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Beckham's Batting Music


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Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I was at the game Wed. night, and when Gordon came up to bat, they played the 80s classic Jessie's Girl. Does he always come out to that song? Is there a reason why or did AJ force it on him? Most people pick something to hype them up like hip hop, metal, or a Latin beat, not 80s hair rock.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 08:55 AM)
Farmer and DJ were talking about this. It seems that it's the song he's come out to since he was in high school, so he asked them to find it here. And supposedly he actually knows the song, knows the album, etc.




Wow I thought it had to be a rookie prank or something. :unsure: :snr

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It is your love. Check out our interview with Gordon Beckham because he talks all about why it is his song. In fact, the quotes below are from our interview with the studly 3B of the Sox:



Why do you have Your Love by The Outfield play when you come to bat?


Great question. Your love by the Outfield is my favorite song. I like to have a song that lights me up inside. I like a song that gets me excited and ready, but keeps me relaxed at the same time. I chose that song when I was a freshman in college and used it for three years. That song has kind of attached itself to me and the University of Georgia. I get messages late at night from friends who hear it in the bar and call me just to tell me it’s on. I’ve walked into places in Athens where they would see me and then play the song. And the girls enjoyed it too. They would actually finish the verse when it would cut off when I stepped into the box. Best of both worlds I guess.

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LMAO...just saw this on CBSsports.com. It's Greg Hardy's spin on a Will Ferrell baseball movie.




...During ballgames, Ferrell uses for his entrance music the opening guitar strumming of The Outfield's Your Love . Everyone else rolls their eyes at this ancient tune, but Ferrell has walked out to it "ever since it hit No. 6 in the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1986." It brings out the demons that fuel his angry Astro Arm....
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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 12:05 PM)
I’ve walked into places in Athens where they would see me and then play the song. And the girls enjoyed it too. They would actually finish the verse when it would cut off when I stepped into the box. Best of both worlds I guess.

You know the dude is just cool when you see that.

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