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Re: Kobe.


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After the telephone complaint from the other guest, hotel staff were called to break up the dispute, which occurred after the woman apparently went to Bryant’s room in her duties as concierge – perhaps even after her shift had ended – according to the resort worker, who asked not to be identified.


Witnesses told investigators that the woman emerged from the room visibly shaken.

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there is stuff coming out for and against both of their cases. this was reported yesterday http://msnbc.com/news/942322.asp?0sl=-23&cp1=1 . one report says she was bragging at a party about kobe, another says her friend saw visible evidence. who the hell knows what to believe anymore.


i guess we just assume he is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and wait for the real evidence.

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there is stuff coming out for and against both of their cases. this was reported yesterday http://msnbc.com/news/942322.asp?0sl=-23&cp1=1  . one report says she was bragging at a party about kobe, another says her friend saw visible evidence. who the hell knows what to believe anymore.


i guess we just assume he is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and wait for the real evidence.

What a concept!

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In this case, however, I don't think that there is going to be any "real" evidence. It's just his word against her's. How could there be any "real" evidence? :huh:

Perhaps "real evidence" may consist of evidence of injuries consistent with those usually sustained in sexual asssaults, testimony related to behavior patterns which may or may not be consistent with victims of assaults, and things like that.


Just throwing some thoughts out, I'm certainly no expert on this type of thing...

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In this case, however, I don't think that there is going to be any "real" evidence. It's just his word against her's. How could there be any "real" evidence? :huh:

The DA has stated he has, physical and eye witness evidence". Sounds "real" to me.


On a side note... heard on AM1000 this morning that Kobe said I'm sorry to Vanessa with a 4 MILLION $ ring. :rolleyes: Yeah.. she loves him.


He's about to possibly stand trial for his LIFE and he's out shopping. :huh: The priorites of people with way too much money amazes me.

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People seem to forget...It's not about just this girl and Kobe...This DA'S credibilty is on the line. If he had a bulls*** case against Kobe or didn't have a good chance of provin Kobe raped her his credibilty as a da is shot...The guy will get killed...That's why I think Kobe did it. U don't file charges against high profile athletes just for the hell of it....

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