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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 25, 2010 -> 08:05 PM)
well I dont even think I have power point on my computer.. im just having a hard time figure out what exactly i need to do..

You are in phase 1 right?


Day 1-take pictures of yourself (Sunday) This will usually be X stretch or a rest day from here forward

Mon-Chest and Back Ab Ripper X

Tuesday Plyo

Wed-Shoulders and Arms Ab Ripper X

Thur-Yoga X

Friday-Legs and Back Ab X

Sat-Kenpo X

Sunday X stretch


Repeat twice


Week 4-Recovery Week



Monday-Yoga X

Tuesday Core Syn



Fri-Core Syn




Enjoy. I'll post phase two when you get to it.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 25, 2010 -> 08:08 PM)
You are in phase 1 right?


Day 1-take pictures of yourself (Sunday) This will usually be X stretch or a rest day from here forward

Mon-Chest and Back Ab Ripper X

Tuesday Plyo

Wed-Shoulders and Arms Ab Ripper X

Thur-Yoga X

Friday-Legs and Back Ab X

Sat-Kenpo X

Sunday X stretch


Repeat twice


Week 4-Recovery Week



Monday-Yoga X

Tuesday Core Syn



Fri-Core Syn




Enjoy. I'll post phase two when you get to it.


see I dont understand any of that..


I want to start monday, so on the instruction thing it has the list of the workouts to do.. is that each individual DVD? like I put in the chest and ab DVD and then take it out and put in the Ab ripper dvd?

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 26, 2010 -> 02:49 AM)
see I dont understand any of that..


I want to start monday, so on the instruction thing it has the list of the workouts to do.. is that each individual DVD? like I put in the chest and ab DVD and then take it out and put in the Ab ripper dvd?

The Ab Ripper comes on right after the resistance workouts, so keep the DVD in and when you finish it will start. So if you start on monday, put in the Chest and Back DVD and away you go. Next day, plyo Dvd.

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I may be starting this workout myself in the next week. I only have the dvds. I don't believe I will be getting any information packets with it. Please keep the info coming. I don't want to start this off wrong. Ive been told there are easier variations in the dvd to go along with the workout for us ladies. Keep up the good work.

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QUOTE (Nyx81 @ Aug 26, 2010 -> 07:00 PM)
I may be starting this workout myself in the next week. I only have the dvds. I don't believe I will be getting any information packets with it. Please keep the info coming. I don't want to start this off wrong. Ive been told there are easier variations in the dvd to go along with the workout for us ladies. Keep up the good work.


My girlfriend did the program with me and the only thing she did different, aside from using lighter weights, was to use bands in the door for the pull up exercises.

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 06:54 AM)
My girlfriend did the program with me and the only thing she did different, aside from using lighter weights, was to use bands in the door for the pull up exercises.



Yeah, I found some more info on the dvds as far as a lean program alternative. I'' go for the bands. Thanks

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QUOTE (Nyx81 @ Aug 26, 2010 -> 07:00 PM)
I may be starting this workout myself in the next week. I only have the dvds. I don't believe I will be getting any information packets with it. Please keep the info coming. I don't want to start this off wrong. Ive been told there are easier variations in the dvd to go along with the workout for us ladies. Keep up the good work.


From what I have read from the book and stuff, you might wanna do the lean workout.. they said thats what most ladies prefer

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tomorrow will be day 1 of P90X for me


I am starting out at 221 lbs with my goal weight being somewhere around 180-185


I figure that I was 185 when I was a SR in high school so my attainable weight should be somewhere around there..

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QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 02:34 AM)
tomorrow will be day 1 of P90X for me


If your starting tomorrow, then I will also start (or actually re-start since I've done it already) the Insanity workout. I stopped about a month ago, and I put on a few pounds and slacked off. Wanna get thin and more lean again and look sexy for my 24th B-Day in a couple months. I'll also try and lift some weights a couple times a week so I can add more muscle.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 31, 2010 -> 02:55 PM)
welcome to phase 1.


im proud of myself, I am usually the type of person who makes excuses to get out of doing stuff but im not doing it with this..


