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What a superstar Albert Pujols is


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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 3, 2009 -> 12:01 PM)
It wouldn't shock me if he does fail a test. It wouldn't shock for 90% of the players in the league. However, until there is a legit reason to say he's guilty, I'm not gonna say he's guilty.


I respect your view, but I don't like to hear how it's completely unfair to assume he's a cheater when he has played in the dirtiest era in the history of the game.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 3, 2009 -> 12:03 PM)
I respect your view, but I don't like to hear how it's completely unfair to assume he's a cheater when he has played in the dirtiest era in the history of the game.


Suspecting him is one thing, but automatically assuming he is, I just think that's crap. Like I said before, it's basically racial profiling, except with baseball players.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 06:03 PM)
I assume nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of the current players in the league used steroids before. However, I'm not gonna say players are definite users because they are good. Statistically, black people commit a high percentage of crimes. So, using your logic, when you see a black person walking down the street, I might as well assume they are a criminal.


What you are basically doing is racial profiling, except instead of races, you are using baseball players and if you're good, you're a steroid user. I guess Jim Thome and Ken Griffey Jr. are obviously PED users.


Also, it's a whole lot easier to prove someone guilty than it is innocent. So I'll stick with the good old way of looking at people innocent until proven guilty. However, if I find news about Pujols being involved with steroid trainers and such, that might all I need to give him a guilty verdict.


However, the only evidence we got is a lot of people have done it, and he's a damn good baseball player. I'm sorry, I'll need a little more than that before I accuse him of steroids.


Did he use steroids? I don't know, maybe he did. However, I don't know and nothing leads me to believe he has.


Did I ever say definite users? Assumption and definitive are two very different things. Not to mention in Pujols case, there have been rumors that he has used, and he hits lots of the things that you mention in your previous post. According to your own standards you should believe he is a user.

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