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Peavy Rejects Sox Offer; Deal Now Dead


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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:10 PM)
He isn't coming here, and he won't come here. He'll wait until the offseason then to get traded to the Cubs or Braves.

I tend to agree he probably won't come here, but I would never rule it out. An extra 22m (actually 18m because of the buyout) can change alot of minds. Like you said in your other post though, even without the option being picked up, the Cubs financial flexability isn't going to be very good.

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 04:12 PM)
That's the thing...a strong farm system for the Sox means more trades for established players. KW has, and always will be, that type of GM. I think it's great, especially with our history of developing players for the big leagues as poor as it is.

I still think he will also target certain guys as the players he wants to keep and will be very reluctant to give up those guys. Beckham and Flowers are two guys specifically and Danks might fall in that mode simply due to the family connection and that fact that the older Bro is untouchable. And if we have chips and the ability to take on money, its a major plus.


This also looks decent from the perspective that if we want to sell, I'd have to imagine there would be teams out there willing to give up something decent for Dye, etc. Maybe not a Poreda, but a Richards like prospect?

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QUOTE (G&T @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:13 PM)
Cabrera did.

even with that extension in place and the Tigers doing well so far, how is their attendance? Detroit is one of if not the hardest hit area by the recession, the may have to dump if people don't come

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:11 PM)
Levine stressed it heavily that until the sale is finalized the Cubs payroll is completely frozen, they can't even add DeRosa's contract back now that he's seemingly on the market. Past that it seems the new ownership group is not going to be adding payroll left and right, they just flat out won't be in the financial position to do it

Anyone think Ricketts is going to regret buying the Cubs? Its reminding me of when the Indians got sold. They pretty much were sold when every revenue source was pretty maxed out. I'm sure there's a probably a few more ways to bring in some more money, but when these backloaded contracts come to be paid, either ticket prices are going to be like they are with the Yankees or the Cubs are going to take a bath.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 22, 2009 -> 12:14 AM)
I still think he will also target certain guys as the players he wants to keep and will be very reluctant to give up those guys. Beckham and Flowers are two guys specifically and Danks might fall in that mode simply due to the family connection and that fact that the older Bro is untouchable. And if we have chips and the ability to take on money, its a major plus.


So you start thinking of guys he's targeted in the past. Carl Crawford could be a possibility, even though Tampa has a surplus of pitching prospects.

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 04:13 PM)
Did Dan Haren and/or Miguel Cabrera ever sign extensions?

Haren would be a good fit. Miggy signed an extension and thoughts are the Tigers would have to unload it, but I don't think they do it while they are competing, not to mention, I dont' think they just make a deal with the Sox that easily. I think Miggy averages close to 20M a year and I still think given the amount of hitting prospects the Sox have that the only position spot I make a big name trade for is the OF, more specifically cf or a front line leadoff hitter. Otherwise I think it will be a frontline pitcher as that is the department we lack in.

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Someone commented way, WAY earlier on Roy Oswalt...


He's 31 years old, going to be 32 in August. His current salary is $14 mil this year.


His current contract situation: (quote from link http://www.baseball-fever.com/showthread.php?t=49841)

Oswalt, who could have tested free agency after the 2007 season, will earn $13 million in each of the first two years of the contract. His salary moves up to $14 million in 2009, $15 million in 2010 and $16 million in 2011. He has a complete no-trade clause and a $2 million buyout of a $16 million club option for 2012.



The scouting staff of the CWS can give you a more, unbiased opinion than I can.

I just feel that he is starting the twi-light of his career, IMHO.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:15 PM)
I wonder if the Sox are going to continue to pursue this.

I was wondering the same thing. As expected he issued a generic statement about not the right time right now, etc..., which is the smart thing to do even if he hates the White Sox and would never come here or any AL team in a million years because it would cut the Pads legs off in negotations with other teams and his agents negotations with teams about picking up the option.


I wouldn't be shocked if KW comes out with a statement saying they ended the pursuit.

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 04:16 PM)
So you start thinking of guys he's targeted in the past. Carl Crawford could be a possibility, even though Tampa has a surplus of pitching prospects.

Crawford would be an excellent fit, but would the Rays sell? I don't know if we have as intriguing of a package to offer them since they have a stellar system and probably don't want to lose face after making a world series run. I'd f***ing love a guy like Ryan Zimmerman but that won't happen.

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QUOTE (OilCan @ May 21, 2009 -> 04:16 PM)
Someone commented way, WAY earlier on Roy Oswalt...


He's 31 years old, going to be 32 in August. His current salary is $14 mil this year.


