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Peavy Rejects Sox Offer; Deal Now Dead


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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:21 PM)
This is what I'd prefer to do as well, but you figure if the White Sox are using him as trade bait they wouldn't want anything bad happening; such as him being shelled upon a promotion to the bigs.

Right, let him keep on throwing partial no-hitters in AA and keep looking for another top of the rotation player or a young position guy. Its obvious that Richard and Poreda have some pretty good value.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:02 PM)
And bashing the Sox and slurping the Cubs. Guess what people, the Cubs are in a worse position than us to win over the next 5 years, their roster is old, overpaid and they have ZERO farm talent.


The Cubs can't win in October even when they DO have the talent.


QUOTE (daa84 @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:05 PM)
i will say that someone has to take some blame for designing a ballpark that has driven pitchers away from our team


I call BS on this statement. Peavy didn't come here because of money... period. If they would've guaranteed the last year, he'd be in a Sox uni. Think about it: if he was willing to almost complete a deal to the Cubs this past winter, he obviously didn't care about the tendency of the wind to turn Wrigley into a video game-like batting practice session.


not going to blame the sox brass for not picking up that option....22 mil is a ton


I agree with this. I probably would've pulled the trigger, since the back of our rotation sucks and will be gone next year, and because I'm losing faith in Floyd. But it isn't my money, and I understand.


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 03:23 PM)
Right, let him keep on throwing partial no-hitters in AA and keep looking for another top of the rotation player or a young position guy. Its obvious that Richard and Poreda have some pretty good value.

Next question, who are some of those 26-28 year old starters that might be out there as options?

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:26 PM)
Next question, who are some of those 26-28 year old starters that might be out there as options?

maybe nobody, but the Sox didn't win the WS with an "ace" coming into the season on paper. Not that many guys didn't pitch their career years, but a full 22m is alot to pick up. My main question is why did they even get this far if they weren't willing to pick it up? They knew he was reluctant to go to the AL, as Gammons said he was wary of LAA, Red Sox and NYY last year, so I'm not sure why the Sox thought he would just agree to a team he showed no interest in before for what he can get by sitting in San Diego for as long as he wants.

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 21, 2009 -> 11:30 PM)
maybe nobody, but the Sox didn't win the WS with an "ace" coming into the season on paper. Not that many guys didn't pitch their career years, but a full 22m is alot to pick up. My main question is why did they even get this far if they weren't willing to pick it up? They knew he was reluctant to go to the AL, as Gammons said he was wary of LAA, Red Sox and NYY last year, so I'm not sure why the Sox thought he would just agree to a team he showed no interest in before for what he can get by sitting in San Diego for as long as he wants.


I honestly don't believe JP is an ace if he's in the AL. Also, he seems to struggle a lot against lefties when I watch him pitch, and I think we all know that the AL Central has some great lefty hitters.

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QUOTE (chunk23 @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:31 PM)
So is there an indication that this is the end of negotiations or if this is posturing to get the option picked up.

Peavy is suppose to talk to the media soon, what he says might be an indication. Of course the first thing he'll say is it's not about money.


Gut feeling, this is done, this isn't negotiating

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 21, 2009 -> 11:34 PM)
I'm over it.


If Hudson was in the trade, I think it's more valuable for the Sox to have him, Richard, and Poreda for next to nothing the next 4 years than having 25% of their payroll invested in one pitcher.

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QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:34 PM)
This is like Torii Hunter all over the again except this is the trade front and not a UFA.

and fukudome and Cabrera from the Marlins. KW and the team obviously wanted him, but it doesn't mean he's going to curl up in a ball and not have other plans.

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QUOTE (tommy @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:42 PM)
Do we know who the prospects were? Other than CR/AP

Ha, funny how those two names fit together.


I'd be interested too because I hadn't heard anything about the supposed prospects, other then it not being Beckham.

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:39 PM)
Very disheartening news but I can't say I'm at all surprised.


At least it shows though that KW isn't afraid to make a major move from here on out.


it definitely doesn't show that for certain


there were people in this thread, as well as numerous beatwriters saying that Peavy would want the option picked up if he had to leave san diego, a place where it's common knowledge across all media outlets that he does NOT want to leave


knowing this, how is it that somehow the white sox front office didn't know that would be a deal breaker? this could have all been a ploy that would make peavy look like the bad guy, and "we gave it our best shot" when in fact we didn't


i'm not saying we should pick up his 22m option for 2013, i'm saying this shouldn't have even been a discussion between the two teams because OBVIOUSLY peavy wants that option picked up if he leaves sunny so.cal

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The Pads have to be frustrated, and yes they put themselves in the situation by giving a NTC, but this with Giles rejecting the trade to Bos last year they have so much money sitting there that they can't move.


I just don't see who he goes to now. Stl and Hou probably aren't adding payroll, even if he waives his option demand for an NL team, the Cubs can't budge payroll and he doesn't want to pitch in the AL. I guess a team like NYY or NYM might just snap the option up, but do they have what SD wants?

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QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ May 21, 2009 -> 11:44 PM)
it definitely doesn't show that for certain


there were people in this thread, as well as numerous beatwriters saying that Peavy would want the option picked up if he had to leave san diego, a place where it's common knowledge across all media outlets that he does NOT want to leave


knowing this, how is it that somehow the white sox front office didn't know that would be a deal breaker? this could have all been a ploy that would make peavy look like the bad guy, and "we gave it our best shot" when in fact we didn't


i'm not saying we should pick up his 22m option for 2013, i'm saying this shouldn't have even been a discussion between the two teams because OBVIOUSLY peavy wants that option picked up if he leaves sunny so.cal


Good post..and it makes you wonder what was going on, especially with rumors that KW is open for business regarding unloading some veterans.

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QUOTE (tommy @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:42 PM)
Do we know who the prospects were? Other than CR/AP

It was two low-level (guess that means A+ and lower) pitching prospects out of a group of at least 4. They were PTBNL and the Padres were allowed to scout these guys and decide which two they wanted at a later date. Guessing Infante, Upchurch, Carter, Hudson, Leesman, etc. were probably discussed. Maybe a guy like Nathan Jones or something, or the guy we got from the Braves. It would have to be something good I imagine.

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