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Gov. Palin Resigns (Quits)


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Is it just me or does Palin's announcement of her leaving office remind anyone else of McCain's bizarre "I'm suspending my campaign" moment during the 2008 election run-up?


Each share several key components:


* Seems - on the face of it - very bizarre.

* Comes out of the blue

* A quickly arranged almost ad-hoc press conference delivers the news.

* Yet the announcement is pretty much that only - short on filler or any real reason on what he/she concretely hopes to accomplish by doing same.


I'm just saying ... maybe Palin was a good match for McCain. ...

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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Jul 5, 2009 -> 02:26 AM)
I still think she has the best shot at the 2012 GOP Pres. nomination should she enter the race.

Just for someone who doesn't have a great understanding of the Republican Party, who are the major candidates for 2012?


The only names I've heard so far are Palin and Bobby Jindal. Are the likes of Huckabee and Romney going to run again do you think?

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QUOTE (dbaho @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 12:06 PM)
Just for someone who doesn't have a great understanding of the Republican Party, who are the major candidates for 2012?


The only names I've heard so far are Palin and Bobby Jindal. Are the likes of Huckabee and Romney going to run again do you think?


I think Romney has the best shot at winning the nomination. As for Huckabee, he simply doesn't have the funds to run or make a legit run for the nomination.


Palin, as previously stated, is turning into the Hilary Clinton of the GOP. Jindal, I'd say he's gonna be like the John Edwards of the GOP.

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QUOTE (dbaho @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 12:06 PM)
Just for someone who doesn't have a great understanding of the Republican Party, who are the major candidates for 2012?


The only names I've heard so far are Palin and Bobby Jindal. Are the likes of Huckabee and Romney going to run again do you think?


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 3, 2009 -> 11:30 PM)
You plan to have a civil union with your girlfriend instead of a marriage?


No, I'm just one of those crazy homophobe conservatives that believes marriage should be between a man and a woman... Not a man and a woman and a woman and a woman and a woman; or a man and a man; or a woman and a woman; or a man and gorilla; or a woman and horse; etc.


I got no problems letting civil unions have the same tax benefits of marriage.


To be honest, I got no problem with letting states decide for themselves what the definition of marriage is. Let the people decide. But I got a problem with the federal government telling me what marriage is.

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QUOTE (dbaho @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 01:38 PM)
Is he the Minnesota Governor who was almost McCain's running mate?

Yes and for now he's still in good shape. Jindal should recover nicely, he had a hiccup giving the response to Obama's address a few months ago. Mark Sanford was on the short list of possible GOP candidates until he literally screwed himself out of it.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 12:41 PM)
But I got a problem with the federal government telling me what marriage is.


Well they have been saying it is between a man and a woman for over 200 years.

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QUOTE (KipWellsFan @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 11:35 AM)
If the incumbent is relatively popular after 4 years does this historically scare off the top contenders from the other party? Or not really?

There's not a huge number of cases to give you a great sample size, but it varies from time to time, and sometimes you can't tell how strong a field is until the end (Bill Clinton wasn't considered that strong in 1992, for example, until the end)

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Palin's successor, Lt. Gov. Parnell, would like you to know that Sarah Palin is the greatest gift Alaska has ever given the United States.


Apparently Sarah Palin is better than the Alaska Pipeline, better than the greatest protected wildernesses on the planet, better than the Cold War security Alaska's presence provided the nation, and better than anything or anyone else to ever come from Alaska.


So many things to say, I don't know where to begin.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 04:24 PM)
Palin's successor, Lt. Gov. Parnell, would like you to know that Sarah Palin is the greatest gift Alaska has ever given the United States.


Apparently Sarah Palin is better than the Alaska Pipeline, better than the greatest protected wildernesses on the planet, better than the Cold War security Alaska's presence provided the nation, and better than anything or anyone else to ever come from Alaska.


So many things to say, I don't know where to begin.


Was he able to deliver that line with a straight face? That comment is so straight.

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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 11:26 AM)
I still think she has the best shot at the 2012 GOP Pres. nomination should she enter the race.


From what I can tell she really has no chance, and this bizarro move will end what little hope she had.

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The Governor's attorney is now threatening any media organization that even dares to report on the idea that she might have an ethics problem.

Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin’s attorney threatened Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they publish “defamatory” stories relating to whether Palin is under federal investigation.


In an extraordinary four-page letter, Alaska-based attorney Thomas Van Flein warns of severe consequences should speculation that until now has largely been confined to blogs about whether Palin embezzled funds in the construction of a Wasilla, Alaska, sports arena find its way into print.


“This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law,” Van Flein warned, citing Alaska liberal blogger Shannyn Moore.


Much like Palin did in her Facebook statement Saturday, Van Flein savages the news media in his letter.


“Just as power abhors a vacuum, modern journalism apparently abhors any type of due diligence and fact checking before scurrilous allegations are repeated as fact,” the Anchorage attorney wrote.


Neither the Times or the Post made any mention of the embezzlement rumors in their Saturday editions, but sources close to Palin consider the letter a warning shot to stay away from the topic.


In the letter, Van Flein writes: "'The Alaska Constitution protects the right of free speech, while simultaneously holding those "responsible for the abuse of that right.'… These falsehoods abuse the right to free speech; continuing to publish these falsehoods of criminal activity is reckless, done without any regard for the truth, and is actionable."

What better way to get people interested in investigation whether or not there's any legitimate corruption up there than to start threatening the media with lawsuits?
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