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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 02:23 PM)
I love the liberal vs. conservative argument on economic inequality. One side says screw the rich, the other side says screw the poor. Isn't there a better choice than those two out there?

Yes - there is the system we have now, which is the result of decades of compromise between the two sides.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 12:28 PM)
Yes - there is the system we have now, which is the result of decades of compromise between the two sides.

Beyond that though...there is an entire scale inbetween. The dramatic concentration in wealth amongst the wealthiest of the wealthiest and the decreasing wealth of everyone below the midpoint over the last 30 years is a good sign for which direction we've been moving in.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 02:28 PM)
Yes - there is the system we have now, which is the result of decades of compromise between the two sides.


Well that is true, but at the same time both sides still seem to despise the current system and want it changed. I guess it's an example of why it's in the best interest of the country if each party has significant representation in government, because if one side gets out of control power, it would probably lead to bad laws. I doubt many hardcore liberals or conservatives would ever admit that though.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 02:30 PM)
Well that is true, but at the same time both sides still seem to despise the current system and want it changed. I guess it's an example of why it's in the best interest of the country if each party has significant representation in government, because if one side gets out of control power, it would probably lead to bad laws. I doubt many hardcore liberals or conservatives would ever admit that though.

Sure. If both sides are that upset, then its probably in about the right balance.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 06:26 PM)
professional wrestling is the pointless, and I can't believe people pay lots of money to watch something completely fake.

I only think that when people think it's real. If you know it's fake, and you're still entertained by it, then hey, it's entertainment. Go for it.

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People shouldn't serve more than a year in jail for killing dogs while others serve 30 days for killing humans.


This isnt attacking the opinion directly, because I do agree with the point of it


But Vick wasnt given that sentence for killing a dog, he pled guilty to a bunch of stuff

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 06:26 PM)
professional wrestling is the pointless, and I can't believe people pay lots of money to watch something completely fake.


Movies say hello :lol:

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 09:45 AM)
All right, no offense, but this statement, especially the bolded part, is just absolutely brutal logic. Sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine and I hate when people do this s***. If you've over .08, actually if you are even near .08, no you're not fine, you just think you are. You're drunk, actually pretty good and drunk. You might not be drooling and stumbling around, but you're drunk and you have no business driving. You think you're good to go, I'm on the expressway behind you gripping my wheel hard watching you drive 10 mph under the limit, wobbling back and forth, drifting into my lane and you have no idea you're doing it. And I'm sitting there wondering if I should just drive behind you and hope you don't hit a tree or something, or just gun it and fly around you as fast as I can and hope you don't swerve into my lane for the few seconds I'm there.


Remember Tank Johnson? He didn't get a DUI because he had about a .72 after they took him in for a blood test. And why did he get stopped by the cops? Because he was driving erratically... just like a drunk person does! But that still completely absolved him of any guilt in some people's eyes.


If you were 10 beers over the limit you might not make it to the end of the street if you're dumb enough to attempt driving then.

Look, I know my limits. But you can't honestly tell me having 8 beers in 6 hours and then driving is going to end up with me driving 10 MPH under the speed limit and swerving between lanes. If I'm too bad to drive, I know it and won't do it. I passed a police officer on the way back that night and didn't get stopped. Don't you think if I was doing what you said I was, I would have gotten stopped...


As for Tank Johnson, he got pulled over for speeding (going 40mph in a 30, I believe), not driving erratically. And I'm pretty sure speeding is something sober people do too. So that argument doesn't really work.

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Believes in a maximum wag... but set it high.

Do senior citizens benefiting from SS or possibly another pension and High School kids depending on parents really have to take more money out of the business? The just raises the prices on everything and the middle class gets stiffed.


Here's another one nobody has mentioned yet. I wish we would get rid of the tipping system. No $2.13 hourly pay and waitresses being rude because the last person stiffed them (they don't HAVE to tip, but it's pointless if someone tips for just tipping.) If people want an incentive to do their job properly, perhaps they should look at the unemployment numbers. Also, how much money is the government losing out on by people falsifying how much they made in tips? It's too hard to track.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 10:44 PM)
Look, I know my limits. But you can't honestly tell me having 8 beers in 6 hours and then driving is going to end up with me driving 10 MPH under the speed limit and swerving between lanes. If I'm too bad to drive, I know it and won't do it. I passed a police officer on the way back that night and didn't get stopped. Don't you think if I was doing what you said I was, I would have gotten stopped...


