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I know that Mario (aka Molto) doesn't get as many raves here on these boards since he doesn't do much work with the message boards. But he has done plenty to keep Soxnet more than just afloat. He's designed our webpage and provides us with up-to-the-minute breaking stories relating to our beloved Sox. I think that it's time we show him how greatly we appreciate what he does.


I appreciate you, Mario! :)

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Originally posted by HeatherTheRedbird

I know that Mario (aka Molto) doesn't get as many raves here on these boards since he doesn't do much work with the message boards.  But he has done plenty to keep Soxnet more than just afloat.  He's designed our webpage and provides us with up-to-the-minute breaking stories relating to our beloved Sox.  I think that it's time we show him how greatly we appreciate what he does.


I appreciate you, Mario! :)


Well said Heather.......


Mario is one helluva Writer, CEO, Boss, person and friend.


Your doing a great job Mario

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Originally posted by SI1020

You should know that by nature I am partial to those of Italian descent. Anyway  I have recommended this site to a number of Sox fans, so what higher praise can I offer to Mario and everyone else here for that matter?


you know what SI, that is bigger than any thanks. the key to soxnet's or soxtalk's to grow is by word of mouth. if you post on soxtalk and/or visit soxnet and know sox fans, tell them about it. we aren't making any money on this to advertise

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Yeah, Mario is great.




Now can we get to the real issue here. Way to much ass licking from Heather.


I can't stand it. I can just picture her making this post with a smug grin on her face... "mario is the best ever!" Oh, you think that's pretty special huh? How about I put my foot up your ass? Teach you to make those smug grins and wide-eyed expressions at me again.


Man I hate people.

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first of all let me say this, whether people kiss my ass or not, it doesn't mean a damn thing, for two reasons.


One, I simply don't care for it


Two, what would be the benefit of kissing my ass?


second, I don't see how Heather simply saying thank you means she's kissing ass.


hell, I ain't gonna lie, I bust my ass on this site, as well as jason and mark. we all do what we can to make this site the best it can be.


We also don't have any power so someone simply recognizing what we do isn't kiss assing in my opinion, but just simple respect.


unless this is refering to something i don't know about it, I don't see anything wrong in this, whether to me or anyone.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yes im in the i love mario fan club too.......without you mario i wouldnt have many to disagree with... you keep me on my toes at all times and its greatly appreciated..... when im wrong you keep me in check and when im right you dont do s***.....lol........puckering up for you buddy.......

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

yes im in the i love mario fan club too.......without you mario i wouldnt have many to disagree with... you keep me on my toes at all times and its greatly appreciated..... when im wrong you keep me in check and when im right you dont do s***.....lol........puckering up for you buddy.......


whoa whoa whoa, when you are right? lol :)


I think you have some legit complaints and some of your theories are understandable, but I just put you in check when you blow things out of proportion.

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Originally posted by Molto

first of all let me say this, whether people kiss my ass or not, it doesn't mean a damn thing, for two reasons. 


One, I simply don't care for it


Two, what would be the benefit of kissing my ass?


second, I don't see how Heather simply saying thank you means she's kissing ass.



Ahh, that looks like three reasons to me...


If you ever had your ass actually kissed, you'd know the benefit of it - it feels good...


However, you do deserve the recognition and I am glad that Heather gave it to you. (Heather's post was no ass kissing, it was deserved recognition.) I have watched you guys work on this site for a few years now and it has really gotten to be great. A lot of people talk but you guys actually did it, and you have kept improving it and working on it and tweaking it to make it really good. You've created a great alternative or a great compliment to the MLB message board on the one hand, and on the other hand, you guys have made a great site in and of its own self. I am impressed and I thank you again. Even if you can't count...





By the way, this is my 69th post - a milestone -

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no what I meant is there is no benefit to Heather kissing my ass. I don't mean I hate that, like I said, it is respect adn recognition, but anybody who says that to me or any staff member has no benefits to it.


that is all and thanks again

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol murc.. you got your appreciation when you got your own catagory of threads ......dont we show we love you too by posting on them ????? :D if not then heres a pucker up for you too hon.....

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Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

ok yea yea all of htese guys do their work, but c'mon people who here is the best writer when it comes to posting. ME!!! I think it is time someone made an i appreciate Cy Young Porzio thread


Ha Ha Ha Gary, you may get one of those if we do good work on the airwaves.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn
Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

ok yea yea all of htese guys do their work, but c'mon people who here is the best writer when it comes to posting. ME!!! I think it is time someone made an i appreciate Cy Young Porzio thread


Ha Ha Ha Gary, you may get one of those if we do good work on the airwaves.


O s***! You're putting him on air? :eek

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