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gee, how did you guys get to be such experts on this subject.... :o


i mean, i feel so naive... i never knew everyone i disagreed with actually had an evil agenda :lol:

there are no threads started by apu or me saying that anyone who disagrees with us refuses to listen to the "Truth", and no one chiming in to claim that either :lol: back at ya



oh, you get to be experts by reading, study, and checking things out - it takes time but in real life it is more important the the BA of the 3rd string catcher in Butte and an obligation as Americans to be fully informed as possible to be involved in our nation's affairs under the Constitution

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So he walked to the road and shot hmself??? That´s not normal for me. He would do it in your home, but he was found in the middle of nowhere. And why he kill himself??? That´s strange for me. Maybe he wasnt happy because he wasnt make too much money after all.

There was a man in my city a few months ago who shot his family (wife and kids), walked to city hall in the middle of the night, and shot himself on the steps.


It is foolish to assume you know anything about a person's state of mind. It is foolish assume you know what they were thinking at the time they killed themselves. There are many factors that decide whether someone chooses to live or die.


How f***ing vein can people get around here? Acting like reading bulls*** conspiracy theories makes them somehow more valuable as a human being? Pretending to know all the answers? f*** that and f*** anyone who tells other people how to live, claiming that their way is more important and admirable. f*** that. You wanna read pages and pages of legal documents? Fine. Great. Go right the f*** ahead. But that doesn't make you any less of a dickhead when you start pretending like it is how the virtuous people live. If someone wants to know the batting average of a 3rd string catcher in Butte that's their f***ing agenda. If that is what they want to do who are you to tell them it's less important? f*** that.

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There was a man in my city a few months ago who shot his family (wife and kids), walked to city hall in the middle of the night, and shot himself on the steps.


It is foolish to assume you know anything about a person's state of mind. It is foolish assume you know what they were thinking at the time they killed themselves. There are many factors that decide whether someone chooses to live or die.


How f***ing vein can people get around here? Acting like reading bulls*** conspiracy theories makes them somehow more valuable as a human being? Pretending to know all the answers? f*** that and f*** anyone who tells other people how to live, claiming that their way is more important and admirable. f*** that. You wanna read pages and pages of legal documents? Fine. Great. Go right the f*** ahead. But that doesn't make you any less of a dickhead when you start pretending like it is how the virtuous people live. If someone wants to know the batting average of a 3rd string catcher in Butte that's their f***ing agenda. If that is what they want to do who are you to tell them it's less important? f*** that.

Sorry man, i think that you are nervous. It's because in Brazil, people kill themselves because they are hungry, they dont have a job, dont have a good life, they live in the "favelas"... If a guy that is so important for a country is found dead in the middle of nowhere after all the talking about him, in my head this guy didnt killl himself, if he killed himself why he would do that? If you are the guy that know everything about suicide, you should know that.


Cosnpiracy? How you know that it's not truth. About Bush, all i know is that he lied about the bombs that werent found. And he is the most faked person in the world. It's ridiculous his talk about input democracy in other country. Acting like he is the savior of the Iraq's people.

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How f***ing vain can people get around here? Acting like reading bulls*** conspiracy theories makes them somehow more valuable as a human being? Pretending to know all the answers? f*** that and f*** anyone who tells other people how to live, claiming that their way is more important and admirable. f*** that. You wanna read pages and pages of legal documents? Fine. Great. Go right the f*** ahead. But that doesn't make you any less of a dickhead when you start pretending like it is how the virtuous people live. If someone wants to know the batting average of a 3rd string catcher in Butte that's their f***ing agenda. If that is what they want to do who are you to tell them it's less important? f*** that.




And might I remind folks that this is primarily a BASEBALL website, and therefore might attract people who WANT to know a 3rd string catcher's batting average?

I personally enjoy the variety of opinions and appreciate reading facts and opinions that I may not have considered, but I certainly do NOT appreciate the condescending attitude thrown around by a SMALL number of posters here.

If you want to look down your nose at people who choose not to dig around for inside political knowledge, MAYBE a message board dealing primarily with POLITICAL CONSPIRACIES would be a good place to start...

