do have the $ for weights, you'll be more prepared to go for more bulk.


I would increase your reps.

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I started this back up and I'm through the first phase now. It's good to be back on it after screwing it up the first time (scheduling, laziness). I had forgotten how much I hate Dom in plyo and Wes in kenpo. Dom because of his lazy form but, hey, he jumps high so he's supposed to be a bad ass; and Wes because of his stupid karate hands and how Tony goes out of his way to cup his balls every chance he gets.

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QUOTE (maggliopipe @ Aug 12, 2010 -> 02:44 PM)
I started this back up and I'm through the first phase now. It's good to be back on it after screwing it up the first time (scheduling, laziness). I had forgotten how much I hate Dom in plyo and Wes in kenpo. Dom because of his lazy form but, hey, he jumps high so he's supposed to be a bad ass; and Wes because of his stupid karate hands and how Tony goes out of his way to cup his balls every chance he gets.

Hah, I haven't noticed the ball cupping, but that did make me laugh quite a bit.


I just finally was able to start the resistance workouts again after being down for the count with back/shoulder/neck issues forever. Have been doing plyo and yoga for 3 weeks or so, but finally did chest and back today. Thank goodness. Oh P90X, how I've missed you!

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I'm on Day 30 of P90X and I've managed to follow the schedule fairly well. Same story with the diet, and I'd say there were more days I ate less (due to working 12+ hours) than the opposite.


Right now I'm 168 pounds, 14.5% BF and 6'2. On Day 20 (I didn't take weight measurements on Day 1) I was 173 pounds and 15.7 % BF.


I'd always labeled myself a skinny fat person, and after doing some research decided that I'm going to follow this f***ing program through no matter how much weight I lose. I figure the plan is to see where I'm at in October when I'm finished, then if necessary, I'll adopt a program of doubling Tier 2 of the program for 4,000 calories.


I'm really just worried about eating too much and gaining fat, which is what I'm trying to lose here. If I'm too skinny after completing the classic, then I can adjust afterward.


Yesterday I began Shoulders, Triceps and Chest, and hated that only a few movements allowed me to use a lot of weight while keeping good form. Movements like the Y shoulder press I can do 8 reps of 35 pounds, but my arms aren't exactly in a Y shape so I had to drop it down. Almost all the tricep workouts (aside from the one laying on my back) had to be done with 5, 10 pound weights.


Look forward to the other workouts. And thankfully it isn't as hot outside as in past weeks, so I don't have to sweat balls doing these workouts in my back room.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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Great work, Flash!


That is thin, but you will see in phases 2 and 3 that you will begin to put weight on in the form of muscle. My guess is you have dropped to pretty much as low as you will and will see a reverse trend start. Make sure you eat enough though! Your workouts will indeed suffer if you don't eat enough!


Good luck and keep us all posted!

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 17, 2010 -> 06:39 PM)
Great work, Rock!


I did plyo today. Struggled a bit at first, but always love how I feel after I finish.

It was an easy 5 miles yesterday so I made it 6, boy my knees are sore today. CST today and I am looking forward to a different burn than what I am feeling in my biceps at the moment.

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My P90X should arrive either monday or tuesday, I am hoping monday so I can start that day.. I think im going to do 30 minutes on the eliptical, then the P90X, and then at night when its not 100 degrees out run a mile.. and just keep that routine up every day


im hoping i can pull it off

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 19, 2010 -> 04:57 PM)
My P90X should arrive either monday or tuesday, I am hoping monday so I can start that day.. I think im going to do 30 minutes on the eliptical, then the P90X, and then at night when its not 100 degrees out run a mile.. and just keep that routine up every day

Christ that sounds like suicide.

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 19, 2010 -> 03:57 PM)
My P90X should arrive either monday or tuesday, I am hoping monday so I can start that day.. I think im going to do 30 minutes on the eliptical, then the P90X, and then at night when its not 100 degrees out run a mile.. and just keep that routine up every day


im hoping i can pull it off

If you do that on plyo day you will literally not be able to walk the next day, especially in phase 1.

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 19, 2010 -> 03:57 PM)
My P90X should arrive either monday or tuesday, I am hoping monday so I can start that day.. I think im going to do 30 minutes on the eliptical, then the P90X, and then at night when its not 100 degrees out run a mile.. and just keep that routine up every day


im hoping i can pull it off

Yeah, what you should do is hold off on the extra cardio during the cardio workout days P90X calls for. You can certainly do that on the resistance training days, but ease into it. I did some cycling on the days of the resistance training in the spring, and it does work well to mix in the cardio.


Just don't try to bite off too much right at the beginning.

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yeah I will see how I feel after I start it out, but thats the main goal..


I mean ide be doing the P90X in the early afternoon and I wouldnt be able to run until like 10 or so at night because its way too hot here right now to run any other time.. so im hoping i wont still be out of it by then

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 25, 2010 -> 05:06 PM)
I just got my P90X and am having a hard time understanding exactly how I am suppose to go about doing it everyday.. can someone give me a simplified explanation about how im suppose to use the DVDs and what not..

I can email you the powerpoint if you like. It has a schedule of what to do ech day.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 25, 2010 -> 05:40 PM)
I can email you the powerpoint if you like. It has a schedule of what to do ech day.


well I dont even think I have power point on my computer.. im just having a hard time figure out what exactly i need to do..

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