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More on the Kobe issue


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LMAO.  "Guys who think like me?".  Dude, if Kobe raped her, I think he should die.  I've said many times on here that rape is worse than murder, and if he ripped her clothes off and raped her, he should fry for it.  At the same time, if she's making these charges up for whatever reason, she should pay dearly for it.


But at this point, hearing some of the stuff about this girl, I just don't see it as rape.  LIKE I SAID, the evidence has yet to be made public, so for all we know it could be cut and dry that he's guilty.  It's ALL speculation at this point, and on a message board, that's what we're going to do -- speculate and give our opinions and thoughts.


I would appreciate it if you didn't try to liken me to a rapist just because I happen to be siding with "not guilty" as of July 21, 2003 at 9:10 am.

I'm not likening you to a rapist. I'm likening you and your thinking about this girls past and it's "relevancy" to this case to the majority of guys I have come across in rape cases. Tell me this..... What does this girls past, and what she has done in the past, have to do with what happened in that hotel room THAT NIGHT?

If there's clear cut evidence of rape, her past is completely irrelevant. But, if the evidence isn't clear cut, it's going to be a "he said, she said" battle, and if this woman has skeletons in her closet like trying to kill herself earlier this year (does that not show mental instability and possibly severe psychological issues????), that is not going to bode well for her. Kobe may have some skeletons as well (it's quite possible he's slept with other women while being married, and that won't help his case), but we'll have to wait and see what happens.


If the evidence isn't there, it's going to become a credibility issue, and I don't think that the girl stands a chance if some of the reports that have been coming out are true. Especially since they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont know why you guys are getting so heated about it.. kobe, guilty or innocent is still gonna get off.....money walks... see oj trial for example..... ;) if you got the dough you get let go........

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i dont know why you guys are getting so heated about it.. kobe, guilty or innocent is still gonna get off.....money walks... see oj trial for example..... ;) if you got the dough you get let go........

Guilty or innocent, they've gotta make an example out of an athlete sooner or later.

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i dont know why you guys are getting so heated about it.. kobe, guilty or innocent is still gonna get off.....money walks... see oj trial for example..... ;) if you got the dough you get let go........

OJ was/is guilty as sin.. but if the LAPD didn't have such a hard on about "making sure" I believe he'd be in jail today.


Hopefully, thanks to CSI :lol: ;) , law enforcement has learned how to handle evidence better and process information more efficently.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Guilty or innocent, they've gotta make an example out of an athlete sooner or later.

they did.. tyson.. he had no money king controlled it all....guys like kobe and oj keep their purse strings tightly to themselves...... ;)

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If the evidence isn't there, it's going to become a credibility issue, and I don't think that the girl stands a chance if some of the reports that have been coming out are true.  Especially since they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think she does stand a chance because of where the trial is, the people are gonna be from the same area. It will take a LOT of incriminating events from her past (which, as others say will probably not even be allowed considering the evidence is what matters here) to convince them that Kobe was the one in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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they did.. tyson.. he had no money king controlled it all....guys like kobe and oj keep their purse strings tightly to themselves...... ;)

True, they did make an example out of Tyson. However, that was like 10 years ago and by the looks of all the athletes that are getting themselves in trouble with the law, a new message needs to be sent. Plus, Tyson had the image of being a bad boy, so it wasn't very shocking when the rape allegations came forward. The Kobe allegations, on the other hand, were extremely shocking.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
OJ was/is guilty as sin.. but if the LAPD didn't have such a hard on about "making sure" I believe he'd be in jail today.


Hopefully, thanks to CSI  :lol:  ;) , law enforcement has learned how to handle evidence better and process information more efficently.

oj could afford to buy his way out and did....i sat through months of watching that trial on court tv......despite the lapd being a mass bunch of clowns they did have enough evicence to put his ass away.... if it had been an average joe who couldnt afford that dream team believe me they would have been in the pokey......... ;)

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Now from reading the law again.. it does not protect "habitual" accusers, correct?