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Sorry man, i think that you are nervous. It's because in Brazil, people kill themselves because they are hungry, they dont have a job, dont have a good life, they live in the "favelas"... If a guy that is so important for a country is found dead in the middle of nowhere after all the talking about him, in my head this guy didnt killl himself, if he killed himself why he would do that? If you are the guy that know everything about suicide, you should know that.


Cosnpiracy? How you know that it's not truth. About Bush, all i know is that he lied about the bombs that werent found. And he is the most faked person in the world. It's ridiculous his talk about input democracy in other country. Acting like he is the savior of the Iraq's people.

People in the United States kill themselves for the same reasons rafa. I personally know of a co-worker that put a shotgun to his head for a variety of reason just last week. Did he have personal problems at work and in his personal life? Yeah, he did. But nothing, IMHO, that couldn't be helped or worked on. The first thing you need to know about a person that commits suicide is that they are not thinking rationally in the first place. Suicide doesn't effect only the people that have little, live in ghettos, bills up the wazoo, no car, and no medicine. Millionaires in perfect physical health kill themselves on a daily basis just like those that have nothing and are sick. Having said that, nothing I could say would convince you (or the others who think there's a conspiracy to everything) that Kelly was a suicide so I'll skip it.


And about the WoMD that haven't been found yet. We know he has/had them. He used them on his own people years ago. If he didn't have them and complied with all of the UN Resolutions, why the song-and-dance before Iraqi Freedom? Why expel the UN? Answer..... because he still had/has them. More than likely, the WoMD disappeared to an ally nation of Iraq. They'll turn up. People expect results overnight and that is not going to happen. I guess the Iraqi exiles and Hussein's own captured or escaped scientists that admitted to an on-going Iraqi chemical and biological weapons program during the UN Resolutions after Operation: Desert Storm were lying and Hussein was telling the truth all along :rolleyes: . Also, why am I still paying more than $1.50 for a gallon of gas if Iraqi Freedom was done strictly for the oil?

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oh yes, apu, Kelly was pure suicide - as his emails hours before his death making plans for next week show.


What puzzles me is this: if the house is surrounded, why kill them with 15 minutes?  Why not wait them out, arrest them, and put them on trial with real evidence?


:huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

CW, stop it! You're thinking....and when you do that...the terrorists have truly won. :lol:


There was a handful of guys in there with ak-47s...the fact that anybody believes it was a firefight between 4 people and the world's largest superpower is laughable.

You two really eat up this whole vast right-wing conspiracy stuff don't you?


Don't let anything about Kelly's death or actions before he took his own life fool you cw or Apu. He's the textbook suicide case. A co-worker of mine killed himself with a shotgun to the head last week cw. He woke up in the AM, showered, had his breakfast bar and coffee like he did every AM, drove to work, talked to a few of his co-workers while at HQ's, checked the paperwork in that he needed to complete so that the people under him didn't get into trouble, then drove to a State maintenance facility where he went to his trunk, loaded his shotgun, jimmy-rigged the trigger with jumper cables, put the shotgun to his head, and ended what he thought was a life no longer worth living. He left himself there to be found by a maintenance worker. Up until the point of driving to the maintenance facility, my co-worker was living his life like he did everyday. HE EVEN SENT HIS SUPERIORS A FEW E-MAILS FOR THE WEEK UP-COMING.


Maybe he knew something about Iraq and Bush had him done in :rolleyes:

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There was a man in my city a few months ago who shot his family (wife and kids), walked to city hall in the middle of the night, and shot himself on the steps.


It is foolish to assume you know anything about a person's state of mind. It is foolish assume you know what they were thinking at the time they killed themselves. There are many factors that decide whether someone chooses to live or die.


How f***ing vein can people get around here? Acting like reading bulls*** conspiracy theories makes them somehow more valuable as a human being? Pretending to know all the answers? f*** that and f*** anyone who tells other people how to live, claiming that their way is more important and admirable. f*** that. You wanna read pages and pages of legal documents? Fine. Great. Go right the f*** ahead. But that doesn't make you any less of a dickhead when you start pretending like it is how the virtuous people live. If someone wants to know the batting average of a 3rd string catcher in Butte that's their f***ing agenda. If that is what they want to do who are you to tell them it's less important? f*** that.

