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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 09:51 AM)
Don't get me wrong, on Fox there is PLENTY of conservatives, some of which disguise themselves as centrists (like Beck tires to do), but the majority of conservatives are in one spot -- and that's Fox.


I've heard liberals/dems say what that other guy said before -- that the tv media is dominated by the right, and it's just a ridiculous notion. That's all I interjected into this conversation to straighten out...because it needed to be straightened out. Sometimes when you overhear a conversation and someone says something so wrong, you just have to stop and correct it.

And the idea that the TV media is dominated by the left is equally wrong, so I'm stopping and correcting it. You just don't want to be challenged on that.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:52 AM)
I think that was called red-something or other, and yes, it was stupid.


No not Red Eye, that was their attempt at a "hip" late night news show. It was just a bunch of douchebags.


It was "half hour news hour". It was like 30 minutes of painfully bad, incredibly slanted Weekend Update/ TDS. WTF was a 'legitimate' news network doing promoting that garbage?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:53 AM)
And the idea that the TV media is dominated by the left is equally wrong, so I'm stopping and correcting it.


But it is.


When you want a right leaning opinion, what channel do you turn on? FOX. That's IT. Not NBC, not ABC, not CNN, nor CBS. Those *ARE* left leaning stations, so stop pretending otherwise.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:55 AM)
No not Red Eye, that was their attempt at a "hip" late night news show. It was just a bunch of douchebags.


It was "half hour news hour". It was like 30 minutes of painfully bad, incredibly slanted Weekend Update/ TDS. WTF was a 'legitimate' news network doing promoting that garbage?


Red Eye wasn't a news show, it was satire.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 09:55 AM)
But it is.


When you want a right leaning opinion, what channel do you turn on? FOX. That's IT. Not NBC, not ABC, not CNN, nor CBS. Those *ARE* left leaning stations, so stop pretending otherwise.

And what channel do you turn to when you want a left leaning opinion? You watch Olbermann and Maddow, and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. You don't watch anything else on MSNBC, and you don't watch anything else on TV. You might go to PBS if there's a good frontline on. But if you want the left-side equivalent of Fox, you go to the internet, because none of those channels you want to call liberal come anywhere close to being liberal.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:51 AM)
I've heard liberals/dems say what that other guy said before -- that the tv media is dominated by the right, because it's exactly what he said, and it's just a ridiculous notion. That's all I interjected into this conversation to straighten out...because it needed to be straightened out. Sometimes when you overhear a conversation and someone says something so wrong, you just have to stop and correct it.


For an actual liberal, for someone who is actually a socialist or a communist and legitimately dislikes capitalism, for someone who thinks the US has built an imperialist empire, who thinks the government is entirely run by and beholden to big businesses, who thinks that racism and sexism are still pervasive in our society, that the poor and minorities get ignored, that environmentalism is typically ignored and mocked by Democrats, centrists and Republicans, yeah, it's completely dominated by the right. Because, to them, plenty of centrist democrats hold views that would be considered moderate-hard right in a lot of Europe. And Republicans would be raving right-wing loonies.


It's all about political perspective. There is no well-defined middle.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:55 AM)
Red Eye wasn't a news show, it was satire.


Sometimes when you overhear a conversation and someone says something so wrong, you just have to stop and correct it. :unsure:



It was a late night show with comedy, but it wasn't satire.


Contrast with:



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:58 AM)
And what channel do you turn to when you want a left leaning opinion? You watch Olbermann and Maddow, and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. You don't watch anything else on MSNBC, and you don't watch anything else on TV. You might go to PBS if there's a good frontline on. But if you want the left-side equivalent of Fox, you go to the internet, because none of those channels you want to call liberal come anywhere close to being liberal.


LOL is all.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 09:03 AM)
Sometimes when you overhear a conversation and someone says something so wrong, you just have to stop and correct it. :unsure:



It was a late night show with comedy, but it wasn't satire.


Contrast with:




I stand corrected. I never watched Red Eye, so I didn't really know one way or another, but I didn't think it was a serious news show.

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Well, it wasn't "serious" like NBC Nightly News, but it wasn't satire, either. But man, that 1/2 news hour was something especially bad. Watch it some time. It's like they tried really, really hard to do the conservative version of The Daily Show, but completely failed to grasp what TDS actually does. Oh, and also failed to hire comedy writers.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 09:25 AM)
What is the left-wing equivalent of Fox? Even Maddow doesn't advocate outright socialism.


What exactly is Fox advocating? Unbridled capitalism? Both sides need to stop using ridiculous hyperbole. It doesn't come down to which political philosophy either side comes down on, it's how hard do they hit the "other guy" simply because they're the other guy? In that respect, Olbermann and Maddow are equally as extreme as any of the Fox people.


BTW, where was the media covering the biggest racist we've ever elected to office in Byrd? The dude was a KKK member and said he'd rather die a thousand times than fight next to a black man. Good God, imagine if Bush had said something like that in his 20's or 30's. Yeah, most news agencies reported this little tidbit about his past, but NONE spent much time on it. Instead, they focused on the last 40 years of his life, where he apparently repented and had a change of heart. Again, just imagine the firestorm if something like that was said by a Republican.



