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Peavy Rejects Sox Offer; Deal Now Dead


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Why is Peavy a b****? Huh, the man signed a contract to stay with a club and to ensure that he put a no trade clause in place. The guy is one of the premiere picthers in the game, why shouldn't he have a say on where he plays. If he were a free agent, he'd fully have every say in the world so why should he, who signed what was a below market value deal at the time, not have the right to ensure that if the team he wanted to play for decided to trade him that he'd at least be able to dictate where he goes.


Every player has preferences and Peavy is a f***ing all star, he has every right to accept or decline a trade, period, end of story. Buehrle signed a home town deal to and to ensure the club couldn't just trade him he put in a NTC and if the Sox wanted to trade Mark than its there job to accomadate him while getting value, not Buehrle's job to bend over and play Mr. Nice guy, he was Mr. Nice guy signing the discount deal.


Look I want this to go through as much of the next guy but bottom line its Peavy's right and he earned that by his production, which earned him that clause in the contract. Even if there was only one team he wanted to play for, you know what, that is his f***ing right.

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QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:01 PM)
This team is just cheap, cheap, cheap. It really a shame, this would have done wonders to rejuvinate the entire fan base.


Now, we get to deal with has beens, never beens and Brent f***in lillibridge.

it has had a top 10 payroll for many years, so they're not super cheap

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:10 PM)
Why is it you would have to "pursuade" a player to get traded to a good franchise that actually WANTS you for the long term. s***, one of his good friends plays here, and that still did nothing.


I don't place all the blame on Peavy -- he gave the Padres a hometown discount, and got a no-trade clause in exchange. So, he gets to say that he's not willing to give that same deal to the Sox. (MB's contract is certainly structured so it would be more expensive for other teams to acquire him). I don't have a huge problem with that. I do kind of doubt he'll find a better deal anywhere else.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:09 PM)
There was obviously some thought on that point, and something else had to of come up to kill this deal. There is no way KW and JR went into it thinking they were going to get him cheap.

Ya, I have to think they figured the option would come into play. Maybe they thought they could make concessions and re-work the contract, but regardless I find it hard to believe that the option really was the difference maker, especially if it got that far.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:12 PM)
Why is Peavy a b****? Huh, the man signed a contract to stay with a club and to ensure that he put a no trade clause in place. The guy is one of the premiere picthers in the game, why shouldn't he have a say on where he plays. If he were a free agent, he'd fully have every say in the world so why should he, who signed what was a below market value deal at the time, not have the right to ensure that if the team he wanted to play for decided to trade him that he'd at least be able to dictate where he goes.


Every player has preferences and Peavy is a f***ing all star, he has every right to accept or decline a trade, period, end of story. Buehrle signed a home town deal to and to ensure the club couldn't just trade him he put in a NTC and if the Sox wanted to trade Mark than its there job to accomadate him while getting value, not Buehrle's job to bend over and play Mr. Nice guy, he was Mr. Nice guy signing the discount deal.


Look I want this to go through as much of the next guy but bottom line its Peavy's right and he earned that by his production, which earned him that clause in the contract. Even if there was only one team he wanted to play for, you know what, that is his f***ing right.

Because he is scared to pitch in the AL, thus making him a p**** regardless of his location. He could have gone to Anaheim, but the AL made him have night terrors.

Edited by RockRaines
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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:12 PM)
Why is Peavy a b****? Huh, the man signed a contract to stay with a club and to ensure that he put a no trade clause in place. The guy is one of the premiere picthers in the game, why shouldn't he have a say on where he plays. If he were a free agent, he'd fully have every say in the world so why should he, who signed what was a below market value deal at the time, not have the right to ensure that if the team he wanted to play for decided to trade him that he'd at least be able to dictate where he goes.


Every player has preferences and Peavy is a f***ing all star, he has every right to accept or decline a trade, period, end of story. Buehrle signed a home town deal to and to ensure the club couldn't just trade him he put in a NTC and if the Sox wanted to trade Mark than its there job to accomadate him while getting value, not Buehrle's job to bend over and play Mr. Nice guy, he was Mr. Nice guy signing the discount deal.


Look I want this to go through as much of the next guy but bottom line its Peavy's right and he earned that by his production, which earned him that clause in the contract. Even if there was only one team he wanted to play for, you know what, that is his f***ing right.


Damn you and your logic!

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Honestly, I wont be the least bit upset if Peavy remains in San Diego. If we were in first place, and needed an additional starter, I could understand feeling frustrated. But really, look at our team -- it isn't going anywhere. Even if Peavy is to us what Sabathia was to the Brewers last season, there is still only one dependable starter in Buehrle. Our offense is atrocious, too.


