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Video of Hussein kids


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Poor Saddam - no parent should ever have to bury his children....


OH WAIT!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! WE'RE going to bury them!!!


:fyou  Saddam

:fyou  dead jackoff son #1

:fyou  dead jackoff son #2

233 Americans should not have had to bury their children either for Bush's lies....But I guess, Dubya just needed that oil really really badly. You should check out the documents made public from Cheney's energy commission in March 2001 after the Judicial Watch lawsuit forced them to be open. It explains a lot of corporate oil plans in Iraq if they have the oil.


And we're going to bury them? Last time I checked, we're not over there fighting...just the last 10% of the high school classes and the testosterone crazed whackjobs that like murdering...and the kids who needed the educational grants that they get from the military.


But Iraq caused 9/11 so all should be forgotten. The US government has lied to us numerous times before, so why is everybody so apt to lap up the bulls*** that they are spewing now?

Agreed. Where is the chemical bombs? Where is the nuclears bombs? The iraqs are mad at the soldiers in there because the amercican government just want the oil, stop with this BS of Saddam is the devil and that's why Bush should kill him. Bush just thinks about the money and oil, he took control of Iraq because of their oil's wealth he would get in there. Bush and Blair are liars.

This coming from someone in South America? :rolleyes:


And if Bush was out for just oil, he would have gone after Saudi Arabia instead -- they have far more oil than Iraq.

Whats with the zenophobia? Heck many forgeiners are much better versed on American forgein policy, than most Americans. It is affecting them directly, instead of getting their info second hand with the slant of the American media.

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This coming from someone in South America? :rolleyes:

What are you saying with this?


Here, we are worried with other importants things, like poverty, unemployment...


Saudi Arabia is a country that has good relations with USA, because if they didnt have it, they would be the next one. Here in Brazil, we have another vision about Bush, much different than your vision. And this not just me that are agst Bush and is saying what i am saying. The USA is the number 1 country in the world that consumates oil, this is not strange for you.


If i could write english better...

your English is just fine


so are your understandings of things


thank you for your posts

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

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This coming from someone in South America?   :rolleyes:

What are you saying with this?


Here, we are worried with other importants things, like poverty, unemployment...


Saudi Arabia is a country that has good relations with USA, because if they didnt have it, they would be the next one. Here in Brazil, we have another vision about Bush, much different than your vision. And this not just me that are agst Bush and is saying what i am saying. The USA is the number 1 country in the world that consumates oil, this is not strange for you.


If i could write english better...

your English is just fine


so are your understandings of things


thank you for your posts

Thanks too.


Hey cw, do you wanna talk now about Recife? Did you ever come here? If not, you should get down here, it's a great place. Your cousin should know what i'm talking about Recife. :)

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

Damn, CW. You beat me to that.

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

Damn, CW. You beat me to that.

There is a very good reason for that actually, while it is against the Geneva convention it is illegal to show pictures of POW's (which is what the outrage was over, not dead Americans), it is NOT illegal to show pics of dead combatants.

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This coming from someone in South America? :rolleyes:


And if Bush was out for just oil, he would have gone after Saudi Arabia instead -- they have far more oil than Iraq.

Ah yes, attack their nationality because where they were born automatically dismisses their argument. Very nice statements, Rafa. The US claims to be the world's only superpower but we have the highest poverty rates, high unemployment, crappy health care for millions, etc. And it's un-American and "communist" to wanna change that.


Our relationship with Saddam went south, that's why we f***ed him up. He used to be our business partner remember? Hell, we sold him the weapons that he used to quash rebellions and keep his people down. Right now, we have a business relationship with the Saud family because they let us get oil there and don't say word one because they know they would get their asses kicked if they did. I also believe that many members of the house of Saud are major stockholders in the Carlyle Group so Daddy Bush wouldn't let his son harm that. [Takes assumption that most may know what the CG is]


You should see the newly opened documents of the Cheney energy commission after Judicial Watch successfully got a lawsuit through to get them opened. www.judicialwatch.org They have lots of paperwork about the different corporate opportunities that could happen...if we just controlled Iraqi oil.

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This coming from someone in South America? :rolleyes:


And if Bush was out for just oil, he would have gone after Saudi Arabia instead -- they have far more oil than Iraq.

