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Peavy Rejects Sox Offer; Deal Now Dead


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:23 PM)
The White Sox are going to have some cash to play with for a couple of years, however if a few of the Barons pan out, they will all be hitting their arb years together. Some will be bought through them some will not. It would be a shame to have to rid yourself of a good young player because you foolishly guaranteed a $22 million option in a trade 4 years earlier. One thing about pitchers, its not a question of if they are going to get hurt but when.


So essentially, you are agreeing with the Sox payroll approach... awesome :lolhitting

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:39 PM)
Peavy isn't coming to the Southside and that's his loss. We have a great organization and are competive and won a World Series championship. When did Peavy and SD last win it? Nough said let's move on

The fact that San Diego agreed to such a deal is encouraging enough to think KW will still pursue to make this team better and unlike the past few years, he has more resources that draws the eye of many teams out there. The Sox have two options at this point in the season:


Option 1- Be a buyer.


Needs: a top of the rotation pitcher, an outfielder-preferably a guy capable of leading off, perhaps a guy to play 3B the rest of the year if Fields continue to struggle near the trade deadline.


Players to keep an eye on near the deadline: Carl Crawford, Chone Figgins and Brandon Webb.


All players are on the last year of their deal or have club options for 2010.


Tampa is 5.5 games back in the East and if they keep falling they will likely want some compensation for Crawford.

AZ is 11.5 games back in the NL West and WILL be sellers.

Angels are very much in the race and i highly doubt they will deal Chone, but things can change. .

Option 2- Be a seller.


I give props to KW for attempting to salvage a season that is slowly slipping away but another thing to consider would be to start selling his own players such as Dye, Dotel or even Konerko.


Only time will tell but the team as is right now- is bad and won't get better anytime soon. The back of the rotation sucks and the offense is way below average and is too inconsistent.

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Im not mad at Jake Peavy, for one I dont think this is the season we should be looking to upgrade the team. Two, while looking at it through an outside perspective it's easy to say how can Peavy be so greedy, but hell I'd want 22 million guaranteed too, all about the benjamins..... Even though Id like to think I would give a hometown discount to the sox given me being such a fan.

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With Peavy's option exercised he's asking for $70M from 2010-2013 guaranteed. If the Sox re-worked the contract to $17M in 2010, $17M in 2011, $18M in 2012, $18M in 2013 would that work for anyone? I think that would be an easier pill to swallow in that case because then it's like signing him to a 4-year FA contract at about current market value (if you're the Yankees, Red Sox, etc.)


Even then it's still a risk of course. But more palatable. Even front-loading the contract a bit kind of like what the Bulls did with Hinrich so that he's paid more in 2010 and 2011 before Q and Danks get into the star money (should they develop into stars of course).

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:13 PM)
Yep, look at how crippled the Cubs are with their payroll in the coming years cause of all the back-loaded contracts.

The Cubs window was the last two years and now they are screwed, big time. They have no money to add now, or even next year really. And they have too many guys make huge money that are not productive at all.

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Im not mad at Jake Peavy, for one I dont think this is the season we should be looking to upgrade the team. Two, while looking at it through an outside perspective it's easy to say how can Peavy be so greedy, but hell I'd want 22 million guaranteed too, all about the benjamins..... Even though Id like to think I would give a hometown discount to the sox given me being such a fan.


Ditto and I don't blame the man. Like I said earlier, he's getting paid regardless and I'm sure he's looking out for his family and he loves the city of San Diego. Sure he loves Chicago, but he wants to stay in the National League. I'm sure also he hears the media outlook of the southside compared to the northside which doesn't help. Even him having to call Linebrink about Ozzie and the org. wasn't helping our causes as well. Perhaps if were in it, we'll revist this during the deadline. I just hope now the sox have another plan whether to still compete or just rebui..er... retool a bit.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:38 PM)
Poreda is a 1 pitch pitcher and walks way to many guys sorry he does nothing for me!


He was. He's been throwing mostly offspeed stuff lately. He had 12 K's yesterday.

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Honestly like qwerty said this might be a huge blessing for us. Something we can look back on in a couple years and thank the lord we didn't make that trade for Peavy. I also hope this doesn't effect Richard or Poreda too much and they see how they are good enough that other teams want them. You never know what can go through a young guy's mind regardless of the professionalism they have to show.

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 21, 2009 -> 10:21 PM)
Honestly like qwerty said this might be a huge blessing for us. Something we can look back on in a couple years and thank the lord we didn't make that trade for Peavy. I also hope this doesn't effect Richard or Poreda too much and they see how they are good enough that other teams want them. You never know what can go through a young guy's mind regardless of the professionalism they have to show.


