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McD's guy is Scotty Bowman, yes? Well, as much as I love Dale Tallon for the years he has given to this organization, Scotty Bowman is better. I don't know enough about Stan Bowman, but if he is half the hockey guy as his father, he'll be twice the GM Dale was.


Check out the Trib today for Dale's 5 best and 5 worst things he's done. I think the 5 worst outweigh the 5 best, by a lot.

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QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 03:24 PM)
Is it possible Tallon lied to Havlat?? He doesn't seem the type who would but ya never know I guess.

Here's my guess: Tallon told Havlat that the organization really likes him and wants to keep him around as he's an integral part of the squad. When negotations came around, Tallon was told by the guys up top that they don't want Havlat on a long-term deal, Talon conveyed that to Havlat, Havlat got pissed, and Tallon took the fall. Now, Havlat is up in arms about it.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 03:34 PM)
Here's my guess: Tallon told Havlat that the organization really likes him and wants to keep him around as he's an integral part of the squad. When negotations came around, Tallon was told by the guys up top that they don't want Havlat on a long-term deal, Talon conveyed that to Havlat, Havlat got pissed, and Tallon took the fall. Now, Havlat is up in arms about it.

Yeah that's probably more the case...

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When a new group comes in, they want their own people in charge. Its not a big surprise they didn't want a guy in charge who really didn't do much until he got lucky on Toews and Kane. Give me the Bowmans anyday. Just look what they built in Detroit. If they can build something half as good here, it will be better than anything many people have seen in their lifetimes.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 08:52 PM)
Give me the Bowmans anyday. Just look what they built in Detroit.

Scotty Bowman is sure getting a lot of credit for shared work done with Murray, Devellano, and Holland. Stan Bowman's getting a lot of credit for being a f*** trophy.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 16, 2009 -> 12:07 PM)
Scotty Bowman is sure getting a lot of credit for shared work done with Murray, Devellano, and Holland. Stan Bowman's getting a lot of credit for being a f*** trophy.


Which is still more than Tallon has ever done.

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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 08:33 PM)
McD's guy is Scotty Bowman, yes? Well, as much as I love Dale Tallon for the years he has given to this organization, Scotty Bowman is better. I don't know enough about Stan Bowman, but if he is half the hockey guy as his father, he'll be twice the GM Dale was.


Check out the Trib today for Dale's 5 best and 5 worst things he's done. I think the 5 worst outweigh the 5 best, by a lot.

I couldn't disagree more. Just because a guy's name is Bowman he still has to prove himself. I just don't understand all this Tallon hate. Do people forget how long this team was beyond abysmal? Tallon did a very good job. As far as his five worst moves being so much worse than his five best, I can't see that either. It has been said by several sources that worst move number one was actually the responsibility of the man that replaced him. I say that not to absolve Tallon of the blame he deserves but to put things in a little perspective. If you've worked for a while then you know that sometimes it doesn't matter if you're good at your job or not when a new team comes in. McDonough for all his supposed marketing genius comes across to me as very arrogant and thin skinned. It won't matter one whit if the Hawks end their long Stanley Cup drought. Personally I think they are still a little short, and if they should happen to meet the Penguins in the finals next year, the result will be the same as in 1992. Edited by SI1020
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QUOTE (SI1020 @ Jul 16, 2009 -> 01:02 PM)
I couldn't disagree more. Just because a guy's name is Bowman he still has to prove himself. I just don't understand all this Tallon hate. Do people forget how long this team was beyond abysmal? Tallon did a very good job. As far as his five worst moves being so much worse than his five best, I can't see that either. It has been said by several sources that worst move number one was actually the responsibility of the man that replaced him. I say that not to absolve Tallon of the blame he deserves but to put things in a little perspective. If you've worked for a while then you know that sometimes it doesn't matter if you're good at your job or not when a new team comes in. McDonough for all his supposed marketing genius comes across to me as very arrogant and think skinned. It won't matter one whit if the Hawks end their long Stanley Cup drought. Personally I think they are still a little short, and if they should happen to meet the Penguins in the finals next year, the result will be the same as in 1992.