Ah yes, attack their nationality because where they were born automatically dismisses their argument. Very nice statements, Rafa. The US claims to be the world's only superpower but we have the highest poverty rates, high unemployment, crappy health care for millions, etc. And it's un-American and "communist" to wanna change that.


Our relationship with Saddam went south, that's why we f***ed him up. He used to be our business partner remember? Hell, we sold him the weapons that he used to quash rebellions and keep his people down. Right now, we have a business relationship with the Saud family because they let us get oil there and don't say word one because they know they would get their asses kicked if they did. I also believe that many members of the house of Saud are major stockholders in the Carlyle Group so Daddy Bush wouldn't let his son harm that. [Takes assumption that most may know what the CG is]


You should see the newly opened documents of the Cheney energy commission after Judicial Watch successfully got a lawsuit through to get them opened. www.judicialwatch.org They have lots of paperwork about the different corporate opportunities that could happen...if we just controlled Iraqi oil.

Thanks apu.


Talking about Blair, did you all guys read about the national minister of National Security in England, Kelly(i think it was his name) that was killed, ??? He had a lot of info about the "chemical bombs" aand others things in Iraq. But nobody read that, just the governement and they never showed the documents to the media, suddenly he wants to talk to the media and got killed. I think that we have something wrong with that murderer, he knew too much and that´s why he got killed.IMO.

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Thanks apu.


Talking about Blair, did you all guys read about the national minister of National Security in England, Kelly(i think it was his name) that was killed, ??? He had a lot of info about the "chemical bombs" aand others things in Iraq. But nobody read that, just the governement and they never showed the documents to the media, suddenly he wants to talk to the media and got killed.  I think that we have something wrong with that murderer, he knew too much and that´s why he got killed.IMO.

He committed suicide.

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

Damn, CW. You beat me to that.

There is a very good reason for that actually, while it is against the Geneva convention it is illegal to show pictures of POW's (which is what the outrage was over, not dead Americans), it is NOT illegal to show pics of dead combatants.



the definition of a soldier vs enemy combatant vs whatever is in this adminsitration emrely whatever it wants it to be


from the lies that were told in a constitutionally mandated speech to the fluid and convenient redefinitions of whatever is the public relations need de jour, there is no moral or ethical or legal consistency going on here


the neat little "it serves this administration's purposes today" distinctions are falliong on deaf ears in this country let alone the rest of the world

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

Damn, CW. You beat me to that.

There is a very good reason for that actually, while it is against the Geneva convention it is illegal to show pictures of POW's (which is what the outrage was over, not dead Americans), it is NOT illegal to show pics of dead combatants.



the definition of a soldier vs enemy combatant vs whatever is in this adminsitration emrely whatever it wants it to be


from the lies that were told in a constitutionally mandated speech to the fluid and convenient redefinitions of whatever is the public relations need de jour, there is no moral or ethical or legal consistency going on here


the neat little "it serves this administration's purposes today" distinctions are falliong on deaf ears in this country let alone the rest of the world


Rumsfeld said it, it got published in the Chicago Tribune, and I haven't seen anyone argue with it.


The Pentagon released graphic photographs of the slain sons of Saddam Hussein on Thursday evening in an effort to convince skeptical Iraqis that the brothers were indeed dead and that the Hussein regime had no chance of returning to power.


Two days after the United States announced the deaths of Udai and Qusai Hussein in a Mosul raid, American troops met new resistance. Three U.S. soldiers were killed in an ambush of grenades and rifle fire in northern Iraq.


Through the night, people across the Arab world were riveted to television reports showing the bloody, bearded faces and shoulders of Hussein's sons. Analysts and forensic experts on Arab stations dissected the images and compared them to prewar pictures of the men.


The Iraqi Governing Council was taken to an airport morgue to view the bodies. Members, including a doctor, said there was "absolutely no doubt it was Udai and Qusai," a spokesman said.


In Baghdad, Iraqis debated the merits of the photos. For every believer, there seemed to be a non-believer. The brothers sported thick facial hair that they did not have before the U.S.-led invasion in March.


At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said releasing the photographs was necessary to "save American lives." The United States has long objected to the display of photographs of American war dead.