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Fox pretty clearly advocates a pro-capitalism, pro-conservative viewpoint. Many of their opinion hosts and guests are right-wing (Hannity, Coulter, Beck) You do not see the equivalent of that for the left-wing. Again, don't confuse Democrat with liberal. How often is Kucinich largely mocked by the media? He's the closest to a hard-core liberal I can think of in the Senate.


As for Byrd, every outlet I listened to (NPR, PBS and a couple seconds on CNN) covered that aspect. They reported on his apologies for it, but also pointed out his using "white n*****" a few years ago and his statement that "race problems were largely behind us" or something to that effect. And you know what I saw elsewhere? Liberals glad that this "racist POS" was out of Congress finally.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 08:58 AM)
And what channel do you turn to when you want a left leaning opinion? You watch Olbermann and Maddow, and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. You don't watch anything else on MSNBC, and you don't watch anything else on TV. You might go to PBS if there's a good frontline on. But if you want the left-side equivalent of Fox, you go to the internet, because none of those channels you want to call liberal come anywhere close to being liberal.



Scarborough's co-host just read WHITE house talking points on the air last week and ADMITTED she was in contact with the White House. It waaction was good too.s pretty funny, and Jack Welch's re

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 09:58 AM)
Fox pretty clearly advocates a pro-capitalism, pro-conservative viewpoint. Many of their opinion hosts and guests are right-wing (Hannity, Coulter, Beck) You do not see the equivalent of that for the left-wing. Again, don't confuse Democrat with liberal. How often is Kucinich largely mocked by the media? He's the closest to a hard-core liberal I can think of in the Senate.


As for Byrd, every outlet I listened to (NPR, PBS and a couple seconds on CNN) covered that aspect. They reported on his apologies for it, but also pointed out his using "white n*****" a few years ago and his statement that "race problems were largely behind us" or something to that effect. And you know what I saw elsewhere? Liberals glad that this "racist POS" was out of Congress finally.


Exactly. Just like MSNBC advocates PRO-socialist and PRO-liberal viewpoints. It's the same f'n thing. Fox just found better (more charasmatic) talking heads. That's the only difference.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 11:20 AM)
No, they don't openly advocate for socialism or communism or a whole range of liberal points. You're still conflating Democrats and left-wingers. There really is no mainstream media voice out there advocating far-left-wing views.


What's a "far-left-wing" view in your opinion? What "extreme" view does Fox News advocate?

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Outright socialism or communism. Nationalization of industry. Nationalized health care. Strict carbon caps. Abolition of the capitalist system. Promotion of strong feminist ideals. Complete withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible. Some stories about Mumia Abu-Jamal. More investigation of what the G20/ G8 protests are actually about; discussions of their positions; condemnation of police tactics used against the protesters. Significantly stronger environmental laws. Actual criticism of the Iraq War during 2002 and 2003 instead of cheer-leading. Pushing for charges to be brought against various Bush administration officials for various reasons. Removal of "Under God" and "In God we Trust" from government documents.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 11:36 AM)
What's a "far-left-wing" view in your opinion? What "extreme" view does Fox News advocate?


Glenn Beck often quotes Ezra Taft Benson and Joe Mccarthy. Thats pretty extreme. Considering those people were against civil rights and wanted to round up "communists".



Could you imagine if Maddow went on TV tonight and demanded that the U.S government seize BP and nationalize the oil industry.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2010 -> 12:01 PM)
Outright socialism or communism. Nationalization of industry. Nationalized health care. Strict carbon caps. Abolition of the capitalist system. Promotion of strong feminist ideals. Complete withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible. Some stories about Mumia Abu-Jamal. More investigation of what the G20/ G8 protests are actually about; discussions of their positions; condemnation of police tactics used against the protesters. Significantly stronger environmental laws. Actual criticism of the Iraq War during 2002 and 2003 instead of cheer-leading. Pushing for charges to be brought against various Bush administration officials for various reasons. Removal of "Under God" and "In God we Trust" from government documents.


And you don't think MSNBC is "pro" those types of messages? I mean come on.


You seem to hold one organization to a higher standard than the other. Fox News is awful because it's "pro" certain messages, but MSNBC is fine because it's not advocating the EXTREME views. IMO they both advocate arguments towards those extremes.

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It didn't say that. I said they don't advocate strongly liberal positions, and they don't. MSNBC does not cover a majority of what I listed off the top of my head in any manner. The media, in general, is friendly to the corporate world. Probably because they're a large part of it. That's not a strong liberal position.

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So no one has figured out how your insurance company's requirement to produce a profit results in better health care for you? I wasn't able to figure that out either. Currently insurance companies control what your Doctor, hospital, etc are being paid. Do you believe if your insurance negotiates lower reimbursment rates (increasing their profits) it will cause you to receive better or worse care? If Humana (to pick on one) pays a Doctor $25 per office visit, do you think he's thinking, hey if I offer superior services they will increase what I am getting paid? Or is he thinking, I'm only getting $25 for this patient, but $32 for that one, if I spend less time with the $25 patient I can increase my profitability? After all, profits drive innovation and better care.

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Tex, there's a decent amount of studies that support what you just said. There's a liberal lean in a lot of networks, but they tend to be more socially liberal but conservative economically. Hard-core liberals see the entire media as a puppet of conservative/ corporate interests/ big government. Hard-core conservatives see everyone left of Hannity and Limbaugh as flaming liberals bent on destroying America.

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