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Halladay Superthread


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 12:35 PM)


White Sox NOT included in the list of potential suitors in this particular article.

Yeah but at the same time when was the last time KW made a blockbuster deal with us knowing there was a possibility of it happening?


* Rowand for Thome caught us off guard.

* Olivo and Reed for Garcia caught us off guard

* Masset for Griffey

* Loaiza for Contreras

* Garland for Cabrera

*And Most cecently: Poreda, Richards and 2 other prospects for Peavy.


These are a few examples. Normally if we hear about something being tied to the Sox, for whatever reason it doesnt happen.

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QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 12:44 PM)
Yeah but at the same time when was the last time KW made a blockbuster deal with us knowing there was a possibility of it happening?


* Rowand for Thome caught us off guard.

* Olivo and Reed for Garcia caught us off guard

* Masset for Griffey

* Loaiza for Contreras

* Garland for Cabrera

*And Most cecently: Poreda, Richards and 2 other prospects for Peavy.


These are a few examples. Normally if we hear about something being tied to the Sox, for whatever reason it doesnt happen.

The Thome rumors were there days before the deal went down. The were rumors before we acquired Vazquez. There are more.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 12:48 PM)
Peavy came out of nowhere too. Granted, it didn't end up happening.

If you're going to count that then the first Griffey deal, the one that involved Chris Young in 2005 needs to be counted as well. There were rumors floating around before the deal was presented to Reds ownership and subsequently nixed.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 12:49 PM)
The Thome rumors were there days before the deal went down. The were rumors before we acquired Vazquez. There are more.

It seemed like that 2005 offseason was the last time we heard of the 'possibilities' but even before 2005 there were deals that came out of nowhere. You maybe right on the Thome deal. But i cant recall the other deals on my list being something we heard of before the actual deal occured. KW has truly been under the radar ever since the Miguel Cabrera and Torii Hunter thing blew up in his face in the winter of 2007.

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I wouldn't do the Halladay deal now but it wouldn't surprose me like others to hear KW has been working the phones and has scouts looking at potential SP's. We can never rule it out. He flies low on the radar and boom, surprise.

Edited by chisoxfan09
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QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 01:56 PM)
I'd do the Peavy deal, nothing more.

I'd do the Peavy deal as well. Or a deal similar to it where all we give up is pitching prospects. The Phillies are likely going to give the moon to Toronto for Halladay.

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I can see Kenny either letting this go or hitting something the last day.


I knew he would copare the CQ comeback acquiring a big time hitter. Which is fine - assuming Quentin lives up to it with his performance and health.


Pitching wise - I am not sure I am sold on him being content with trying Colon and Freddy in a month.


I dont think he really wants to be in on Halladay at this cost - and I hope he isnt. But I can see him doing the "under-the-radar" move everyone keeps bringing up. I just think he is finding out who could potentially come available should their team tank then you'll see him act.


Right now it's too quite for KW. Which usually is a sign in itself.

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With our 39,000+ attendance from last night, we should be able to go out and get Tim Belcher or Ken Hill now.


Note to Paulie, JD, AJ, and Thome: Please, if KW comes to you THIS year, like in 2006, and asks if additional help is needed at the trade deadline, PLEASE SAY YES.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 11:35 AM)
Why haven't people caught on to the reason? The Sox take speed off of their pitchers to get them into a repeatable arm slot that still preserves their movement on their pitchers. It is why every single pitcher we get loses velocity here, and regains it elsewhere. It also seems to do wonders to prevent injuries, because when was the last Tommy John or shoulder surgery you remember a Sox major league pitcher getting?

we pretty much ruined Freddy Garcia's career.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:13 PM)
we pretty much ruined Freddy Garcia's career.



No, Seattle and Piniella did.


Look how many injuries Gil Meche had out there, as well...they really abused him his first 5-6 years in the big leagues.


He was consistently 94-96/97 MPH with his FB when he came up. He was usually high 80's and mostly lower 90's with us.


Interesting note on the White Sox offense....

We're now EXACTLY tied with the American League statistical average of a .761 OPS and 11 runs behind the AL Runs Scored Average, trailing the 440 average by 11 runs at 429.