"The Baathists and the people of that country are frightened of Saddam Hussein and his regime," Rumsfeld said. "To get closure that two particularly vicious members of that regime are in fact dead is, I believe, something that will contribute to more Iraqi people being willing to come forward with information."


He noted that 38 of the 55 most-wanted Iraqi leaders have been killed or captured.


In cafes, shops and houses, Iraqis scanned television screens examining the appearance of lips, teeth, weight and eyes for confirmation.


"These pictures are not clear," former Iraqi intelligence chief Wafiq al-Sammarai said on the Arab satellite station Al Jazeera. "They don't give a clear idea."


Offering further proof, the Pentagon released X-rays of one body showing pins in the legs that resembled those implanted in Udai after an assassination attempt in the 1990s.


The Bush administration insisted the evidence would dispel any doubts about the men's identities.


"Saddam Hussein's sons were responsible for torture, for maiming innocent citizens and for the murder of countless Iraqis," President Bush said in Philadelphia. "And now, more than ever, the Iraqi people can know the former regime is gone and is not coming back."


The U.S.-led coalition promised to take local and international news media Friday to the morgue where the bodies are being kept and to release autopsy reports.


But on the streets of Baghdad, some Iraqis wondered why the Americans waited so long to let the public view the photos. Others had suspicions that the photos were doctored.


"I'm not sure it was them," said Ghaydan Yatooma, 33, a liquor merchant. "All the Iraqi people are not so sure."


The full effect of the photos will not be clear until the weekend, after newspapers publish again Saturday following Friday, a Muslim holy day.


Much of Baghdad was without power Thursday evening when the pictures were broadcast on Iraqi television at 9. While sales of satellite televisions have soared since the war, few Iraqis have access to one.


The Bush administration engaged in a long back-and-forth discussion between Baghdad and Washington before agreeing to send the pictures to news agencies via the Internet, senior officials said in briefings to reporters.


Rumsfeld said that "it was not a snap decision," adding that he thought there will consequently be "less enthusiasm" on the part of lower-level Baathists to fight the U.S.-led forces occupying Iraq and "a greater conviction" among the Iraqi people that the Hussein regime is finished.


"If it can save American lives, I'm happy to make the decision I made," he said.


Rumsfeld noted that the practice of showing enemy bodies is not forbidden by the Geneva Conventions on war conduct, though photographs of prisoners of war are.

"These two individuals are particularly vicious individuals," he said. "They are now dead. . . . The Iraqi people have been waiting for confirmation of that. And they, in my view, deserved having confirmation of that."


U.S. troops took more than 600 pictures of the raided house, the scene of a four-hour firefight in Mosul, according to military sources.


Arab commentators speculated Thursday evening on whether showing the photos would only inflame anti-American passions and spur a violent backlash. Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator for Iraq, acknowledged that the possibility was considered.


"It's not a decision one lightly makes," said Bremer, who joined Rumsfeld at the Pentagon briefing. "Our view was that it was an important matter for the Iraqi people."


It is common among Muslims to bury the dead quickly. The Pentagon said it would consult with Iraqi leaders before deciding what to do with the bodies.


In Dubai, Al-Arabiya television aired footage of several men in masks toting automatic rifles who said they were a remnant of the Udai-led Fedayeen militia.


"We pledge to you Iraqi people that we will continue in the jihad against the infidels," said a spokesman for the men. "The killing of Udai and Qusai will be avenged."


Still, U.S. commanders were reluctant to pin two attacks in two days against American soldiers in northern Iraq on revenge. About 3 a.m., the Army's 101st Airborne Division--the same division that raided the Mosul house-- was guarding a convoy when it came under intense attack south of Mosul.


The military released only scant details. But the killing of three soldiers in the incident is one of the highest single tolls since Bush declared major combat over May 1.


"We knew it was likely there would be an upward spike in the attacks after the death of the Hussein boys," a U.S. commander said. "But in the long run, we will prevail."


Bremer, in a conference call that included the Tribune's editorial board, said Saddam Hussein remains a crucial target.


"It's important to capture or kill Saddam Hussein because he remains a rallying point for bitter-enders," Bremer said, adding that informants "are coming in more frequently."

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

We showed the pictures of the Hussein punks because the people of Iraq don't want to believe that they are really dead. Showing the pictures of their corpses is about the only way to prove to them that they are dead.


