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Phils Acquire Cliff Lee


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 11:28 AM)
Boston isn't offering Buchholz. They'd be stupid to do so, quite frankly.

Why, Haladay may be the best pitcher in baseball. Boston would have him for at least 2 postseason runs and probably more. Beckett and Haladay is an unbelievable 1-2 punch.

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Ben Francisco going to the Phils just makes them that much better as well. The Phils are stacked, they were already scary, now they are over the top scary. Like Sylvester Stallone turn-my-hat-backwards over the top scary

Edited by KyYlE23
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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 10:51 AM)
This deal was pretty much what the Jays asked for minus Happ. Then they basically replaced Drabek with Knapp.


Good deal for Cleveland. They got a lot out of Lee.


I feel the exact opposite, Knapp may not be ready for a couple years, Carrasco and Donald are overrated, and Moreno may be decent. Seems like they kept their top prospects and made the smart trade for Lee and not for Halladay, who wouldve cost a ton. And they got Francisco as a throw in. Great trade for the Phils.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 12:49 PM)
Right now the Phillies have to be favorites to win it all.


I still have issues with their pitching. Cole Hamels is not even close to pitching as well as last year. Joe Blanton has been pretty good, but can you trust him in the playoffs? Jamie Moyer is real old, Happ is real young, and Brad Lidge has made Bobby Jenks look lights out this season.


Their lineup is high powered without a doubt, but I still think that pitching keeps them from being overwhelming favorites, even with Cliff Lee.

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QUOTE (GO CHI SOX! @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 06:00 PM)
I feel the exact opposite, Knapp may not be ready for a couple years, Carrasco and Donald are overrated, and Moreno may be decent.


haha, I love these types of analysis.

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Its one thing to trade for a Happ, who has proven he can pitch in the majors, or even Drabek, who is at AAA and so close. Knapp is 18 years old, and I dont care how highly touted he is, he is still a LONG way from the majors, and a lot of weird stuff can happen, like injuries, or it can just turn out he was overrated the whole time.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 01:28 PM)
Its one thing to trade for a Happ, who has proven he can pitch in the majors, or even Drabek, who is at AAA and so close. Knapp is 18 years old, and I dont care how highly touted he is, he is still a LONG way from the majors, and a lot of weird stuff can happen, like injuries, or it can just turn out he was overrated the whole time.


Happ has fairly average stuff.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 11:06 AM)
haha, I love these types of analysis.



QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 11:23 AM)
Agreed, everyone is a so called "expert".


That is the fun of propsects, they are pretty much hit or miss.


For every Scott Ruffcorn, there is a Clayton Richard.


Haha Carrasco just reminds me alot of Gio - lot of so called talent but will end up being a bust. Donald - I just dont think he will be a starter in this league.



QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 11:28 AM)
Its one thing to trade for a Happ, who has proven he can pitch in the majors, or even Drabek, who is at AAA and so close. Knapp is 18 years old, and I dont care how highly touted he is, he is still a LONG way from the majors, and a lot of weird stuff can happen, like injuries, or it can just turn out he was overrated the whole time.


Said perfectly on Knapp. Happ or Drabek wouldve been a much better return. This just doesnt scare me at all for the future of the Indians.

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QUOTE (GO CHI SOX! @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 02:00 PM)
I feel the exact opposite, Knapp may not be ready for a couple years, Carrasco and Donald are overrated, and Moreno may be decent. Seems like they kept their top prospects and made the smart trade for Lee and not for Halladay, who wouldve cost a ton. And they got Francisco as a throw in. Great trade for the Phils.



Agree...the fact the Phils didn't have to give up Happ, Drabek or Brown says a lot. I know the Jays wanted BOTH Happ and Drabek for Halladay...the Phillies got a pitcher (Lee) not quite as good as Halladay, but still damn good and kept not only ONE of Drabek and Happ, but BOTH of them.


And Francisco as the afterthought will provide additional help to the Phillies as well.


Phillies with a win here.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 02:35 PM)
Happ has fairly average stuff.



Kinda like Mark Buehrle has average stuff. Happ has a tremendous understanding of HOW to pitch. That's why Buehrle is so good...even with 'average stuff', he's still one of the games greatest lefty starters. Happ is very similiar in that regard to Mark.


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All I can saw is WOW! The Phillies have blown right past the Dodgers as the favorite in the NL. And they got a quality right-handed power bat as well? They gave up a pretty good package (I really like Knapp), but they keep their top pitching prospect and two top position prospects. Props to Amaro Jr. And Riccardi is starting to look like a big poopy head right now.

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QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 09:22 AM)
How could he have been so incrediby boneheaded and thick in a bad economy year? Man this guy is just delusional. Oh well the reality will bite him in the butt when Haladay's trade goes way down.


I mean JP Ricciardi.


I don't think it's so much that he's boneheaded as the fact that he's off-the-charts arrogant. As one poster already noted, his strategy doesn't fit this economy at all.


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