It would be different if Scotty wasn't involved in this organization as well. I do agree that the Hawks aren't quite there yet. You are not going to be a Cup Winner with Christobal Huet as your netminder.

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QUOTE (SI1020 @ Jul 16, 2009 -> 01:02 PM)
I couldn't disagree more. Just because a guy's name is Bowman he still has to prove himself. I just don't understand all this Tallon hate. Do people forget how long this team was beyond abysmal? Tallon did a very good job. As far as his five worst moves being so much worse than his five best, I can't see that either. It has been said by several sources that worst move number one was actually the responsibility of the man that replaced him. I say that not to absolve Tallon of the blame he deserves but to put things in a little perspective. If you've worked for a while then you know that sometimes it doesn't matter if you're good at your job or not when a new team comes in. McDonough for all his supposed marketing genius comes across to me as very arrogant and thin skinned. It won't matter one whit if the Hawks end their long Stanley Cup drought. Personally I think they are still a little short, and if they should happen to meet the Penguins in the finals next year, the result will be the same as in 1992.


I wasn't saying that his name is Bowman so he has to be better. I'm saying Scotty is a better hockey mind than Tallon and if his son is like him, then he will be better than Tallon too. At the end of the season, the proof is in the pudding that's in the Stanley Cup. If the team doesn't get over the hump, then Stan should get the same scrutiny. I love me some Dale Tallon...just not as the GM.

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QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 01:51 PM)
I heard on the Score the Hawks knew about the injury before even signing Hossa... WTF not keep Havlat then??


I love the Blackhawks but since McDonough has been the President, the hawks took on a cub identity. We have signed Campbell and Huet on big deals just to make a splash and now Hossa to make another splash even though he is hurt. I dont mind the hawks spending but be wise. Cubs have Soriano, Bradley, Fukudome on big deals but no wins. Hope the hawks dont become like the cubs.


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QUOTE (bulokis @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 02:38 PM)
I love the Blackhawks but since McDonough has been the President, the hawks took on a cub identity. We have signed Campbell and Huet on big deals just to make a splash and now Hossa to make another splash even though he is hurt. I dont mind the hawks spending but be wise. Cubs have Soriano, Bradley, Fukudome on big deals but no wins. Hope the hawks dont become like the cubs.

If becoming more "Cub-like" includes spending to the cap, gaining a ton of fans, selling out every game, being within a few wins of being in the SCF and signing talented free agents then I'm all for it. It's fun to actually see the team make moves to be successful and show that they give a s***. Beats developing talent like Roenick, Cheli, Sullivan, Belfour, etc and then trading them away when the big contract came up while not being able to watch them on tv and filling 1/3rd of the arena.


People need to relax with the Cub comparisons. Yes, McDonough worked for the Cubs. Guess what? He was mainly their marketing guy there. The 2 years he was president he took them from a cellar dweller team to a team nearly in the World Series. The guy obviously has to have some clue as to what he is doing. Anyways, I'll take John any day over Pully, Dollar Bill, Braindead Dale and the rest of the old crew.

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QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 06:40 PM)
People need to relax with the Cub comparisons. Yes, McDonough worked for the Cubs. Guess what? He was mainly their marketing guy there.


Not to mention he's actually a white sox fan.

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QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Jul 22, 2009 -> 06:40 PM)
If becoming more "Cub-like" includes spending to the cap, gaining a ton of fans, selling out every game, being within a few wins of being in the SCF and signing talented free agents then I'm all for it. It's fun to actually see the team make moves to be successful and show that they give a s***. Beats developing talent like Roenick, Cheli, Sullivan, Belfour, etc and then trading them away when the big contract came up while not being able to watch them on tv and filling 1/3rd of the arena.


People need to relax with the Cub comparisons. Yes, McDonough worked for the Cubs. Guess what? He was mainly their marketing guy there. The 2 years he was president he took them from a cellar dweller team to a team nearly in the World Series. The guy obviously has to have some clue as to what he is doing. Anyways, I'll take John any day over Pully, Dollar Bill, Braindead Dale and the rest of the old crew.




I don't care who is leading. This whole winning some f***ing games philosophy the Hawks have adapted the last couple of years is a nice change from the prior 10 years.

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