Sorry man, i think that you are nervous. It's because in Brazil, people kill themselves because they are hungry, they dont have a job, dont have a good life, they live in the "favelas"... If a guy that is so important for a country is found dead in the middle of nowhere after all the talking about him, in my head this guy didnt killl himself, if he killed himself why he would do that? If you are the guy that know everything about suicide, you should know that.

Did I not just say that you can't pretend to know why ANYONE committs suicide? Did I not just say it's foolish to pretend you know anything about someone's state of mind prior to taking their own life, or the though processes that go on? Did I not just say I don't pretend to know all the answers? And then you ask me why he did it???


Cubkilla covered it mostly, but jesus christ dude if I was proposing that the minds of people who take their own lives are mysteries, why would I then say I know why Kelly did it?


I never said I was an expert on suicide, in fact I practically said the opposite, as it would be infinitely difficult to be an expert.

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That's complicated. I dont want write about this anymore. In my head, this suicide dont get in. IMO, he was killed.


About the bombs and everything, Saddam used them 10 years ago(i'm not sure). If the US didnt found them or the UN, it's 90% of chance that they dont exist anymore because they, US and UN, had all the eyes on them and never found nothing.


About the oil, i dont know how it costs in US, but in Brazil the prices falls, little bit but... and this fall have everything to do it with the international price of the oil that after the war, the risk for destroying the oils diminished(fall). Supply and demand, if the quatity rises the price falls. Soon or later, the price in the US will fall.


My f***ing english doesnt allowed me to write more, f***.... :angry:

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Two quick things:


If Iraq didnt destroy WMD, either another country we dont like has them now, or worse when his hand was forced, he did the very thing we fought to prevent... which meant the war was not smart policy. At least if we had left the regime in place, we knew where the WMD is. Its rather difficult to move tons of stuff without detection.


If Iraq did destroy WMD, then the war was fought without justification. I won't argue that the world isn't better without Hussein... but keep in mind that our own intelligence released an ignored report last october that came to the conclusion That Saddam out of power is more dangerous than Saddam in power if he isnt dead.


As for the pictures, they are necessary I think because we havent won over the hearts and minds of the average Iraqi. Again, our fault... we expected a total honeymoon, and we didn't get it. We had little contingency for what was to happen afterwords. Whether this war was justified or not, which I won't get into... I personally think the aftermath (the most important part) has been handled incredibly poorly and the Bush administration appears to have lied to its own people to justify the action. Something not excusable.

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I have heard that Iraq moved them over the border and the administration is waiting to tell people when it's time to get reeeeeeeee-elected. And don't get on me about "IF YOU BELIEVE THAT...", it's just something I've heard.


And I still think we'll get Saddam. To get the brothers someone tipped us off about their location (and recieved a nice $30 million check), I can easily see someone doing the same to their father, with the draw of money and the fact people are already selling out.

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As for the pictures, they are necessary I think because we havent won over the hearts and minds of the average Iraqi. Again, our fault... we expected a total honeymoon, and we didn't get it. We had little contingency for what was to happen afterwords. Whether this war was justified or not, which I won't get into... I personally think the aftermath (the most important part) has been handled incredibly poorly and the Bush administration appears to have lied to its own people to justify the action. Something not excusable.

Who expected it to be a total honeymoon? :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: Anyone who thought that must have been living under a rock for the past few years.


And you say that Bush lied about the war, but I NEVER recall Bush saying this war would be easy or quick. He said MANY times that it would cost our soliders' lives and that it could take a very long time, but that we would stay until victory was ours. Is that not what's gone on so far? :huh:

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Dick Cheney said the week before fighting began, "Its possible we could do this without firing a single shot." on Meet The Press.


George Bush knowingly presented evidence on the State of the Union address that was false. How do we know? The same information was taken out of previous speeches because of its questionable legitimacy.


Last week George Bush cited the reason for war being: "Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in." Did it in front of the UN Sec General. Did he already forget the reasons for this war? And if he did, shouldn't we be worried?


He did say we'll stay until victory is ours and thats true. But this was not the scenario they expected. Most servicemen and pentagon bureaucrats would probably say that too.

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