And please do not make a moron out of yourself by comparing the life of a US soldier who died for his country to the life of "men" like Hussein's kids who are responsible for the deaths and maimings of thousands of Iraqis.

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Thanks apu.


Talking about Blair, did you all guys read about the national minister of National Security in England, Kelly(i think it was his name) that was killed, ??? He had a lot of info about the "chemical bombs" aand others things in Iraq. But nobody read that, just the governement and they never showed the documents to the media, suddenly he wants to talk to the media and got killed.  I think that we have something wrong with that murderer, he knew too much and that´s why he got killed.IMO.

He committed suicide.

That´s what you think.

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no one has explained why cries of outrage when Iraq showed pictures of dead Americas - evil barbarians, need regime change we said - and why it is so ok for the US to show pictures of dead Iraqis -


on that's right, our motives are always pure and without question while other people are just plain evil


the hypocrasy of this thing gets more blatent every day

We showed the pictures of the Hussein punks because the people of Iraq don't want to believe that they are really dead. Showing the pictures of their corpses is about the only way to prove to them that they are dead.


And please do not make a moron out of yourself by comparing the life of a US soldier who died for his country to the life of "men" like Hussein's kids who are responsible for the deaths and maimings of thousands of Iraqis.

Cluj, do you think that the Iraqians are killing US soldiers because they think that Saddam continues to control Iraq, you are so wrong. They want the US soldiers out of there, so they can make their own country without a dictator. They dont wanna be controlled by US. They wanna make their oil and start another country. It´s not easy after all this lies about dangerous weapons.

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People never walk somewhere and kill themselves? :huh:

So he walked to the road and shot hmself??? That´s not normal for me. He would do it in your home, but he was found in the middle of nowhere. And why he kill himself??? That´s strange for me. Maybe he wasnt happy because he wasnt make too much money after all.

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So he walked to the road and shot hmself??? That´s not normal for me. He would do it in your home, but he was found in the middle of nowhere. And why he kill himself??? That´s strange for me. Maybe he wasnt happy because he wasnt make too much money after all.

I don't know anything about this guy, but all I'm saying is that it's POSSIBLE that he walked outside somewhere and decided to kill himself. And while it may not "be normal" for you, that doesn't mean anything -- how often do you deal with suicide in your day-to-day life. I'm guessing not very.

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I don't know anything about this guy, but all I'm saying is that it's POSSIBLE that he walked outside somewhere and decided to kill himself.  And while it may not "be normal" for you, that doesn't mean anything -- how often do you deal with suicide in your day-to-day life.  I'm guessing not very.

He was found in the road, and not in the street. And it was not confirmed that it was a suicide. And it obvious that he was murdered.

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He was found in the road, and not in the street. And it was not confirmed that it was a suicide. And it obvious that he was murdered.

Yeah and I can come up with a conspiracy theory relating fluroidation of water with a communist plot to make this country impotent.


The point is there is no "obvious" fact.


"one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"

-Occam's Razor

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Yeah and I can come up with a conspiracy theory relating fluroidation of water with a communist plot to make this country impotent.


The point is there is no "obvious" fact.


"one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"

-Occam's Razor

Not saying that it was definite murder, but I do find it coincidental that as soon as Blair starts coming under heavy fire from the BBC with the help of their source [Kelly] about the "dubious" WMD evidence, Kelly winds up dead. It is a very suspicious death. The Rethuglicans jumped all over Vince Foster's demise and said that he was murdered. Turnabout is fair play...and hell, both of them may have been "coaxed" into suicide. We'll never really know most likely.

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oh yes, apu, Kelly was pure suicide - as his emails hours before his death making plans for next week show.


What puzzles me is this: if the house is surrounded, why kill them with 15 minutes? Why not wait them out, arrest them, and put them on trial with real evidence?


:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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oh yes, apu, Kelly was pure suicide - as his emails hours before his death making plans for next week show.


What puzzles me is this: if the house is surrounded, why kill them with 15 minutes?  Why not wait them out, arrest them, and put them on trial with real evidence?


:huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

CW, stop it! You're thinking....and when you do that...the terrorists have truly won. :lol:


There was a handful of guys in there with ak-47s...the fact that anybody believes it was a firefight between 4 people and the world's largest superpower is laughable.

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