The rights, as I understand them, are still afforded to her. However, the fact that she has accused falsely before can be brought up by the defense. And the past accusation has to be proven false. If she has accused before and an arrest was made but the defendant was found not guilty, she has all of the protections.


Habitual accusers are usually mentally unstable and the accusations are easily cleared. But, as I stated before, this is EXTREMELY rare.


I know cw knows, but I wonder if the people on this board that claim she's lying have any idea about how humiliating being raped is AND..... to a certain degree..... how humiliating having a rape kit done on you immediately afterwards is, AND how humiliating it must be to have to relive a rape and tell a police investigator all of the terrible details, AND have to relive the incident during the trial, etc. I think most here that have never experienced being raped or dealt with a woman.... or man..... that has been raped have clue 1.


And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported :bang

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OJ was/is guilty as sin.. but if the LAPD didn't have such a hard on about "making sure" I believe he'd be in jail today.


Hopefully, thanks to CSI  :lol:  ;) , law enforcement has learned how to handle evidence better and process information more efficently.

oj could afford to buy his way out and did....i sat through months of watching that trial on court tv......despite the lapd being a mass bunch of clowns they did have enough evicence to put his ass away.... if it had been an average joe who couldnt afford that dream team believe me they would have been in the pokey......... ;)

All it takes is ONE mishap to create rumblings of "doubt". Furhman, Vanatter (sp?).. they are the SOLE reason OJ is not in prison today. Idiots.

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And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported  :bang

IMO, not reporting a rape is the stupidest thing you can do. Knowing that monster is out there possibly and likely doing the same thing to other women when they maybe could have done something to put him away....I don't see how ANYONE could allow themselves to be victimized like that and just look the other way.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
IMO, not reporting a rape is the stupidest thing you can do.  Knowing that monster is out there possibly and likely doing the same thing to other women when they maybe could have done something to put him away....I don't see how ANYONE could allow themselves to be victimized like that and just look the other way.

then you are probably the most pschylogically sound person on the face of the earth...........obviously in your bubble world you have never had anything happen to you to break down your mental state of mind....... :rolleyes:

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OJ was/is guilty as sin.. but if the LAPD didn't have such a hard on about "making sure" I believe he'd be in jail today.


Hopefully, thanks to CSI  :lol:  ;) , law enforcement has learned how to handle evidence better and process information more efficently.

oj could afford to buy his way out and did....i sat through months of watching that trial on court tv......despite the lapd being a mass bunch of clowns they did have enough evicence to put his ass away.... if it had been an average joe who couldnt afford that dream team believe me they would have been in the pokey......... ;)

All it takes is ONE mishap to create rumblings of "doubt". Furhman, Vanatter (sp?).. they are the SOLE reason OJ is not in prison today. Idiots.

7 words -- "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit". If not for that event, OJ would be sitting in a jail cell right now (or standing, depending on if Bubba has gotten to him recently).

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Guest wsc425

so he had sex with her?

Within hours, Bryant, 24, admitted, for the first time since the scandal broke two weeks ago, that he had had sex with the 19-year-old woman.

how is that sexual assault? isn't that only adultry?

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I know cw knows, but I wonder if the people on this board that claim she's lying have any idea about how humiliating being raped is AND..... to a certain degree..... how humiliating having a rape kit done on you immediately afterwards is, AND how humiliating it must be to have to relive a rape and tell a police investigator all of the terrible details, AND have to relive the incident during the trial, etc. I think most here that have never experienced being raped or dealt with a woman.... or man..... that has been raped have clue 1.


And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported  :bang

exactly. that's what i didn't find it surprising when steff said 47% of them go unreported. i am no expert, i don't pretend to be, but apparently many victims just want to try and forget it ever happened. that, or they think nobody will believe them, or the perpatrator will try and hurt them again.


the only thing that makes me wonder, is considering the severe emotional damage that occurs with rape, how could she go on vacation right after it happened? i'm not saying i don't believe her, because i don't know either way, but that seems a little out of character for a rape victim.


but like i said i know very little.