Sunday night the AC broke in our house, and I live in Texas so that made it about 93 degrees IN the house.. well monday morning I still did day 1 and sweated my ass off.. day 2 came, AC still broke and I was really trying to convince myself that I could skip it but I didn't, I went down and did the plyometrics and sweated my ass off again.. AC got fixed, but today I am sore as hell everywhere and again tried to convince myself I could skip but I still went and did day 3 again.. usually, I would have said ill skip today, which would turn into skip tomorrow and eventually stop doing it, but im not doing it and im glad about that..


Also, Monday night after day 1 we went out to eat.. I had salad and water which was about the hardest thing ive ever done.. I havent had anything but water and myoplex since I started and I plan to keep that up, which is tough considering how much soda I use to drink.. while I am sore as hell, I feel great about it and know I can keep up with this..

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QUOTE (T R U @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 03:04 PM)
im proud of myself, I am usually the type of person who makes excuses to get out of doing stuff but im not doing it with this..


Sunday night the AC broke in our house, and I live in Texas so that made it about 93 degrees IN the house.. well monday morning I still did day 1 and sweated my ass off.. day 2 came, AC still broke and I was really trying to convince myself that I could skip it but I didn't, I went down and did the plyometrics and sweated my ass off again.. AC got fixed, but today I am sore as hell everywhere and again tried to convince myself I could skip but I still went and did day 3 again.. usually, I would have said ill skip today, which would turn into skip tomorrow and eventually stop doing it, but im not doing it and im glad about that..


Also, Monday night after day 1 we went out to eat.. I had salad and water which was about the hardest thing ive ever done.. I havent had anything but water and myoplex since I started and I plan to keep that up, which is tough considering how much soda I use to drink.. while I am sore as hell, I feel great about it and know I can keep up with this..

Keep hitting the protein and get some recovery drink or drink chocolate milk if you can, it will help tremendously with the soreness.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 05:47 PM)
Keep hitting the protein and get some recovery drink or drink chocolate milk if you can, it will help tremendously with the soreness.

And don't try to overdue it with the diet changes. If you try to change too much at one time, you'll freak out and eat two bags of doublestuff oreo's one night or something.


Make changes in moderation...

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So I have to say, guys and gals...that plyo is awesome...I am sure Insanity is awesome too...but I played in a 3 on 3 tournament that we have with guys from my work every year, and I had such a noticeable difference in conditioning between this year (in which I have been doing P90X, most notably, plyo x pretty regularly), and the last two years, in which I did not.


I was all over the court this year, with several people asking me what kind of drugs I was on, where the heck did I get all that energy, what the heck do I do to be in that kind of shape, etc. And most importantly, my team won the tournament and some decent cashola.


So I have to hand it to Tony, he wasn't kidding. I "kicked the panties off of those who try to go out there without it." :)

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By the way, how is everyone doing? TRU? LZ? Rock? Our young lady friend?


Everyone still having at it?


I have been off and on the last month or so, as I have been dealing with injuries and the like. Had to take a week off after the above-mentioned basketball tournament as my fat ass teammate stepped on my foot and crushed my big toe.


Back at it this week, always feels so good to be getting these workouts in.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 7, 2010 -> 05:54 PM)
By the way, how is everyone doing? TRU? LZ? Rock? Our young lady friend?


Everyone still having at it?


I have been off and on the last month or so, as I have been dealing with injuries and the like. Had to take a week off after the above-mentioned basketball tournament as my fat ass teammate stepped on my foot and crushed my big toe.


Back at it this week, always feels so good to be getting these workouts in.


