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Confirmed: White Sox claim on Alex Rios on waivers


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Another way to look at this is that the Sox currently have only 1 OF on the roster that they'll likely still have 3 years from now -- Carlos Quentin.


A lot of folks, me included, could see a 2-year extension for Dye because we saw no one else on the horizon who could replace his bat. And we might live with him in RF again because there is no other choice. But no one would really want to do that if we had a better option.


Well, Rios offers the Sox that choice. He may cost more $$ than he is worth, but if the Sox get him this way, he won't cost much if anything in the way of prospects. It is no worse than overpaying a bit for a free agent.


And who else would be out there in the offseason as a free agent at his age who is better than Rios in CF and RF, at a cheaper price?


I would have made the trade for Nate McLouth earlier this year. But I can see Rios as a similar kind of player, albeit a more expensive one.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 08:12 PM)
JP Riccardi is going to lose his job at the end of this season no matter what, so KW should feel free to take the 'its my way or the highway' approach without sacrificing much reputation.


Agreed. Contrary to what some here believe, Kenny doesn't owe the Jays anything from the "Shouldergate" deal. First of all, Ricciardi isn't Gord Ash. Secondly, Toronto's own doctors inspected Sirotka's medical records and knew that there was a problem with his shoulder (and even spoke to Sirotka about it), but Ash elected to not make the deal conditional. Thirdly, Ash conveniently never told Kenny that Wells was getting cortisone injections in his shoulder before his starts during the 2000 season. Ash and Ricciardi are liars and poor decision makers, and both have gotten what they deserve.


I like this claim. Kenny knows that Ricciardi has his nuts in a vice with Wells' unmovable contract and his foolish decision to not deal Halladay at the deadline. If Kenny can get him to eat $20 million of Rios' contract and offer a few average prospects package in return, I'd be all for this. If Kenny has to pay full price for Rios, I think that's too much.

Edited by WCSox
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QUOTE (3E8 @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 11:06 PM)
Between '06-'08 Rios averaged about 4.5 wins above replacement which is worth around $18.5 million per year

A 4 WARP, if I'm not mistaken, is essentially among the top in the league ever year.

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QUOTE (BlackBetsy @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 08:03 PM)
No, he's 28 right now, not a kid. We'd be paying him $12.5 million a year when he's 34 years old. Players like him do not peak through 34. Likely, he's already had his peak with an .860 OPS.


It would be different if he was 25 years old and struggling through his fourth year in the league. He's not. He should be in his prime and the last two years he's been a sub-800 OPS player.

Actually he'd be 33 . He'd be 34 in the option year and could be bought out of the final year of $13.5M for $1M.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 05:50 AM)
Puzzeling move when you read it, but when you break things down, it makes a lot of sense. Like others have said, if the Sox are confident adding Rios will help this team and not hinder them from making future moves, payroll wise, I'm all for it.


Makes you wonder if they know that Dye is likely not coming back next season?

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KW will get him.. hopefully won't send too much talent there. Rio's will takeover CF now and 2010, Dye to DH/OF repacement, Pods and Jordan Danks will be in the OF next year too. Thome will be gone. Dye has better AVG, same power, same RBI, younger than Thome plus he can play the field when needed. I just don't like these long 'Cubs' like contracts we're getting with Peavy and Rios but something needs to be done to shake this team up and we're plugging in the pieces that will make this team great... also Contrera's salary and Thome's salary (which will be gone next year) is about same as Peavy/Rio's salary and I think its a good move.

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Here's a couple things to ponder. Rios makes a ton of money, really starting next year. If he were a free agent this year, he would certainly not get the contract he currently holds.


On the other hand, if, and its about as gigantic of an if as there is, he can play to his ability, if Toronto just wants to give him to the White Sox, its quite a deal for KW. If he plays like he has this season and most of last, KW is left holding the bag.


Financially, this works because Rios is owed a couple of million the rest of the seaon, which is about the same or even a little less the extra money they would have paid Peavy had he agreed to come when the initial trade was made.


Personally, if I were a GM, this would be a tough call. Its a very real possibility whoever claimed him will get him for the waiver fee, and it may be the White Sox. I would most likely not have claimed him, but if KW did, and I do criticize him from time to time, I would not at this time. If he plays anywhere near his potential, he's an excellent pick-up, and with all the money coming off the books, probably a decent gamble. My only qualm would be if he were to become a free agent at the end of this year, would I give him his current contract? The answer would be no, so the waiver claim for me would be no.

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QUOTE (b-Rye @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 12:04 AM)
Dye will be the DH... he is younger and can still play the field... KW has no problem letting aging DH's go (Frank Thomas)

I don't know why everyone just assumes Dye is the DH next year. First off, except for average, Thome's numbers are better. The 20 points in average is 1 less hit every 50 AB. Secondly, no one knows if Dye would agree to become a full time DH and even if he did, if he would be effective as one. Many players struggle in that role.


Thome being older is probably a bigger gamble, but he'll also probably come much cheaper. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Perhaps both are gone.

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QUOTE (b-Rye @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 10:04 PM)
Dye will be the DH... he is younger and can still play the field... KW has no problem letting aging DH's go (Frank Thomas)

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Basically the Sox have a choice of who would DH next year. Financially it would be best if Dye, Thome and Contreras were all off the books. Rios essentially replaces Dye. The Sox could offer Thome or Dye reduced money to come back as DH . The Sox need a lefthanded bat more . So if either or both Thome and Dye sign elsewhere the Sox would be looking for a LH hitting DH. Pods perhaps if Jordan Danks is ready to play or an option from outside the organization.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 12:19 AM)
We need lefties.