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then you are probably the most pschylogically sound person on the face of the earth...........obviously in your bubble world you have never had anything happen to you to break down your mental state of mind....... :rolleyes:

People with strong mental states of mind don't have it broken down. My mental state of mind gets tested on a regular basis, as does everyone's -- but like most others, I am able to deal with the obstacles in my life. And being of sound and strong mind, I wouldn't allow anyone to victimize me in such an abhorent way.

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The rights, as I understand them, are still afforded to her. However, the fact that she has accused falsely before can be brought up by the defense. And the past accusation has to be proven false. If she has accused before and an arrest was made but the defendant was found not guilty, she has all of the protections.


Habitual accusers are usually mentally unstable and the accusations are easily cleared. But, as I stated before, this is EXTREMELY rare.


I know cw knows, but I wonder if the people on this board that claim she's lying have any idea about how humiliating being raped is AND..... to a certain degree..... how humiliating having a rape kit done on you immediately afterwards is, AND how humiliating it must be to have to relive a rape and tell a police investigator all of the terrible details, AND have to relive the incident during the trial, etc. I think most here that have never experienced being raped or dealt with a woman.... or man..... that has been raped have clue 1.


And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported  :bang

That's what I thought. Even though the law is pretty clear on that I wanted to ask to comfirm.


I don't know anything about how the process works during the initial report, or the rape kit test, but at the shelter I volunteered at in 2000 had a rape counseling area and the things I saw and heard.. OMG. I literaly had nightmares about them.


A good movie to maybe give some insite would be "The Accused" with Jodi Foster. Her actions in that movie were very similar to things I saw and heard at the shelter.

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If there's clear cut evidence of rape, her past is completely irrelevant.  But, if the evidence isn't clear cut, it's going to be a "he said, she said" battle, and if this woman has skeletons in her closet like trying to kill herself earlier this year (does that not show mental instability and possibly severe psychological issues????), that is not going to bode well for her. 


If the evidence isn't there, it's going to become a credibility issue, and I don't think that the girl stands a chance if some of the reports that have been coming out are true.  Especially since they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

The evidence is there. You not only have witness statements, you have forensic evidence as well. No evidence, no trial.


And trust me when I say this..... in dealing with states attorneys in the past and their precious "conviction rates" that they hold so dear to themselves..... felony criminal charges are never filed in cases of rape unless you have plenty of evidence pointing to a violent incident that was non-consensual.


"Non-consensual" being key.

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I know cw knows, but I wonder if the people on this board that claim she's lying have any idea about how humiliating being raped is AND..... to a certain degree..... how humiliating having a rape kit done on you immediately afterwards is, AND how humiliating it must be to have to relive a rape and tell a police investigator all of the terrible details, AND have to relive the incident during the trial, etc. I think most here that have never experienced being raped or dealt with a woman.... or man..... that has been raped have clue 1.


And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported  :bang

exactly. that's what i didn't find it surprising when steff said 47% of them go unreported. i am no expert, i don't pretend to be, but apparently many victims just want to try and forget it ever happened. that, or they think nobody will believe them, or the perpatrator will try and hurt them again.


the only thing that makes me wonder, is considering the severe emotional damage that occurs with rape, how could she go on vacation right after it happened? i'm not saying i don't believe her, because i don't know either way, but that seems a little out of character for a rape victim.


but like i said i know very little.

Spiff, as I heard it.. she went to the hospital, the rape test was administered, the police were called and a statement was given, etc... The next day her and her family left town. Who knows if it was a "vacation" or more getting the hell out of dodge before the s*** it the fan and media was all over their front lawn. :huh:


If it were me.. I would have gotten the hell out of there.