His current contract situation: (quote from link http://www.baseball-fever.com/showthread.php?t=49841)

Oswalt, who could have tested free agency after the 2007 season, will earn $13 million in each of the first two years of the contract. His salary moves up to $14 million in 2009, $15 million in 2010 and $16 million in 2011. He has a complete no-trade clause and a $2 million buyout of a $16 million club option for 2012.



The scouting staff of the CWS can give you a more, unbiased opinion than I can.

I just feel that he is starting the twi-light of his career, IMHO.

Oswalt is too old to fit into the plans, imo. Haren or Brandon Webb would be better fits, but again, I say that from the Sox perspective and have gotten no indication that they'll be leaving the Dbacks.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:15 PM)
Anyone think Ricketts is going to regret buying the Cubs? Its reminding me of when the Indians got sold. They pretty much were sold when every revenue source was pretty maxed out. I'm sure there's a probably a few more ways to bring in some more money, but when these backloaded contracts come to be paid, either ticket prices are going to be like they are with the Yankees or the Cubs are going to take a bath.

The Cubs only glimmer of hope is he has a ton of extra cash he's willing to throw at it any costs, and signs don't seem to be pointing towards that.


Does he regret it? Well, he can come in, keep everything status quo and sell out the stadium and get a good cash flow coming in, so probably not. There's some bad contracts on that team and they aren't getting any better and their minor leagues don't seem to be stacked.

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How would you like to be Towers right now? He has the deal ready for a guy who claims he wants to do what's best for the franchise, and would have to assume that the deal will get done and help solve a major problem...and then nothing.


Now he will have to try again knowing he will never get a deal even equal to the Sox offer.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 04:05 PM)
Maybe for Peavy but I don't think it looks bad to the Sox. If I were them I'd spin it as saying we tried and got closer than the Yanks/Red Sox/Angels did (although they didn't have deals in place) and to me thats a f***ing compliment. A big compliment. I'm once again very proud of our organization. They went out of there f***ing way to put together a massive deal and we clearly are one of the big players (maybe not in the FA market) but on the trade front every season and history shows under this leadership group that ballsy things might just happen.


Its why I've always backed KW, despite at times ripping into him for being too cocky at times (but that cockiness also makes him good).


I thought that this may have been some sort of publicity stunt this morning, which would've made Kenny and the rest of the front office look awful. But if Peavy did indeed reject the trade, as is being reported, then kudos to Kenny for making the effort to land an ace.


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QUOTE (G&T @ May 21, 2009 -> 07:02 PM)
How would you like to be Towers right now? He has the deal ready for a guy who claims he wants to do what's best for the franchise, and would have to assume that the deal will get done and help solve a major problem...and then nothing.


Now he will have to try again knowing he will never get a deal even equal to the Sox offer.

Did he sign him and Giles to the NTC or was that the previous GM? If he did he has to take some of the blame, he put himself in that position, but I definitely see what you mean. I can't find any reasonable suitors for him right now unless he's willing to go to the NYY if they pick up his 22m no questions asked (haven't heard any rumors, but that's one team who would do it right now).


You are 100% right about the package the Sox offerred, the Cubs offers were bad and teams like STL or Hou wouldn't even really get into discussions about players with the Pads. Say he's willing to go to the NL without the option pickup, it's not like STL is going to send Rasmus or another top player or Hou is going to send top players. This will end up being a salary dump deal at the deadline or in the offseason.

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Shouldn't this process begin with;


Towers, "Hang on Ken let me call you back."


Towers, "Jake if the Sox can get a deal done, will you go there......no.....what will it take to get you to agree..........ok"


Towers, " Ken, Kevin, this is what Jake wants and this what we want.........deal?"


Then the process begins. Is this whole thing ass backward or is that just me?


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QUOTE (tommy @ May 21, 2009 -> 07:03 PM)
I really hope this fiasco doesn't mess with Richard's and Poreda's mind.



I doubt it will unless a similar deal down the road might. You never know with KW.

At least, hey, look at Gio...oh wait a sec.... :lolhitting

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:05 PM)
I'd offer a similar package, don't know if the Dbacks would bite, but Haren is freaking legit and that contract is much better.

I have difficulty buying that the D-Backs are going to go in to dumping mode after their run 2 octobers ago. Seriously, go look at their roster...don't they have to be better than this?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:06 PM)
I have difficulty buying that the D-Backs are going to go in to dumping mode after their run 2 octobers ago. Seriously, go look at their roster...don't they have to be better than this?

Absolutely they should be better, unfortunately for them they aren't.

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