Amazing how much Beckham, Pods and a more confident Getz have meant to this offense. Greg Walker's name has disappeared from SoxTalk and even Dick Allen's vocabulary for the time being (along with Orlando Cabrera and arbitration). IF IF IF Quentin stays healthy, they could average 800 ops from here on out, easily.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 01:17 PM)
No, Seattle and Piniella did.


Look how many injuries Gil Meche had out there, as well...they really abused him his first 5-6 years in the big leagues.


He was consistently 94-96/97 MPH with his FB when he came up. He was usually high 80's and mostly lower 90's with us.

Garcia's arm really started falling off in 2006, and then he added an extra pitch that seemed to work great for a few months, but also may have been the final straw.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 04:25 PM)
Garcia's arm really started falling off in 2006, and then he added an extra pitch that seemed to work great for a few months, but also may have been the final straw.

I think an argument could be made the WBC didn't help

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QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 05:27 PM)
It's almost time to put this thread to bed.

I seems very unlikely the Sox will make a move for Halladay, which is why it could happen at any moment. The Jays are planting these outrageous offers to try to drive up the price. It will go down to the deadline. I'm willing to bet that KW has put in his final offer. We'll see if he gets outbid.

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From CBSSports:


Blue Jays general manager J.P. Ricciardi still hasn't received an appropriate trade offer for Roy Halladay, and has set a July 28 deadline to complete a deal for the 2003 Cy Young Award winner.


"At this point, it's probably unlikely that we'll trade Doc," Ricciardi said Tuesday.


"No one has really stepped up yet," Ricciardi said. "We've got to be highly motivated to move him. We haven't been highly motivated yet."



Ricciardi said the deadline is necessary to get an agreement in place for what is likely to be a complicated deal. He also wants the matter resolved before Halladay makes a scheduled start July 29 in Seattle.


"In three days, not much is probably going to happen," Ricciardi said. "It's such a magnitude, the trade. He's got to OK the team he's going to, we've got to agree on prospects. That doesn't happen, traditionally in baseball, in one hour. I think we need a little more time than that."


Ricciardi declined to say how many teams have entered the bidding for Halladay, but acknowledged "there's been enough."






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QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 01:54 PM)
nothing, I think KW is invested in our young and upcoming minor league system.

I think Kenny is invested on trading virtually every single prospect we have in our system for players he has long coveted, especially those who have at one time had success in the AFL. Once a prospect gets here however, Kenny will say that he was protecting said player and wouldn't have moved him unless he had gotten a significant package in return.

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From today's Sun Times:


GM Williams admits to Sox trade activity

According to a major-league source, the White Sox did more than inquire about Toronto Blue Jays starting pitcher Roy Halladay, putting together an offer that was shot down.

Whether that happened or if Sox general manager Ken Williams was still trying to make a deal happen before the July 31 trade deadline, Williams wasn't saying.

''Nice try,'' Williams said when asked if he was making progress toward changing the roster.

He acknowledged there has been activity.

''It's July. It's never quiet,'' he said. ''Yeah, but [the activity is] in the 'Get Smart' Cone of Silence.''

The Sox are believed to still be hunting down a proven starting pitcher. What has slowed potential trade activity is that more and more teams are unwilling to part with youth. While Williams might not necessarily fall into that category -- see the attempted deal for Jake Peavy in May, which would have cost the Sox prospects -- it's a trend across the trade landscape.

''It makes things harder ... a lot harder,'' Williams said. ''But there are still aggressive general managers on teams that have chances to win championships, and as long as that dynamic exists, possibilities are out there. You just have to go through the process.''

Manager Ozzie Guillen called it ''very quiet'' on the front.

''A lot of people are making rumors about different players,'' Guillen said. ''Right now, the only thing you're going to hear is rumors. Right now we don't have anything on the table. I don't expect anything to happen.

''Right now, I think if those guys go out there, and [bartolo] Colon comes back [Friday] and throws the ball the way we think he can help us, then we add another pitcher. But right now we don't have anybody.''


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