All this talk about trades for Rios, sounds good but for every player you mentioned in a trade I believe must go through waivers also and can be claimed by any other team in reverse order. What the Blue Jays could do is contribute some money like we received for Thome. I doubt if they have to much to give but 1 or 2 million a year would lighten the load for the sox. In the Arod the Yankees were not allowed to renogiate his contract if it was less than what he was making. Getting a bonafide, real cf would make us complete. Please correct me if I'm wrong about Waivers. But say we put Pods on waivers any team with a worse 2008 win and loss can claim him. Pods could be claimed by any al team with a higher reverse Ranking from 2008 than the Blue jays.

Edited by forrestg
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Here's myopinion on this...


For one - I think he is a very good player who still hasnt tapped his full potential. I think his power could come around in our park and I think he is nearly worth his salary right now.


My concern is this- we havebeen playing well. Pods/Q/Dyein the OF has been solid. What If fear is bringing a guy like Rios inand someone immediately looks at next season. Be it Thome,Dye, or Pods...Theyll loook at this trade as a gaurentee someone is gone in the offseason and will effect their play. My spacebar is f'd up btw.


But thats what I fear is that those guys will not be able to focus.

Edited by Pumpkin Escobar
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QUOTE (Pumpkin Escobar @ Aug 8, 2009 -> 02:49 AM)
Here's myopinion on this...


For one - I think he is a very good player who still hasnt tapped his full potential. I think his power could come around in our park and I think he is nearly worth his salary right now.


My concern is this- we havebeen playing well. Pods/Q/Dyein the OF has been solid. What If fear is bringing a guy like Rios inand someone immediately looks at next season. Be it Thome,Dye, or Pods...Theyll loook at this trade as a gaurentee someone is gone in the offseason and will effect their play. My spacebar is f'd up btw.


But thats what I fear is that those guys will not be able to focus.


I agree. Wouldnt the Jays be able to make this trade in the offseason just the same anyway. It just gonna be minor leaguers.


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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 09:50 PM)
Puzzeling move when you read it, but when you break things down, it makes a lot of sense. Like others have said, if the Sox are confident adding Rios will help this team and not hinder them from making future moves, payroll wise, I'm all for it.

I agree. We obviously have to hope he plays to his potential but there is no doubting the guy makes the Sox a much better team.

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From an absolute baseball and talent point of view, Alex Rios is essentially the player people have clamored to get for several years. There is virtually no difference between his high, medium, and low leverage situations in regards to OPS throughout the entirety of his career.


However, in high leverage spots, when the game is generally close and late, he has hit .305 with a .352 OBP, but to the tune of a .791 OPS. This suggests that when the situation calls for it, he has absolutely no problem going for a good solid base hit or walk, just to get himself on base so he or someone else can get him into scoring position, or so he can drive in the tying or go-ahead run.


In medium leverage spots, he has put up his best numbers, and this is the most likely time that he is going to swing for the fences and try and put a game out of reach. Of his career 79 home runs, 42 of them have come in medium leverage spots. This suggests that he has no problem taking more chances when the team is either trailing or winning by more than one, be it early or late. Hence, he's only put up a .329 OBP, but his OPS is the highest of all situations at a very solid .795 (only slightly higher than high leverage).


He's a lesser combined version of both high and medium in low leverage situations; he'll hit for power, he'll take a walk, but he obviously loses focus in games out of reach and as such, his OPS is .770 in such situations.




The only problem I have with acquiring a guy like Rios is the intangible factor; it wasn't long ago that his name was brought up as a potential trade candidate, and someone posted a video to him on YouTube.





At his price, and with his ability, you have to take a chance. I would also say that his acquisition would be the beginning of the end for Jermaine Dye in a White Sox uniform. He's been the best free agent signing in White Sox history, but he's a DH at this point in his career, and his role, especially with this move, would become very easily replaced. The Sox can run out a very good platoon between LF, CF, RF, and DH with Quentin, Podsednik, Dye, Thome, and Rios if they made such a move, and they probably weaken the Tigers in the process.


Whether the Sox actually want to make this move or not is debatable. I think this is obviously a move to block Detroit from making a play on Rios, but if the price is right (ie free or cheap), KW won't hesitate to bring him aboard. If they start asking for Hudson or Danks, then Rios will remain a Blue Jay. It's as simple as that.

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I am not in favor of picking up Rios becuase of his contract, but I am concerned about Jermaine Dye. I remember last season after Quentin was hurt, he went into a bit of a slump before a strong finish, but this year, he batted only .245 in July, and has gotten off to a very slow start (.174) in August. He looks like an old man running for a fly ball in RF as well. I'm not saying bench Dye, and maybe this is just a long slump that he will come out of soon enough.....As for talk of benching Podsednik, stop that talk. He's done a great job as our leadoff hitter, and Guillen isn't about to bench him, especially on an offense that continues to be inconsistent.....Quentin in LF has shown some signs at the plate....Obviously, as a whole, this is a very bad defensive OF, and Rios would improve that, but I don't think there's an obvious spot here unless they plan on shutting down Quentin, or playing matchups everyday.


With Peavy on board, and now, possibly Rios, I would guess that this is our off-season, but would this move any talk of resigning Dye and Thome OR would one guy be signed for the DH spot for a season?


I'm thinking the same way. Rios would be awesome, but we can't bench CQ. That's just ludicrous. I suppose I COULD see it as a setup for next year, assuming they dump Dye or Thome.


Very interesting.

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