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Any ideas are appreciated

Queen Prawn

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i would suggest monster jobs .com.. they are very reputable and post all jobs in whatever chicagoland area you wish to work in...... when i found myself laid off a while back i went there and found my present job which by the way has offered me better benefits, wages, and hours than what i had at my other job....its free and easy to use... you can post your resume on there and send it off to perspective employers all from the site.....the employers pay about 350.00 per ad they post on there so they are seriously seeking help or they wouldnt waste the money.......dont relocate if you dont want to .....and with the way engerineering is around here you should be able to snatch up a new job rather fast ..............another good thing about monster jobs.com is that you can get home pages for companies there and see what they have to offer in the way of employment that would otherwise not be listed ..........

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Originally posted by FanOf14

I was just notified that I have a choice of moving to Ohio or looking for another job.  :eek   



Where in Ohio - the very northwestern tip wouldn't be too far from Chicago. Columbus - Cincinnati - Toldedo = way too far


Although I would never live in ohio myself.


Network - ask everyone you know and along with the other ideas posted, send letters of interest with resume to other employers in your field - usually after Xmas there is a little shake up here and there so it is a good time to already be on the desk, so to speak. Sometimes a blind inquiry can be very productive.

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I'd check monster.com or hotjobs.com as well as check the Tribune as well as Sun Times.


I'm not really familiar if their is a local Chicago Website that checks for jobs, but their may be something.


Also, call big time companies that you'd think would have use for an engineer and simply ask if they have any openings.


Plus, ask co-workers and such, they may have tips on a company thats hiring engineers since most of them probably are in your field as well.


Hopefully things work out for ya Fanof14

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The relocation in Ohio is in Columbus. I just drove to Cincinnati over the weekend for a hockey game and that is enough Ohio for me. Thanks for all the suggestions. I've had my resume on Monster.com, careerbuilder.com (or .net, whatever the heck it is) and hotjobs for about 3 months now and have had very little in the way of bites. Guess all I can do is keep trying.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

keep looking on there and send it out to everyone who posts a job on there.. youll get replies and can weed them out... once they start they dont stop...good luck....

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Originally posted by FanOf14

The relocation in Ohio is in Columbus. I just drove to Cincinnati over the weekend for a hockey game and that is enough Ohio for me.  Thanks for all the suggestions.  I've had my resume on Monster.com, careerbuilder.com (or .net, whatever the heck it is) and hotjobs for about 3 months now and have had very little in the way of bites.  Guess all I can do is keep trying. 


I wouldn't live in Columbus for anything. And way too far away.


Network. Talk to everyone as was suggested. And keep on keeping on as HSC said. Best of luck!


In the alternative, dump the current boyfriend and get hitched up with PK who could afford now to put you up for a while while you look for a new job...

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Your boyfriend has a great job.


You live on the southside right near the team you love.


But then again you could have a great job in Ohio.


Id stay in Chicago, Kate. First off Id kill to get to live right near Comiskey (even when I lived in Chicago I lived in Gurnee) and then your boyfriend has a great job, as you put it. If my girlfriend moved me and put me in search of a job Id be pissed. But then again Im one of the most hot-tempered people youll ever meet. So Kate, just stay. theres no reason to move.


Besides, whats your current occupation? And whats the Ohio job? If youre happy, stick with it.

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