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Cub Fan Incident with Beer


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QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 08:50 AM)
It depends upon whether you measure the "all-time douche" title by frequency or severity. I also remember batteries thrown in Philly at JD Drew, coins at Albert Belle in Cleveland, etc. There's no question that hard objects like that can be more dangerous when thrown with intent to injure, and that the few, individual jagoffs who did that in those cities are up at the very top of the douche-o-meter.


But those events stand out in memory because they are in fact rare, isolated incidents (thank goodness). However, totally different sets of Cub fans are throwing objects on the field ALL THE TIME. Granted, the home run balls (every other home game) are not thrown maliciously, and the garbage (2 or 3 times a season) is usually not thrown at any body, but compared to the rest of the league, it sure seems like stuff gets thrown onto the field there more than any place else. The fact that some thrown objects are accepted and condoned as "tradition" cannot be mere coincidence. When you put yesterday's beer toss and the Randy Meyers, Chad Kreuter, and Bobby Howry attacks in a total context along with thrown home run balls, O-Henry bars, and random assorted garbage, I think a strong case can be made that the Wrigley spectators (I won't even say Cub fans) are the "douchiest" in all of sport.


I, of course, am a just a jealous, White trash Sox fan who lives in the past. Just like Cincinnati's Marty Brennaman.

That's actually a good point - I guess fans like Philly and Pittsburgh would be "All-Time Intent To Injure Douches" while Cubs fans would qualify for "Lifetime Douche-chievement Awards".


And if you wanted to give a different take on it, Cubs fans throwing garbage on the field could be seen as an appropriately symbolic gesture of disappointment. As if to say, "look, there are nine pieces of garbage on the field already, what's a few more?"

In that context, it's not so much littering as it is performance art. And quite deep, actually.....for a bunch o' drunks, anyway....

Edited by The Critic
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 11:29 AM)
I love how every Cub fan has to bring up the Ligues as a defense to their fan's horrific behavior, conveinently leaving out that the Ligues are both Cubs fans who spent the daytime before the sox game getting wasted in the wrigley bleachers.



I thought that was the Eric Dybas guy

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 13, 2009 -> 09:27 PM)
If this same incident happened at USCF, there would be an entire section of people pointing out the lowlife who threw the beer. They would be gone so fast their head would spin.


You forgot to add that it would still be on the front page of both papers and get attention from national media outlets. There would be discussions on the problems with the Sox, their field, their neighborhood and their fans and what can be done to mitigate the history of lawlessness with this team going all the way back to the Black Sox throwing the 1919 World Series, if not earlier.


I assume I am overreacting as a Sox fan, but the Wrigley fans have gotten a free pass far too many times for incidents like this. Each time the Ligue thing is brought up rather than a laundry list of similar crap that happened on the north side. It gets tiresome.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 10:48 AM)
Here is one blurb, William admitted to being a Cubs fan and they spent the day at Wrigley.



The Cubs were in New York the day the Ligoons attacked Gamboa.

The Cubs were in Chicago the day Dumbass hugged Laz Diaz's leg.


I'm not saying they aren't Cubs fans, but there was no crosstown double-header the day Gamboa got jumped.

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I'm glad this "fan" has been outed and named in the media and staked out at the police station last night.

Maybe it'll prevent people from doing this crap in the future.

What a f***ing moron to dump a beer on a ballplayer. Bad decision. He should be convicted of something and not let off. 3 days in jail and a big fine would be nice.

Stupid stupid people who interfere with balls in play and dump beer on players.


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 12:29 PM)
I love how every Cub fan has to bring up the Ligues as a defense to their fan's horrific behavior, conveinently leaving out that the Ligues are both Cubs fans who spent the daytime before the sox game getting wasted in the wrigley bleachers.

What annoys me is that they do similar things probably more often but it's never front-page news and it always blows over.

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