This would have been, and still is, a win-win for the Sox.




*If we would have gotten Peavy, a Buerhle-Peavy-Danks top 3 rotation is very, very solid.

*Now the Sox will still nuture Clayton and Aaron, and whoever else may have been going to SD.

*The Sox's payroll is still way, way under the average, which is good news indeed.


The sting is still there.....trust me it will be gone tomorrow.

Or in my case, after a Shiner 6 pack. Good night folks.



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QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ May 21, 2009 -> 10:25 PM)
And this season is OVA (not like it wasn't before, but still, 20-1 beat down, top ace rejects deal.. we aren't going anywhere in the next 3 years).

Thats a silly statement. Yea this season looks very bleak, but i garuntee you the Sox will be in contention to win the division next year. Reinsdorf is 70 years old and wants another World Series title soon (hence giving KW the okay for such a deal). KW isn't going to sit on his hands. . . he knows this team is crap right now and will do whatever it takes to change that.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:40 PM)
Someone needs to hire Kenny's speechwriter because you know that isn't what he was thinking when Peavy turned them down.

I'm stunned and impressed by those comments. Flat out impressed. Thats an organization that still wants this guy and I think they'll try to make something happen.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 10:50 PM)
I'm stunned and impressed by those comments. Flat out impressed. Thats an organization that still wants this guy and I think they'll try to make something happen.

right? it was a pretty brilliant move on KW's part.


he's playing hardball. but like... the sneaky way.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 21, 2009 -> 05:53 PM)
Unless the Sox find an extra 22 million they are able to spend in '13, the deal is dead.


I'll say it a last time. All the AL-NL, family talk is all garbage. This deal all came down to guaranteed money, and Peavy and his agent didn't get what they wanted.


The package the Sox sent over was less than impressive. It was going probably going to be Poreda, Richard, Ely, and Lessman. If I was a Padre fan, that is not an acceptable package for an ace pitcher. However, it clearly is the best the Padres can do. Why? Because no one is beating down the door of Kevin Towers given the fact you have to pay Jake Peavy 22 million dollars four years from now. It's not a smart business decision, and one the Sox aren't going to be a part of.

Do you know that was what the package was? Also, I heard that the Sox did consider making adjustments that would have allowed them to in a sense pick up an extra year on the contract but that it dealt with deferrals and a restructuring and at this time Peavy wouldn't accept it so it doesn't necessarily mean the Sox weren't going to accept an extra 22M, plus its really an extra 18M (cause 4M is getting paid either way).

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 21, 2009 -> 06:10 PM)
BTW, I just want to thank everyone for a fantastic day on this board. I might get fired from work cause of lack of productivity, but just wanted to say thanks.

Ya it was fun. I had a 2 hr meeting in the middle of hte day but otherwise didn't get a damn thing done.

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QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ May 21, 2009 -> 10:38 PM)
Thats a silly statement. Yea this season looks very bleak, but i garuntee you the Sox will be in contention to win the division next year. Reinsdorf is 70 years old and wants another World Series title soon (hence giving KW the okay for such a deal). KW isn't going to sit on his hands. . . he knows this team is crap right now and will do whatever it takes to change that.


Unsubstantiated opinion.


You have no idea what he'll do with this team, in fact it's possible he wasn't going into the peavy discussions with full intentions of dealing for him anyways. I'm not saying he wasn't trying to get lucky, perhaps thinking there was a small chance that Peavy didn't want full no-trade, or the option money (get real, kenny), but maybe he figured it was worth a shot?


Where was this "All-or-nothing" attitude when Sabathia was on the market?

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 21, 2009 -> 10:52 PM)
Do you know that was what the package was?


Dude on the score, brian farook or whoever he is said the rumors floating around per SI or Rosenthal or.. something/someone


What Peavy's agent said it would take for him to waive his NTC:


ALL SUITORS: Guarantee to pay all 4.5 years of his contract including the full 22 million for 2013

ALL SUITORS: Full No-Trade protection for the entirety of the contract

WHITE SOX ONLY (Due to NL/AL Switch probably) Opt-out clause for any year of the contract after 2009

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QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ May 21, 2009 -> 11:28 PM)
Dude on the score, brian farook or whoever he is said the rumors floating around per SI or Rosenthal or.. something/someone


What Peavy's agent said it would take for him to waive his NTC:


ALL SUITORS: Guarantee to pay all 4.5 years of his contract including the full 22 million for 2013

ALL SUITORS: Full No-Trade protection for the entirety of the contract

WHITE SOX ONLY (Due to NL/AL Switch probably) Opt-out clause for any year of the contract after 2009

Wow, if that's true he's not going anywhere but the NYY

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