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If you're innocent...


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most of those records - if not all other than what is introduced at trial - would be confidential so they must be concerned with leaks, which are almost inevitable in a high profile case.


Double and triple hearsay is not admissable but can be in police reports and could include descriptions of what type of sexual acts were performed and how (picture, for example, Kobe in a baby bonnet saying, "give it to me Mama") or that some substance enhancers were present at the scene or things of that nature, or that someone bragged about things afterwards or preplanned - or maybe that Kobe is the smallest basketball player in NBA history - or failed to engage his equipment until he got violent - or that Kobe discussed his wife in any way -


the concern would not be over the trial as all that is subject to judicial instructions and orders but the damage to endor$ement$ could be even more deadly than the charge itself, or leave Kobe open to ridicule.


An innocent person as we presume he is legally can still want all records sealed because of the embarrassment factor that is in those reports and documents, things that do not pertain to guilt or innocence but very private and/or graphic and/or just - private - or damaging heresay the public would devour.

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I have now finally formed my opinion and I believe that based on what I've heard thus far, Kobe is innocent and she is looking for stardom.


I also heard on the radio that she's now wavering and may drop the charges. Then again Kobe may just settle with her out of court (if thats an option; I have no idea) soley so this thing could die.

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I have now finally formed my opinion and I believe that based on what I've heard thus far, Kobe is innocent and she is looking for stardom. 


I also heard on the radio that she's now wavering and may drop the charges.  Then again Kobe may just settle with her out of court (if thats an option; I have no idea) soley so this thing could die.

I've heard nothing but the opposite. :huh:


No idea if the case can be dropped. It's the state of Colorado versus Kobe Bryant, not the "victim" versus Kobe so I would say no. CK.. any thoughts on that?

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you didn't ask me but...


it is the State vs K Bryant and she cannot "drop" criminal charges -


she may also file a civil suit against Bryant for damages and that is what she can settle with him


I am sure tremendous pressure plus the normal victim's remorse would be working on her - almost every victim of sexual assault has a "I just want to forget it and have it go away" phase


if - IF - Bryant has offered to "settle" with her prior to her even filing a civil suit, then whatever happened must be very, very interesting. That is hush money.


our opinions on his guilt or innocence are meaningless in that none of us are in possession of the facts but only what we have "heard" from others with no possession of the facts

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Both Steff and cw are right -- she has no say at this point. The charges have been made, and it's now up to the state of CO to procede. She can't drop anything. Although, if she were to come forward and say "I'm making it all up", then that would probably be a different story. I doubt that will happen, though.

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Both Steff and cw are right -- she has no say at this point.  The charges have been made, and it's now up to the state of CO to procede.  She can't drop anything.  Although, if she were to come forward and say "I'm making it all up", then that would probably be a different story.  I doubt that will happen, though.

Well if she said that then she'd be pressed for filing a false police report and all that stuff or at least I think thats what would happen.


If thats the case then the radio station I heard about here wavering is full of crap cause there would be no point of her wavering cause she has no options and the only thing that could happen is her getting busted for making false accuasations.


Just heard on ESPN that the case won't be settled till next year.

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Just heard on ESPN that the case won't be settled till next year.

once charges are filed, as they were last week, there is a time line in each state - depends on statotory requirments, state court rules, etc., and includes discovery, pretrial conferance, etc.


Each side has time to examine the witnesses of the othes in trial prep, as witnesses must be disclosed - and review the evidence of the other side - and have time to gets its own evidence, i.e., independent analysis of evidence, etc.


pretrial motions will be par: dismiss because of pre trial publicity, change of venue, etc., motions is limine to exclude evidence or get rulings on the admissibility of evidence and rulings on right to introduce prior acts on Kobe's part and the victim's part -


defense has to evaluate its hand and opt for jury or non jury trial - and if jury trial, defense and prosecution both need time to submit jury instructions to the judge and argue about what those will be - as well as the number of pre-empt challenges each side gets on jury pick - then jury picks itself which can take a day or two weeks - after weeks of each side investigating the answers to questioneers submitted by potential jurors -


briefs will be written on each item above


being July, next year would be a very safe bet for the trial.


And look at the Chris Webber case (UM fan note: he was guilty as hell). All the pretrial motions and then on the cusp of jury selection, a plea to a lesser charge.


It is a dance, a minute (min-u-ette, the French dance), a waltz, it is not a mad dash to trial - neither side wants that, and in this case I suspect the defense sure doesn't, based on how defense atty's handle these things. Time is needed to prepare every possible defense.

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