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GAMETHREAD:Chicago White Sox(61-59) vs Kansas City Royals(47-72) 1:05


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Well safe to say I don't think anyone is feeling confident going into today.


But that's probably when Jose has been at his best this season, when we're not expecting much from him, and hopefully we get the good version of him today, and we get some offense besides Pods and AJ who have been really good against Grienke this season IIRC.

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Not related to today's game, but Charlotte's starter tonight is listed as TBD. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't today Hudson's day to throw?


Or I could be looking too much into this.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 08:08 AM)
Can Podesednik not play right field??? Rios should be in center everyday, hes so much better at it than anyone else

No, he can't. He has no arm and very limited experience in right. I'm not saying Pods is good in center, he isn't, but with the in-experience of Pods the best move is putting Rios in RF (whose a gold glove caliber RFer) with Pods in CF.


Ozzie has done a very very good job handling the multiple outfielders since the Rios acquisition.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 08:49 AM)
For those of you wondering if Ozzie actually looks at the numbers from when AJ catches The Count and when Castro does. We have our answer. He doesn't.

Didn't Castro catch his last few starts? Jose sucks, period, end of story.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 12:19 PM)
No, he can't. He has no arm and very limited experience in right. I'm not saying Pods is good in center, he isn't, but with the in-experience of Pods the best move is putting Rios in RF (whose a gold glove caliber RFer) with Pods in CF.


Ozzie has done a very very good job handling the multiple outfielders since the Rios acquisition.

I also give him credit for handling the Wise sitiuation like a pro.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:20 AM)
Didn't Castro catch his last few starts? Jose sucks, period, end of story.

Jose's splits per catcher:

Castro: .224 batting average against, .625 OPS against. Pierzynski: .311 batting average against, .883 OPS against.

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Friday the Sox will be 4.5 games back and have a winnable series against Baltimore while Detroit goes to Oakland. They need to pick up a game or two there.


Afternoon home games do not bode well for the Sox.


Final Score..............13-2 Royals


Hope I am wrong. I know there is an off day tomorrow but Jose is going to be left out there for at least 100 pitches which he may get to in the fourth. Jose is no fun to watch. Let's hope he makes it until 1:30 unlike the other few weekday afternoon game pitches sans the perfecto.


The bright spot......Robinson Tejada is most likely not available and let's hope for some minor swelling in Soria's ankle.....f*** it Grienke will throw less than 110 pitches for the CG anyway.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:37 AM)
Jose's splits per catcher:

Castro: .224 batting average against, .625 OPS against. Pierzynski: .311 batting average against, .883 OPS against.

Isn't that skewed heavily by the fact that AJ caught Jose when he wasn't red hot and when prior to his stint in the minors.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:48 AM)
Isn't that skewed heavily by the fact that AJ caught Jose when he wasn't red hot and when prior to his stint in the minors.

That's certainly one plausible way to look at the data. It's also entirely plausible that Jose was red hot because he was being caught by Castro, and his slump resumed when AJ resumed catching him.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 05:49 PM)
That's certainly one plausible way to look at the data. It's also entirely plausible that Jose was red hot because he was being caught by Castro, and his slump resumed when AJ resumed catching him.


Castro caught him last time out, in which Count sucked. And not too long before that in which he was brutal again. It's no secret that Contreras just flat out sucks now. I'm praying for some divine intervention today.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:49 AM)
That's certainly one plausible way to look at the data. It's also entirely plausible that Jose was red hot because he was being caught by Castro, and his slump resumed when AJ resumed catching him.

Ya, I don't believe it. I do think pitchers can be more comfortable with various catchers but in no way should there ever be that big of a difference. No way.


Contreras numbers are bad with AJ because he has sucked ass most of the season, sans a small hot streak, where he pitched really good and Castro happened to be the guy back there.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 12:00 PM)
The Sox are actually 61-59, not 60-58.


Looks like the thread caption needs some changing.



so much for trusting chicagowhitesox.com

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 10:04 AM)
I think we might win today. I feel it's at least 50/50

If you feel that way, go to Vegas, cause I'm sure the odds are stacked in your favor. This seems like an un-winnable game, but I hope I'm wrong :)

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 12:06 PM)
If you feel that way, go to Vegas, cause I'm sure the odds are stacked in your favor. This seems like an un-winnable game, but I hope I'm wrong :)


This. Go Ian Snell!

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Jose has had 6 starts since the break, all of them either bad or downright awful. We either need to beat up on Cy Young 1 or Seattle has to be up on Cy Young 2 for us not to be 4 games out. With Jose and Freddy facing Boston at Fenway we aren't going to gain any ground there either. The lack of a viable 4th and 5th starter the last month is what will cost us the division.

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