I was really sore the next day after doing each DVD in the area that it targeted


Like on day 1, the chest DVD.. the next day my chest was just swollen and sore for a few days..


but the worst came after fridays leg day.. aside from all of the lunges you had to do, at the end of the DVD is the calf routine.. well while I was doing it my calves started knotting but I said f*** it and just pushed through it doing all 75 calf raises while holding my dumbbells.. that was a bad idea


the next few days after that I was in the most excruciating pain I have ever been in in my calves.. I literally could barely walk, it took me about three tries to get out of bed or get up from a sitting position.. it was really bad, just now 4 days later its finally just down to a little soreness instead of unbearable pain


either way, I can definitely tell my arms are already bigger and I think I am making good progress and am loving it

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The same with the diet plan, TRU, don't try to overdue it with the exercise routines either. Trust me, you'll have plenty of time to increase weights/reps and go crazy if you feel like you can, but you have to ease into things and let your body adjust. Otherwise, your diet plan will be all over the place and you'll injure yourself during the exercise routines.


I tried to jump right in where I left off after finishing the program about a month later, and I injured myself and couldn't do any of the resistance workouts for about a month, so trust me, I know. I also spent about $350 on a chiropractor.


Especially with that leg routine, you don't need to use anymore than 10 pounds or so at first, if you even use weights at all. Unless you're going to sign up for the next Mr. Olympia, don't try and kill yourself. Listen to your body.

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I just completed chest and back this morning. I had to do push ups from the knees :(. However, looking at the calandar, I did the wrong disc. I am doing the lean program and should have started with core synergistics. Lol, I guess extras for me today. I didn't realize that the lean program did not use the chest and back disc before I started. Later today after the Bears lose, I will do the correct disc. So, back to the beginning again. I am in week one/phase 1. I didn't have any measuring tape to track measurements but I did take before pics to see progress.


My arms are jelly. If I ever can do dive bombers like that chick in disc 1, I would be very happy.


I am not following any sort of diet, though, gnc wellbeing whey/soy protein shakes for recovery will help I think. I dont have a poor diet but Coca colas are my problem.





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QUOTE (Nyx81 @ Sep 12, 2010 -> 12:17 PM)
My arms are jelly. If I ever can do dive bombers like that chick in disc 1, I would be very happy.


Man she doesn't even do them right, you are suppose to go under and then back under.. she goes under and then just goes back to the pushup position.. the other two dudes and Tony go under, and then back under..


Also, I have now gone through the chest/back DVD 3 times and I am already sick of hearing Tony talk about the world famous karen pot stirs..

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Glad to see you're sticking with it, TRU. Some of the things get annoying, but on the whole, I think they did a pretty good job of avoiding it being really annoying.


And look at the bright side...you'll move on to your "rest" week next week, and then Chest, Shoulders and Triceps the following week, so you get about 5 weeks away from Chest and Back ;)

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 16, 2010 -> 03:03 AM)
Glad to see you're sticking with it, TRU.


Seriously. Big ups to ya Carl. I stopped again (Insanity) 2 days in.. :(


The same dedication has worn off since I'm not a fat slob like I was before. (I still weigh a pretty good weight, though I've gained about 5-8 lbs since I stopped) Really don't know how I can re-motivate myself again, but I'll try next week.

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QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Sep 16, 2010 -> 03:25 AM)
Seriously. Big ups to ya Carl. I stopped again (Insanity) 2 days in.. :(


The same dedication has worn off since I'm not a fat slob like I was before. (I still weigh a pretty good weight, though I've gained about 5-8 lbs since I stopped) Really don't know how I can re-motivate myself again, but I'll try next week.


Do you have access to P90X? Maybe trying something different (and a little less insane, no pun intended) would help?


The main reason I don't have a lot of interest in Insanity is because I think it's a bit much. Most of us really should have no illusions about having a body fat content below 10 %, and it just seems like what Insanity requires of you is a bit unrealistic in the long run. I could be wrong, as I have never gone through the program before, but personally, I don't want to put myself through a program which I have little or no hope of maintaining over the long haul.

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