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If there's clear cut evidence of rape, her past is completely irrelevant.  But, if the evidence isn't clear cut, it's going to be a "he said, she said" battle, and if this woman has skeletons in her closet like trying to kill herself earlier this year (does that not show mental instability and possibly severe psychological issues????), that is not going to bode well for her. 


If the evidence isn't there, it's going to become a credibility issue, and I don't think that the girl stands a chance if some of the reports that have been coming out are true.  Especially since they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

The evidence is there. You not only have witness statements, you have forensic evidence as well. No evidence, no trial.


And trust me when I say this..... in dealing with states attorneys in the past and their precious "conviction rates" that they hold so dear to themselves..... felony criminal charges are never filed in cases of rape unless you have plenty of evidence pointing to a violent incident that was non-consensual.


"Non-consensual" being key.

A lot can happen between now and August 6.


We'll all just have to wait and see what happens.


If nothing else, "Kobegate" is making for some good discussion around here! :cheers

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Guest hotsoxchick1
People with strong mental states of mind don't have it broken down.  My mental state of mind gets tested on a regular basis, as does everyone's -- but like most others, I am able to deal with the obstacles in my life.  And being of sound and strong mind, I wouldn't allow anyone to victimize me in such an abhorent way.

not EVERYONE on the face of the earth is as strong minded as you....events have a reaction on people in different ways.......some strong, some not.......maybe you think you wouldnt let yourself be a victim but you dont know how your gonna react till it happens to you.... or do you plan out scenerios in your head........

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I know cw knows, but I wonder if the people on this board that claim she's lying have any idea about how humiliating being raped is AND..... to a certain degree..... how humiliating having a rape kit done on you immediately afterwards is, AND how humiliating it must be to have to relive a rape and tell a police investigator all of the terrible details, AND have to relive the incident during the trial, etc. I think most here that have never experienced being raped or dealt with a woman.... or man..... that has been raped have clue 1.


And you wonder why nearly half of all rapes go unreported  :bang

exactly. that's what i didn't find it surprising when steff said 47% of them go unreported. i am no expert, i don't pretend to be, but apparently many victims just want to try and forget it ever happened. that, or they think nobody will believe them, or the perpatrator will try and hurt them again.


the only thing that makes me wonder, is considering the severe emotional damage that occurs with rape, how could she go on vacation right after it happened? i'm not saying i don't believe her, because i don't know either way, but that seems a little out of character for a rape victim.


but like i said i know very little.

Spiff, as I heard it.. she went to the hospital, the rape test was administered, the police were called and a statement was given, etc... The next day her and her family left town. Who knows if it was a "vacation" or more getting the hell out of dodge before the s*** it the fan and media was all over their front lawn. :huh:


If it were me.. I would have gotten the hell out of there.

She went to the hospital around noon the next day, 12 hours later...is that correct?

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People with strong mental states of mind don't have it broken down.  My mental state of mind gets tested on a regular basis, as does everyone's -- but like most others, I am able to deal with the obstacles in my life.  And being of sound and strong mind, I wouldn't allow anyone to victimize me in such an abhorent way.

good god man do you even know what you're saying? rape is not getting verbally assaulted, it's not a flaming bag of s*** on your doorstep, RAPE IS RAPE. you could be the strongest person mentally in the world, but if something like that happens to you you're not exactly gonna walk away with your sanity intact. people who get raped have their head on a swivel for years. they don't know who could be the next potential predator. not only that but they are already in pieces from being attacked and humiliated for being forced to do that.


get a clue, jer--

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7 words -- "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit".  If not for that event, OJ would be sitting in a jail cell right now (or standing, depending on if Bubba has gotten to him recently).

Ito allowing the OJ Murder Trial to become the LAPD/"N" Word Trial didn't help either.


I'm shocked that people still think OJ Simpson was tried. Everyone BUT OJ Simpson was put on trial. That's why OJ walked.

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