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Grief over celebrity deaths


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All these memorials and tributes to MJ got me wondering if there is a celebrity whose death I would grieve over. As a kid, I was stunned when Thurmon Munson died and later in life I was stunned and pissed when Stevie Ray Vaughn died. I love baseball and music, but I didn't cry, send flowers or want to view the bodies.

How about you? Who has it been, or who would it be?

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Frank Zappa was probably the big one for me when he died. The grief was compounded because he died in slow motion and very publicly from prostate cancer and I watched it happen over the course of a couple of years. The man was such a driven workaholic and he was literally racing death to complete Yellow Shark and Phase III Civilization (among other projects) before he died (he lived to see the release of Yellow Shark but not Phase III).


He did a very candid Playboy interview a few months before he died and he was very matter-of-fact about his imminent passing - people get sick, sometimes they get better and sometimes they don't. His big lament was that his pain was such that he could only work a couple of hours a day rather than the 16 hours a day he'd do when he was healthy.


Even before he died, I know I choked up when I saw the photo of FZ on the Yellow Shark CD cover when it was released. Wasted away to almost nothing, with so much left undone.




Then, seeing him on his last tv interview. . . with full ancient swami beard and barely enough strength to speak. Heartbreaking.


I watched the same thing play out with George Harrison and Warren Zevon, but Frank hit me much harder. He had lots more music left to create.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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The only one that can come to mind for me that actually had me bummed was when Chris Benoit died. Even more so when the details came out about the situation.


Like J4L, the only one I could see hitting me hard would be Michael Jordan. But who really knows, ya know?

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QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 11:04 PM)
All these memorials and tributes to MJ got me wondering if there is a celebrity whose death I would grieve over. As a kid, I was stunned when Thurmon Munson died and later in life I was stunned and pissed when Stevie Ray Vaughn died. I love baseball and music, but I didn't cry, send flowers or want to view the bodies.

How about you? Who has it been, or who would it be?


My Fiances uncle (yankee fan) grieved over Munson's Death when he was a kid. I actually went with him to visit Munson's grave. We were in Ohio for a complete sports trip, so that was just part of the week.

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Jeez, I'm old enough to remember the Kennedys and Martin Luther King getting assassinated. Those deaths hit hard, but John Lennon's murder was a real shock. I was especially hurt by his death. When Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix died those deaths bothered me quite a bit, too and they were all within a few years. And later Keith Moon. But none were especially shocking. If I'm not mistaken Janis, Jim and Jimi were 27 years old. That's so frickin' young.

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I was affected very hard by the death of Bernie Mac. It took me a couple weeks to get over it, and I still find myself depressed over his death every once in a while.


Another death that bothered me was John Ritter.


Plus Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge of Public Enemy, Ric Rude, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, and Bam Bam Bigelow.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 06:18 AM)
I can't imagine getting that depressed over a celebrity death.

I don't know any celebrities personally, so my feeling is never more than a general sadness for their families.


What he said. And in a companion thought, never cry over something that can't cry for you.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 07:33 AM)
What he said. And in a companion thought, never cry over something that can't cry for you.


What if your poor kid was born without tear ducts? Did you ever once think about that??!?






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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 06:18 AM)
I can't imagine getting that depressed over a celebrity death.

I don't know any celebrities personally, so my feeling is never more than a general sadness for their families.

Me three. There is truth in what Donne wrote about "each man's death diminishes me," but I don't understand how people can get worked up to the point of tears over total strangers they know only through TV. Sad for their families? Sure. Disappointed at being deprived of their future artitistic contributions? OK. Upset over the injustice of the "good" dying young? I can see that. But these people being shown in hysterics over the "King of Pop" need to either get a life or find a more constructive way to earn their 15 minutes of televised fame. This is not an assassinated President, and all that that symbolically represents. This is a pop singer whose unorthodox lifestyle undoubtedly contributed to his own demise. I know I shouldn't judge, but I just don't get it.



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I found out about Derrick Thomas dieing on the radio while I was getting into my car to go home after basketball practice in high school and that hit me pretty hard. I still remember exactly where I was at that moment. I took a few minutes before I drove home. He was my favorite NFL player ever and it shook me. Can't really think of any other celebrity/athlete that bothered me. Steve Irwin dieing sucked a lot because I respected and admired all the work he did so much, but nothing has "hit me" quite like when DT passed away. (as far as celeb deaths that is)

Edited by ChiSox_Sonix
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Chris Farley


At 15 years old, and loving Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, and his characters on SNL, Waynes World, WW2, etc etc, everything Farley, it blew my mind and I was pretty sad about it.

Edited by Steve9347
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The think the one that hit me the hardest wasn't a regular celeb, but when the Challenger blew up. Especially the teacher on the mission had been so personalized to the US, you really felt like she was your teacher. I was in 7th grade at the time, so I wasn't ready for something like that, and had no idea of the risks of space travel. I remember well the emotion of John Lennons murder, but was too young to understand it. I think the biggest one that would hit me would be Paul McCartney, as he, and the Beatles music, have been such a part of my life for my entire life now.

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Paul and Sheila Wellstone hit me really hard. It was just so unexpected. So sad that two people who had done so much for their state and country to die so suddenly.


Paul McCartney will be rough. And Elton John. Hillary Clinton too.

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Jim Henson hit me pretty hard. The Muppets were such a huge and important part of my upbringing.


And sorry Tex, PSFJ and Critic, I shed a tear. I never met Jim Henson but he was in my house everyday for many years teaching me and making me laugh. And still does to this day.

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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 10:37 AM)
Jim Henson hit me pretty hard. The Muppets were such a huge and important part of my upbringing.


And sorry Tex, PSFJ and Critic, I shed a tear. I never met Jim Henson but he was in my house everyday for many years teaching me and making me laugh. And still does to this day.

I was only speaking for myself. People feel what they feel, and it's all valid. I just don't make that connection with people I don't know personally - that certainly doesn't make me right.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 08:32 AM)
Chris Farley


At 15 years old, and loving Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, and his characters on SNL, Waynes World, WW2, etc etc, everything Farley, it blew my mind and I was pretty sad about it.


I was the same way. The guy was my f***ing hero and I almost cried when I heard he passed. Later on I learned this should have not been such a surprise death cause the dude was just out of control. But I still miss him, he made me laugh harder than any other human being ever.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 11:56 AM)
I was only speaking for myself. People feel what they feel, and it's all valid. I just don't make that connection with people I don't know personally - that certainly doesn't make me right.


I don't either, for the most part. But there are certain people, for whatever reason, that I do connect to. Actually, I think Jim Henson was the only one. I certainly didn't make a shrine for him or sob uncontrollably, but it was a horrible day considering what he did for so many children...and his legacy continues with my son, who loves watching re-runs of the Muppet Show on DVD.

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QUOTE (SHIPPS @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 11:57 AM)
I was the same way. The guy was my f***ing hero and I almost cried when I heard he passed. Later on I learned this should have not been such a surprise death cause the dude was just out of control. But I still miss him, he made me laugh harder than any other human being ever.

Yeah, same here. You should read "The Chris Farley Show", if you haven't.

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not sure if any really would affect me that much. Jordan would just make me reminisce a lot about what he did on the court. I think if a president got assassinated it would affect me the most, probably not to tears, but it's such a symbolic position for our country, it would be the worst of it.

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