As for Tank Johnson, he got pulled over for speeding (going 40mph in a 30, I believe), not driving erratically. And I'm pretty sure speeding is something sober people do too. So that argument doesn't really work.


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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 10:44 PM)
Look, I know my limits. But you can't honestly tell me having 8 beers in 6 hours and then driving is going to end up with me driving 10 MPH under the speed limit and swerving between lanes. If I'm too bad to drive, I know it and won't do it. I passed a police officer on the way back that night and didn't get stopped. Don't you think if I was doing what you said I was, I would have gotten stopped...


As for Tank Johnson, he got pulled over for speeding (going 40mph in a 30, I believe), not driving erratically. And I'm pretty sure speeding is something sober people do too. So that argument doesn't really work.

You won't believe this now, but you'll probably understand it when you aren't still 20 and in the fraternity (and before you think that's ain insult, its not, I was in one myself). You belief in your supposed control here is 100% delusional. Its simple chemistry - your body is not the same when .08% of your blood is alcohol - its just not. The science is very simple. Any thought you have that you are not effected by it is just completely false.


Hopefully you figure that out through maturity, and not the hard way.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 06:26 PM)
professional wrestling is the pointless, and I can't believe people pay lots of money to watch something completely fake.

I agree is pointless, but really what it comes down to is, its not a sport. Its more akin to ballet, or a stage play, or film as Tex said. It takes skill and athleticism, but it is absolutely not a sport. A sport denotes competition - there is no competition when the outcome is predetermined and scripted.


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After i left college, i became super paranoid about driving after drinking anything. There is just too much to lose anymore, people used to think a DUI was a rite of passage growing up(I hear it is still that way in Texas ;) ), but now it is something that could seriously affect the rest of your life.



Plus, I dont want the government to burn "LOSER" in my forehead like in the commercials

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
30 of my opinions that tend to be unpopular:


1. Abortion should be legalized.


2. Stem cell research needs to be 100% unrestricted.


3. The Bible is a book of lies.


4. People who follow a religion are weak-minded.


5. People should never submit themselves to a religion. Muslim women should not wear hijabs or burquas and nuns should not wear habits.


6. Nuns and clergy are morons and they're wasting their lives.


7. God didn't create man, Man created god.


8. Churches, Mosques, and other places of worship should lose their tax-exempt status and pay taxes.


9. Churches, Mosques, and all other places of worship needs to be outlawed.


10. People should be able to arm themselves against cops.


11. Killing a cop should not warrant an automatic death penalty sentence.


12. It should be illegal to have kids recite the Pledge of Alliegence in schools.


13. The quality of education in all public schools should be equal, money should be diverted from high-performing schools in the suburbs and given to the low-performing inner-city schools.


14. White women are usually unattractive compared to women of other races.


15. White people are more ignorant to racial issues because they blindly benefit from white privledge.


16. America needs to stop corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas by levying them big fines.


17. Corporations should not be able to get as much power, wealth, and influence that they do.


18. Drivers should not have to stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should wait at the curb until the street is all clear, even in front of supermarkets.


19. More neighborhoods need to have more affordable housing and refuse to allow developers build million dollar+ homes.


20. Rich people need to pay more taxes.


21. Rich people doesn't need to live in giant houses, they should be forced to live in modest homes because it's bull to have poorer people's property taxes go up whenever rich people invade a neighborhood.


22. Illegal immigrants should have an easier way of getting legalized once they enter the United States.


23. One exception to #16 is to let corporations outsource jobs to Mexico instead. Doing that would help Mexico's economy and reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the same time.


24. Red-light cameras need to be outlawed.


25. Those guilty of spamming need to face prison sentences.


26. Raise the prices on alcohol and tobacco.


27. Health care need to be more affordable, further taxing the rich should solve this.


28. The FCC needs to go f**k off and stop censoring everything even remotely offensive.


29. It should be illegal for the military to recruit kids at high schools.


30. SUV's need to be taken off the roads.


No pun intended, but Amen.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 07:30 AM)
You won't believe this now, but you'll probably understand it when you aren't still 20 and in the fraternity (and before you think that's ain insult, its not, I was in one myself). You belief in your supposed control here is 100% delusional. Its simple chemistry - your body is not the same when .08% of your blood is alcohol - its just not. The science is very simple. Any thought you have that you are not effected by it is just completely false.


