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Questions for pitching prospect Dan Remenowsky


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What pitches do you throw?


What was the draft experience like for you not seeing your name called? And how did that affect you and your game/work ethic/hunger?


Favourite team growing up?


Favourite players growing up?


Anyone who you model your game after?


Have the organisation given you any plans for the future or timetables for your progression?


What do you think is the main thing that you need to work on?


How did you find the transition from college to pro ball and what was the most difficult adjustment for you?

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Judging by pictures of you, you seem to have an unorthodox approach and a very high leg kick. How do you feel this has helped you? Do you think it makes the ball tougher for hitters to pick up? How did you develop your approach?


What is your arm angle when you pitch (overhand, 3/4, sidearm, submarine)?


What is your fastball like? Velocity? Movement?


You have a tremendous K rate. What has been your go to pitch for most of those strikeouts?

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What has been your favorite stadium to play in so far?


Have you met any of the Sox players on the big club? What were those experiences like?


Name an obscure fact about your life that people would find interesting.


You dominated pitching in your college conference for four years, but some of your numbers dropped off a bit your senior year. Do you think that is why you weren't drafted? Was there an injury, or change of approach, that caused that?


What is the weirdest thing you've seen happen on the baseball field?


What area of your game are you most interested in trying to improve on?


Can you describe in more detail your signing experience? Did you get a chance to talk with Doug Laumann or any other Sox staff when they were watching you in independent ball?


Do you like to hit?


What aspect of your pitching are you most proud of?


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Throwing in some just-for-fun questions...


--Favorite film:


--Favorite baseball team growing up:


--What sort of music do you listen to?


--If you could be a position player, what position would you want to play?


--Any advice for other college players who didn't get drafted but still think they can make it to the bigs?


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