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QUOTE (TheBlackSox8 @ Jul 25, 2004 -> 04:58 PM)
Guillermo mota is the guy the sox should look into...dodgers are willing to trade him for a sp or another hitter...he is an excellent set up guy so there would be no problem with him looking to close games.

HA!! would've been nice at the time, but looking back thank god it never came to.

Edited by onedude
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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Feb 20, 2003 -> 06:13 PM)
Let them battle it out in spring training, simple. I think D should be able to win out the job, i think he's got some sleeper potential this year. Keep in mind, he was more hyped than Soriano until his accident. That's not saying he's the next Soriano, not saying that at all. But he's got some talent.


Instead, i'd rather see Harris take over CF for Rowand, especially if Rowand is still banged up from his dirt bike accident, which he probly will be. He won't be 100%, no doubt.

Fire and passion making an appearance.

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QUOTE (greasywheels121 @ Nov 15, 2003 -> 01:47 PM)
When I first got word of the White Sox putting Mags on the market, I was blown away. Just a couple weeks ater being on a White Sox high after bringing back Ozzie and thinking of the possibilities of the 2004 season, we find out that we're going to trade away what could be our next big franchise player. I found it to be a real stab in the back from JR. I'm so tired of his tight wadding of money etc.

He complains that he will not spend money on players etc., until people start coming to the games. We were one game short of breaking 2 million in attendance this year. That's really not too bad in my eyes. Does he really expect we'd come anywhere close to that mark in attendance if our starting lineup consists of (nothing against these guys) but Miles, Harris, Borchard, and Wright? It just seems we're starting one of our infamous rebuilding stages, once again.


I was a bit negative in my first post.

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my first post:


"personally, I was excited that Aaron Miles had a shot and I hope he gets called up soon. Just wondering what you all think. I don't think we needed 3 catchers at all."


jesus, yeah 3 catchers and they all sucked.

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I'm pretty sure this is mine. It was in a thread about Kittle's book where Kittle said some bad things about Bonds as a teammate.




"I generally don't like when people complain about someone not signing autographs, but I have to. I was at a Sox spring game this year, and after the game (it was at Oakland's home stadium) there were maybe 30 Sox fans waiting for the players next to the bus. Konerko walked out (full uniform - didn't play in the game) and got on the bus without even glancing at the fans. He was, maybe, the fifth guy out, so he had to wait on the bus for everyone who played to shower, etc. Totally "big-timed" the fans. I wasn't looking for autographs, just trying to get my 5 year interested in baseball. He got a few from minor leaguers, so it didn't really make a difference, but I just kind of thought PK was a jerk. Sorry, had to vent."


Well, my kid's not too interested in baseball. Must be Paulie's fault.

Edited by Middle Buffalo
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Steff started a thread in 2004 about upcoming renovations to the stadium:

Guys.. I was able to get my hands on a copy of the agreement. I started to read over it, but it's pretty thick. The bond info is pretty complicated, but there is a section detailing the renovations. I left it at home, but what I remember is a new out of town scoreboard, a new TV media deck, and additional LF seating. I will bring it tomorrow - or do it tonight depending on what time I get home - and post some more of the details. One thing I did find interesting is that the agreement does not name JR or any of the main Sox investors at all. And that the ISA has a committee that operates out of offices at Comiskey park. To me that looks like JR, or anyone else directly involved with the Sox does not have as much to do with this "agreement" as some might have thought. Interesting to say the least...


My Response:

Those are the renovations being made THIS off season (2003-2004)? Or are those the ones that will be made after the 2004 season? It seems to me like all of that is going to be done THIS off season. Do you have any info on what will be done NEXT off season?


PS: I am new to this board, so be nice to the rookie. lol


SuperSteve Welcomes Me Warmly:

Hey, f*** you man. You should go the f*** away. You are so damn stupid. Shut the f*** up, dumbass.

Haha, just playing. Welcome aboard. cheers.gif

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Here's mine:


QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 02:27 PM)
I don't think anything is "wrong" with Kenny Williams per se. I think he's just an average GM who caught lightning in a bottle in 2005 when the entire pitching staff pitched out of their minds, and it took a while for it to catch up with him. And also just plain bad luck plays a role.


Not too asshatical of a statement, just a more-than-usual pessimistic tone considering it was during the 2007 offseason. I still believe it. Kenny's not a particularly special GM, just an aggressive one who had the stars (fortunately) align for him perfectly one year. Having a s*** season in 2007 wasn't entirely his fault, either (Erstad signing and subsequent starting job notwithstanding).

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