Hopefully you figure that out through maturity, and not the hard way.

No, I get that. I don't think I said I was 100% unaffected by alcohol when drinking that much. There's definitely going to be some impairment when having any amount of alcohol. Having one drink affects you, but how much it affects you is why people are allowed to drive with some alcohol in their system (otherwise everyone would have to blow a 0.00 to not get a DUI). Rather, I wasn't affected enough to be unable to operate a vehicle properly.


Look, whatever my BAC level at that moment was, it probably would have been around .08. I'm almost positive it was lower than that, but if it was a .08 and I was "legally" drunk, I don't think I should have gotten the same punishment (if given a DUI) as someone who blows a .12 or something. B/c all that would have meant was if I had waited 15 more minutes to drive, I'd be "legally" able to again, being under the .08 mark. How does that make sense?


I'm not sure if I'm just not making my point clear here or what, but everyone seems to think I take the stance that "getting a DUI is cool" or it's 100% fine to drink and drive. Getting a DUI scares the s*** out of me, so you best believe I'm not driving unless I'm about 100% certain I'm not gonna get one. But if I had for being so close to the limit, then my punishment should be less than that of someone who was well over the limit. Being .001 away from being legal vs .04 away is a large difference even if it may not look like it.


Regardless, luckily I don't have to worry about this during the school year since we have pledges that are sober drivers 7 nights/week for the entire school year. It's our attempt to stop drunk driving, and it definitely works.


EDIT: Okay, so none of this really matters anymore. I did 3 of those online BAC level testers (I know they're not 100%, but close enough), and the highest BAC level I got from the 3 was a .05, so I was well under the limit. 8 beers, 6 hours, 150 pounds, drinking Miller Lite...

Edited by dasox24
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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 02:42 PM)
It's not about spite. I can't speak for other religions, but I know with most of Christianity it is believed that non-believers, if virtuous/good/etc, won't be punished, but would be in a purgatory/limbo type place. I don't necessary believe that, nor do I believe a lot about what Catholicism says, but I do believe there is some sort of greater power out there that is beyong my comprehension.


I'd have to agree with you about that. I think, if there is a God, then it is way beyond our comprehension. But I do have a problem with organized religion. They seem like "God cliques" full of petty hypocrites or a means of controlling people.

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I'm not sure how popular/unpopular this is, but all cell phone and other interactive type devices need to be banned while driving. Almost every time I see someone do something stupid in a car, they are on a phone, texting, or doing who knows what else.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 10:45 AM)
After i left college, i became super paranoid about driving after drinking anything. There is just too much to lose anymore, people used to think a DUI was a rite of passage growing up(I hear it is still that way in Texas ;) ), but now it is something that could seriously affect the rest of your life.

Ask your parents about how DUI's were treated when they were growing up. My dad was drafted for Vietnam but couldn't go because, a year before the lottery, a drunk driver leaving a bar backed into my dad as he was walking home from work. It tore up his knee. Even though his brother at the time was a Chicago cop, nothing happened because DUI's weren't of any concern to anyone.


Although yeah, drinking and driving will ruin your life. It's the stamp of death with any job, from law enforcement to Wal Mart.


I'm even reluctant now to post anything offensive on Soxtalk. I found out awhile ago if you Google my name, on Page three of the results is a post I made in 2003 where I included my real name. I fear a future employer would find this, wonder to them self who this Flash Tizzle is, then without much effort come across something ridiculous in the "State your unpopular opinions" thread. Now I just use the chatroom to vent my rage. :D

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
Ask your parents about how DUI's were treated when they were growing up. My dad was drafted for Vietnam but couldn't go because, a year before the lottery, a drunk driver leaving a bar backed into my dad as he was walking home from work. It tore up his knee. Even though his brother at the time was a Chicago cop, nothing happened because DUI's weren't of any concern to anyone.


Although yeah, drinking and driving will ruin your life. It's the stamp of death with any job, from law enforcement to Wal Mart.


I'm even reluctant now to post anything offensive on Soxtalk. I found out awhile ago if you Google my name, on Page three of the results is a post I made in 2003 where I included my real name. I fear a future employer would find this, wonder to them self who this Flash Tizzle is, then without much effort come across something ridiculous in the "State your unpopular opinions" thread. Now I just use the chatroom to vent my rage. :D


it all makes sense now

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