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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 11:44 AM)
If we can get ourselves off of fossil fuel energy and on to renewable energy, then ending battles over water is a simple matter of building more solar plants.

You completely lost me there. What does solar power have to do with water?


EDIT: knightni saves the day

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 11:44 AM)
De-desalinization plants?

As far as I know, those are highly inefficient in their current iteration. Doesn't mean they can't improve though. In any case, yet another reason to develop these new power sources.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 11:41 AM)
As I've said before, 50 years from now, when oil is less of an issue, the battles over fresh water will make the battles over oil look tame.


Kevin Costner agrees:



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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 09:54 AM)
As far as I know, those are highly inefficient in their current iteration. Doesn't mean they can't improve though. In any case, yet another reason to develop these new power sources.

They're highly inefficient because they take an enormous amount of electricity. The problem with that is you can only do things where electricity is plentiful. If you can generate clean, cheap energy without using up your source of that energy (aka, the sun), then you're set.


Also, more intelligent usage of water, reclaiming water from sewage, and so on make most of your water problems go away as well. Unless either you allow CO2 to hit 450+ ppm or you decide you want to process oil shale.

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30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular:


1. Abortion should be legalized.


2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted.


3. The Bible is a book of lies.


4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded.


5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits.


6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives.


7. God didn't create man, Man created god.


8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes.


9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed.


10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops.


11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence.


12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools.


13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools.


14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races.


15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge.


16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines.


17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do.


18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets.


19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes.


20. Rich people need to pay more taxes.


21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood.


22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States.


23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time.


24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed.


25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences.


26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco.


27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this.


28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive.


29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools.


30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.



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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 09:34 PM)
So I just had a pretty hateful statement written until I realized I'm drunk as s*** and don't need to be posting right now.


I had 8 beers in 6 hours tonight and drove home fine, but according to the law, I'm pretty sure I would have blown over a .08, which means I legally drove drunk tonight even though I was fine.


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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular:


1. Abortion should be legalized.


2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted.


3. The Bible is a book of lies.


4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded.


5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits.


6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives.


7. God didn't create man, Man created god.


8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes.


9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed.


10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops.


11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence.


12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools.


13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools.


14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races.


15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge.


16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines.


17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do.


18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets.


19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes.


20. Rich people need to pay more taxes.


21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood.


22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States.


23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time.


24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed.


25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences.


26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco.


27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this.


28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive.


29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools.


30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.

You are a very conservative person
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I took a sex-ed class in college and felt the wrath of an angry female when I expressed the following opinion: I think most girls who say they've been "date raped" really just got drunk and did something they regretted the following day. I'm not saying date rape doesn't happen, but I think it's incredibly unfair to a guy who hooks up with a girl who's had too much to drink that he might later be accused of rape because the girl wasn't using her best judgement. And, no, I've never been accused of this, nor do I know anyone who has been accused.





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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular:


1. Abortion should be legalized.


2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted.


3. The Bible is a book of lies.


4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded.


5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits.


6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives.


7. God didn't create man, Man created god.


8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes.


9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed.


10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops.


11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence.


12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools.


13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools.


14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races.


15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge.


16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines.


17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do.


18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets.


19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes.


20. Rich people need to pay more taxes.


21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood.


22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States.


23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time.


24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed.


25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences.


26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco.


27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this.


28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive.


29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools.


30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.

Tell us how you really feel.


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I think the Amendment mandating term-limits for Presidents should be repealed. (I've thought this since the Bush and Clinton years)

I think hunting for reasons other than food, population control or necessary clothing is stupid.

States should be allowed to make their own laws regarding drugs (i.e. marijuana).

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Wow... I agree with a lot of these.


QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 06:55 PM)
30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular:


1. Abortion should be legalized.


2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted.


3. The Bible is a book of lies.


4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded.


5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits.


6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives.


7. God didn't create man, Man created god.


8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes.


9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed.


10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops.


11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence.


12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools.


13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools.


14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races.


15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge.


16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines.


17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do.


18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets.


19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes.


20. Rich people need to pay more taxes.


21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood.


22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States.


23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time.


24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed.


25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences.


26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco.


27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this.


28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive.


29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools.


30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.


they only thing we totally disagree with is guns. my unpopular opinion would be that guns have no place in modern society and should be outlawed for consumer use/ownership.


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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 01:51 PM)
they only thing we totally disagree with is guns. my unpopular opinion would be that guns have no place in modern society and should be outlawed for consumer use/ownership.

See post #1 in this thread.

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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 01:49 PM)
I think the Amendment mandating term-limits for Presidents should be repealed. (I've thought this since the Bush and Clinton years)

I think hunting for reasons other than food, population control or necessary clothing is stupid.

States should be allowed to make their own laws regarding drugs (i.e. marijuana).


I was actually thinking the same thing. 8 years is a very short time to get a lot done. I was thinking if the president has an approval rating over 60 or 70% (ie., he's probably doing a pretty good job if over half the population still supports him), he should be able to keep on running for more terms.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 01:58 PM)
People who follow a religion are weak minded? The hell? Even as an atheist, that may just be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Yeah, there are few if any more complex issues we all face than religion and faith. Hard to call anyone a moron because of their beliefs or lack thereof.


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