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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 05:36 PM)
Are you familiar with how medicare was passed? Social Security? Were you around for them? Many agendas that have affected the country's government, business sector and people have been passed much faster than what will effectively be 3 congressional sessions, and that's if you don't count the debate that ensued during the Presidential election, or the debate 40 years before that. For instance, the patriot act passed in a single congressional session, in fact it passed in about a month. The debate has been long and varied, and has ended up at this bill. Yes, there are reasons to try and finish up legislation before a session ends, especially since apparently the senate can only work on one item at a time, they still need to tackle all the bills that have passed the house.


And if you are wondering why this has to be done now, for one it's because a lot of these issues have been punted on for 20 years, and it's time they be addressed.

Whenever you hear someone say "we should start over" that is code for "scrap the whole thing entirely."

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 05:49 PM)
I can't remember any time that legislation was debated for so long in my life.

The IDEA is being debated, but how many people have even seenthe final bill? And by the time they all finish f***ing with it adding pork and removing ann the compromises they originally put in, even if they HAD seen it before, would it even resemble what they first read?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 08:55 PM)
The IDEA is being debated, but how many people have even seenthe final bill? And by the time they all finish f***ing with it adding pork and removing ann the compromises they originally put in, even if they HAD seen it before, would it even resemble what they first read?


how bout it.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 09:55 PM)
The IDEA is being debated, but how many people have even seenthe final bill? And by the time they all finish f***ing with it adding pork and removing ann the compromises they originally put in, even if they HAD seen it before, would it even resemble what they first read?

Hi Alpha Dog, welcome to legislating, it's not pretty

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 09:55 PM)
The IDEA is being debated, but how many people have even seenthe final bill? And by the time they all finish f***ing with it adding pork and removing ann the compromises they originally put in, even if they HAD seen it before, would it even resemble what they first read?


The Republicans insisted every word be read on the Senate floor actually. Pity none of them stuck around to take notes.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 09:58 AM)
The Republicans insisted every word be read on the Senate floor actually. Pity none of them stuck around to take notes.



And I am fairly certain this is the only bill in the history of the Senate where everyone didn't have an opportunity to read it word for word.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How could anyone actually think this legislation goes too far in controlling costs... lol... its biggest weakness is it really doesn't do anything at all. It doesn't make prices worse but it doesn't make them better either.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 13, 2010 -> 06:30 AM)
How could anyone actually think this legislation goes too far in controlling costs... lol... its biggest weakness is it really doesn't do anything at all. It doesn't make prices worse but it doesn't make them better either.

I can totally see why anyone who is on a plan that would actually hit the Senate's Excise Tax would think that it goes too far.


It does actually take serious steps towards cost control, FWIW, but it's missing perhaps the most effective option; any sort of public competition.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jan 13, 2010 -> 11:01 AM)


This whole thing is a waste of time. GOTTA PASS IT NOW!




SOTU. What bulls***.

Actually there's still a good chance that they'll miss the SOTU as a deadline, as things currently look. The House isn't happy with their compatriots.


The reason to get this done and passed is that there is quite a bit of other legislation that needs to be done. Budget for this year coming up, some sort of jobs bill, a cap and trade bill unless you just want the EPA to impose emissions limits since they already have the statutory authority, finishing approving the other half of Obama's nominees which are still held up, etc.

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Don't forget immygration. We have to make sure we can gerrymander the s*** out of the disctricts for Democrats in 2012.


ETA. Wait, I thought the great stimulus bill was supposed to fix jobs? You mean we need another jobs bill? Wow!


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jan 13, 2010 -> 12:48 PM)
Don't forget immygration. We have to make sure we can gerrymander the s*** out of the disctricts for Democrats in 2012.


ETA. Wait, I thought the great stimulus bill was supposed to fix jobs? You mean we need another jobs bill? Wow!

Quite frankly, yeah, another jobs bill to fix what was gutted from the stimulus would be a nice addition.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 13, 2010 -> 11:51 AM)
Quite frankly, yeah, another jobs bill to fix what was gutted from the stimulus would be a nice addition.



Just create another gov't agency. Walla, 40,000 good paying union jobs, and a bonus comes with it....40,000 democratic votes in perpetuity. :lolhitting

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