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Official 2009-2010 NHL Thread

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 07:48 PM)
BTW, the press conference is up on CBH.com, and I pulled the Huet stuff.


Dale, there has been so much talk about your goaltending, are you ready to say Christobal is your guy and ready to move forward?


Dale:Well, we have great young assets in Antii and Crawford and Fallon, and Richards so you know we want to build from within, Cristobal had a good year for us, and I expect bigger and better things from him moving forward, as I said, we are going to look at every possible situation to make are team better, and we have a lot of confidence in our young goaltenders, we have a lot of depth in that position, and they have paid the price in the minors the last few seasons, and we have a lot of confidence in their abilities.


The next question was about Nik, and he said they were on the phone with him today trying to work something out, and just couldn't get it done, so obviously they were looking at other options.....

He's definitely on the block. I am not sure that is smart though. Niemi and Crawford didn't really post great numbers in the minors, although high GAA is not always a goalies fault (bad defense is just as responsible IMO). This team is much better with Huet in goal instead of one of the youngsters.

Edited by maggsmaggs
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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 08:21 PM)
Hossa/Toews /Byfuglien














I do think however Steeger could be moved and you see Fraser back into the lineup, Kopecky moving up to the 3rd line.

I like those lines....I would actually like to see them pair Campbell with Seabrook though. Put your weak D with one of your stronger D.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 08:21 PM)
Hossa/Toews /Byfuglien














I do think however Steeger could be moved and you see Fraser back into the lineup, Kopecky moving up to the 3rd line.

I think Skille is gonna challenge for a spot, maybe even Beach. Quality depth is a great problem to have.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Steeger moved... but Buf would have to be the right move. If they get him to continue playing like he did at the end and through the playoffs by getting his big ass in front of the net. He will be huge for this team.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 08:28 PM)
Totally agree. See above post.

I really think they need to add a top goalie prospect. I am not sold on Niemi or Crawford, so I wouldn't mind seeing Steegs or Buff, rather Steegs however, traded for a net prospect.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 09:41 PM)
I wish Marty nothing but the best. He did seem like an overall good guy, and played his ass off for the Hawks last season.


With that said, Hossa>>>>>>>Havlat


I'd like to see Marty do well, but his history tells me that he will probably go back to playing 50-60 games a year and being injury prone.

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What a great day for the Hawks, wow. It appears they are in Kenny Williams mode for the 2009-2010 season, win now or bust. I just hope they can keep Keith, Toews, and Kane next summer. I agree with those who have pointed out Buff or Steeger might be gone soon too, there are several good young (cheaper) players knocking on the door. That's how they do it in Detroit and hopefully the Hawks can continue to replenish the system as young players come up to the big club and get a similar revolving door in place.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 02:14 PM)
Here is the breakdown of the Hossa contract. Hawks only take on a 5.2 million dollar cap hit on the deal.


2009-10 -- $7.9 million

2010-11 -- $7.9 million

2011-12 -- $7.9 million

2012-13 -- $7.9 million

2013-14 -- $7.9 million

2014-15 -- $7.9 million

2015-16 -- $7.9 million

2016-17 -- $4 million

2017-18 -- $1 million

2018-19 -- $1 million

2019-20 -- $750,000

2020-21 -- $750,000

So next season are we actually having a cap hit of 7.9M or 5.2M for Hossa against the cap?


Losing Khabibulin is a blow, and I wonder if Tallon is going to try and jump in the Gustaffson (know I didn't spell that right) negotiations right now.


With Huet, I think the Caps could still be a possibility as a trading partner, but we may have to take Jose Theodore back.


The Madden signing is a good one, he'll be a beast on the 3rd line.


As for Campbell, I'd also be talking to Atlanta about him, as they were pretty hot after him when we signed him. I wonder what Rick Dudley (now their assistant GM) thinks of him though.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 03:44 PM)
Hossa has a 5.2 million dollar cap hit for the entire contract. By year 8, he probably retires, meaning the Hawks are clear of the rest of the contract. That 4 million dollars is probably the last year he plays.

Well then the Hawks certainly did well on that deal then. Paying 5M a season to a proven 40 goal scorer who has shown that he can also stay healthy is pretty good business indeed.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 08:21 PM)
Hossa/Toews /Byfuglien












Toews and Hossa on the same line gives me chills of excitement. Do you really think they break up Ladd and Bolland? I could see Sharp or Kane being the Havlat for a Ladd-Bolland Line.


I think seeing what they could get for steeger would be very smart if they feel good about Skille, and I hope they do feel good about him. It is looking very nice, I like that checking line and I know there are still some unknowns but will the hawks just let Brouwer go?

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 07:33 AM)
So, um, not to rain on everyone's parade, but who is going to be in goal for the Hawks? I'll puke if the answer in Cambell.

We'd be in big trouble if Brian Campbell were going to be in goal for us.


Cristobal Huet will be the starting goaltender, and he'll be fine.



A few comments...


1) John Madden - This is a GREAT signing. The Blackhawks gained a very dependable centerman in this deal and a big step up from Mr. Mono.


2) Marian Hossa - You know things are working in the braintrust of this team when we can work out a deal for Hossa that counts as a $5.2 mill hit against the cap, while an injury risk and nowhere near as good a player in Gaborik is counting as 7.5 against the cap.


3) Marty Havlat - He's getting $5 per against the cap. Given the games played and guarantee that Hossa is, what a difference in talent for a $200k cap hit. Also, Marty, I loved you, but you can't be talking crap about the Hawks. They stuck with you when they could have traded you. We needed a goal-scorer and we got one of the best. Sorry man.


4) Tomas Kopecky - I think this was a tandem signing to get Hossa, a couple of Slovakian boys, but Kopecky will actually be a useful player... though I hope he doesn't take away from Burrish.


Overall, the Hawks have already had the best off-season of any team. Now they need to work on Huet's glove-side and we'll be alright!

Edited by Steve9347
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I have to admit Im come of a bandwagon fan and was just getting into the blackhawks this last season, that being said Havlat was probably my favorite player so its kind of sad to see him go. Are we going to be able to keep the core of this team together with Huet and Campbell's huge contracts working against us?

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 08:37 AM)
We'd be in big trouble if Brian Campbell were going to be in goal for us.


Cristobal Huet will be the starting goaltender, and he'll be fine.


I meant dude behind Bulin and Huet last year. Was awful in his few minutes in the playoffs.

Edited by Brian
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