I'm not going to say we'd regret trading Poreda or Richard, though. I believe, and I know others do as well, that the White Sox are looking for any opportunity to unload Poreda onto another ballclub. If you can't find a consistent secondary pitch after two years in the minors, one full season with our coaches, it just isn't going to be found magically one evening. What we'd probably regret is his salary. You can't predict how we'll be three years from now. Obviously, you can't predict his health either.



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Eh I said when we first heard about the option, a. he'd want it picked up, b. we wouldn't pick it up, c. we'd be nuts to pick it up.


After all the hype settles, and after he declines like so many other starters (and like he's already showing in his career), we'll be happy he's doing so elsewhere and not clogging up all of our f***ing salary.


That being said, just call up Poreda and let the man start. It's time to get this rebuild going.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:14 PM)
Because he is scared to pitch in the AL, thus making him a p**** regardless of his location. He could have gone to Anaheim, but the AL made him have night terrors.

That is his perogative. If I'm a 100M player, I'd like to stay in a league that I'm familiar with and pitch in the right park. Bottom line stats matter and when he becomes a FA a few years from now, that ERA and personal stats make a difference. I don't blame him one f***ing bit. I wish he would come to the Sox and I'd embrace him as being potentially the best pitcher in franchise history, but if he doesn't, I'm not going to spit on him and call him a little b****. Now if he didn't have a NTC and than b****ed, than its another story, but he got that NTC for a reason and it was to ensure if he was moved, he would be moving to a destination of his desire, just like if he was a FA, he could control going to a place him and his family wanted to go.


And I do think he probably accepts a deal to the Angels if they put together the right package, but nothing ever got that far.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:17 PM)
That is his perogative. If I'm a 100M player, I'd like to stay in a league that I'm familiar with and pitch in the right park. Bottom line stats matter and when he becomes a FA a few years from now, that ERA and personal stats make a difference. I don't blame him one f***ing bit. I wish he would come to the Sox and I'd embrace him as being potentially the best pitcher in franchise history, but if he doesn't, I'm not going to spit on him and call him a little b****. Now if he didn't have a NTC and than b****ed, than its another story, but he got that NTC for a reason and it was to ensure if he was moved, he would be moving to a destination of his desire, just like if he was a FA, he could control going to a place him and his family wanted to go.


And I do think he probably accepts a deal to the Angels if they put together the right package, but nothing ever got that far.

So if you were a player you would much rather stay in the easier league where you KNOW you could continue to pitch the way you have instead of trying your hand at the better circuit and the uncertainty that it holds?


Those are the same people that still work in the basement of a building making base salary plugging away at spreadsheets for 40 years.



And he's still a scared b**** to me. The Cubs had zero ability to pick up his option, but he wanted to go there because the NL Central is terrible. He wants the easy road, and that to me is someone who is pussified.

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QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:17 PM)
As White Sox fans know, we will be packaging for another attempt at a star in the future. KW hates keeping prospects in the system.

I was happy they are shopping Poreda, I honestly think his value is at its peak right now and this is the time to move him before other clubs see he isnt more than a pen arm.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:17 PM)
Eh I said when we first heard about the option, a. he'd want it picked up, b. we wouldn't pick it up, c. we'd be nuts to pick it up.


After all the hype settles, and after he declines like so many other starters (and like he's already showing in his career), we'll be happy he's doing so elsewhere and not clogging up all of our f***ing salary.

That being said, just call up Poreda and let the man start. It's time to get this rebuild going.

This is what I'd prefer to do as well, but you figure if the White Sox are using him as trade bait they wouldn't want anything bad happening; such as him being shelled upon a promotion to the bigs.


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:19 PM)
So if you were a player you would much rather stay in the easier league where you KNOW you could continue to pitch the way you have instead of trying your hand at the better circuit and the uncertainty that it holds?


Those are the same people that still work in the basement of a building making base salary plugging away at spreadsheets for 40 years.



And he's still a scared b**** to me. The Cubs had zero ability to pick up his option, but he wanted to go there because the NL Central is terrible. He wants the easy road, and that to me is someone who is pussified.

He also wanted to go to the Braves. The NL East isn't exactly a s*** division. Last I looked the Phils, Mets, and Braves contend all the time and the Marlins have a few world series over the past 15 years as well. Seriously, should we call a hitter a p**** for wanting to stay in the NL or AL because he's familiar with the pitchers? Peavy might just enjoy the NL style of baseball too. He has ever f***ing right to do what he wants to. No one would make fun of a pitcher for not going to Colorado, in fact we'd call the guy a dumbass to sign a deal to go pitch in Colorado and the only way the Rockies get guys is if there isn't much interest, they are acquired via trade, or if they overpay (see Mike Hampton)....same with the rangers (see Kevin Millwood).


And while he prefers the NL, I think he had a preference of not pitching in our ballpark, which considering it is a total hitters paradise, I don't necessarily blame him.

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