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Michael Jackson still dead.

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 11:43 AM)
In what world is that logic? You're own little dreamland?


- He had sleepovers with many little boys.

- Only two claimed he molested them.


Conclusion: They must be liars and he must be innocent b/c obviously he would have molested more than just them.


Wow, talk about someone having their head up their ass. Just because you say it is logic, doesn't mean it is.


And you were trying to compare him to a shoe collector and serial killer. Hey guess what, serial killers/molestors see hundreds of people a day who they don't kill/molest. (Does that mean they really arent b/c they let so many people "go"?) I don't pretend to know how their mind works or functions. But claiming that since he was around X number of little boys and only 2 claimed molestation it must be a lie is asinine. Who knows what people are thinking when they do things they do. But I have a hard time believing a man who often shares beds with little boys and then shells out tens of millions of dollars of hush money if he doesnt have something to hide. The blind defense of this man is disturbing, and it's people like you who make the rest of us laugh.

Well smart guy, I know serial killers don't kill everyone they see but they definitely kill more than one. And if he molested more than one child, why was there no evidence of such. I mean they did go through his house correct? In fact with the first kid, why was his father quoted as saying "If I go through with this, I win big time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever...Michael's career will be over."


I don't know about you, but I would be worried about my child instead of ending someone's career. The blind defense of hearsay is why I laugh.


QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 12:53 PM)
And if you believe its normal for strange men to sleep in the bed with children that are not their own, then you have your head firmly up your ass. Here is a little tidbit, victims of sexual abuse especially children, don't exactly come forward in droves. If you want to see how that works lets review the Catholic Church sex scandal. Are we to believe that kids only recently started to get molested by priests. Oh, no it was actually in the 60s, 70s and 80s when this happened a lot. So why didn't it come out then. Maybe intimidation, maybe shame, maybe fear of confronting someone who is trusted. I don't see too many people thinking its normal for the 45 year old single loner down the block with the comic books, and video games to host sleep overs for the neighborhood kids. But then again, he can't sing and dance and people don't own his albums. Celebrate his talent sure. But there is enough to say something is rotten in Denmark.

I never said it was normal, in fact earlier in this thread I'm pretty sure he never should of had children at his house period. Also, but eventually the stories about the church came out correct? Hell, you mean to tell me that in 16 years that no one else has come out?

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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 04:25 PM)
Michael Jackson is dead...buried...eulogized. Move on.


*shipps moonwalking* We just wanna remember the time...so just beat it...there is no black or white area in mourning...

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 04:56 PM)
Someone mentioned Hitler a page ago. Hitler was probably the most evil person in the history of the world, but at least he didn't molest children.

If he had, would we necessarily know about it?

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What is weird about all this is how upset all the black people were over this when it was painfully obvious that Michael Jackson wanted NOTHING to do with being black.


He turned himself white, he married white, and his kids are white.. I dunno

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 09:45 PM)
What is weird about all this is how upset all the black people were over this when it was painfully obvious that Michael Jackson wanted NOTHING to do with being black.


He turned himself white, he married white, and his kids are white.. I dunno

I wouldn't exactly say he wanted NOTHING to do with being white...

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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 12:01 AM)
Just like the lame angle of race that you just used? Personally I know white, latin & asian people as well as black people who believe the same.


The fact that these parents were fine with just taking some money in a settlement should raise a flag...if it's my kid, I want that f***er in jail. Period. Also, when stories come out about someone molesting them, more people come out & say so. You mean to tell me that if he had all of these kids in his house, that he only molested 2? Give me a f***in' break. That's like saying a serial killer only kills one person or a guy who collects sneakers only has 2 pairs of Air Jordans.


Sounds like sometimes white people blindly defend their opinions too...


Which sounds better to you, a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with no extra money to pay for treatment to help said child figure out his life while Michael Jackson sits in jail, or a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with $15 million to help in the psychological treatment of said child which would leave enough left over for even the most unselfless of people's early retirement while Jackson walks free on the street?


Jackson was an incredible musical talent, but I would be very surprised if people wouldn't take $15 mill over him staying in jail.


He made fantastic music, he was a very messed up man, people should mourn his loss just as much as they mourn anybody else's (if you are to take the good with the bad, I'd say Jackson comes out ahead but not by this much), and then move on. He's gone. RIP.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 9, 2009 -> 05:23 AM)
Which sounds better to you, a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with no extra money to pay for treatment to help said child figure out his life while Michael Jackson sits in jail, or a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with $15 million to help in the psychological treatment of said child which would leave enough left over for even the most unselfless of people's early retirement while Jackson walks free on the street?


Jackson was an incredible musical talent, but I would be very surprised if people wouldn't take $15 mill over him staying in jail.


He made fantastic music, he was a very messed up man, people should mourn his loss just as much as they mourn anybody else's (if you are to take the good with the bad, I'd say Jackson comes out ahead but not by this much), and then move on. He's gone. RIP.


I'd want him dead.

I'd settle for jail. I'd take out loans, hit a credit card, whatever it took to pay for my kid's treatment, but I'd want justice.

I honestly wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I sold my kid out like that. Knowing how the money got there would sicken me.

Of course, I have a daughter, so I don't think I'd have had to make that decision.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jul 9, 2009 -> 06:23 AM)
Which sounds better to you, a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with no extra money to pay for treatment to help said child figure out his life while Michael Jackson sits in jail, or a mentally and emotionally disturbed child with $15 million to help in the psychological treatment of said child which would leave enough left over for even the most unselfless of people's early retirement while Jackson walks free on the street?


Jackson was an incredible musical talent, but I would be very surprised if people wouldn't take $15 mill over him staying in jail.


He made fantastic music, he was a very messed up man, people should mourn his loss just as much as they mourn anybody else's (if you are to take the good with the bad, I'd say Jackson comes out ahead but not by this much), and then move on. He's gone. RIP.


Both actually. First a criminal prosecution, then a civil trial. OJ was 1-1.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 10, 2009 -> 05:34 PM)
Really unsettling pictures from the raid of Neverland Ranch. Guy was clearly a creep, something of a slob, and yes probably, a pedophile. http://www.606studios.com/bendisboard/show...ad.php?t=179292



His house reminded me of a garage sale. Just lots of useless crap that nobody wants.

Edited by Markbilliards
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