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what exactly is a loan officer? someone who gives out loans and make sure theyre all paid back? doesnt seem like a job a very intelligent person would have.

No. That's not what they do.


Do ya know what a credit score is? Do you know what a "debt to ratio" is? Do you know what interest is or isn't tax deductable? Do you know how to file a deed transfer? Process a quit claim?


Those are just a few things a loan officer does.

all money has ever done is cause problems. people kill eachother cause of money, people marry rich people cause they have money, money has corrupted us. so anyone who works with money can go and f*** themselves

If not for money your ass might be living in a cardboard box under a bridge.. or perhaps you wouldn't be her at all because your parents might not have had the MONEY to get proper medical care and your mother might have miscarried.. or worse.. died giving birth to you.


Sad, isn't it.

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what exactly is a loan officer? someone who gives out loans and make sure theyre all paid back? doesnt seem like a job a very intelligent person would have.

No. That's not what they do.


Do ya know what a credit score is? Do you know what a "debt to ratio" is? Do you know what interest is or isn't tax deductable? Do you know how to file a deed transfer? Process a quit claim?


Those are just a few things a loan officer does.

and then after they made money they added all this crap to it to make it confusing. loans, debt, interest. i wish our financial system was like that of bible times. gimme the money and ill give ya the merchandise. no debt, no interest, none of that s***. just a very simple idea

Evolution. Supply and demand. Wants and desires.


While you may be book smart.. you might want to brush up on that street knowledge a bit.


The world is the way it is because of human nature. And I hate to burst your bubble.. but even in biblical times there was "interest" charged. A cow was left in exchange for a horse. You don't return the horse.. bubye to the cow.

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Guest mr1drfl

we coulda f***ed the whole idea outta the system a long time ago. but we created it and i guess thats alright. then we made debts, loans, interests, claims and all this bulls***. senseless, useless bulls***. again, it used to be gimme money and ill give ya merchandise. now its go find a loan so you can buy this s*** and then pay back the bank with interest. what the f***? the point of this is what? maybe loans are useful so people can borrow money but paying back in interest is bulls***

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

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Guest mr1drfl
The world is the way it is because of human nature.

no offense, but f*** human nature. this species is rather brutal. its the only species that systematically tortures and murders its own kind for fun, necessity, and comfort. this species is brutal

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we coulda f***ed the whole idea outta the system a long time ago. but we created it and i guess thats alright. then we made debts, loans, interests, claims and all this bulls***. senseless, useless bulls***. again, it used to be gimme money and ill give ya merchandise. now its go find a loan so you can buy this s*** and then pay back the bank with interest. what the f***? the point of this is what? maybe loans are useful so people can borrow money but paying back in interest is bulls***

Interest is essential because nobody would let you borrow money if they did not get interest! There would be no point! It creates more money for the bank so that they can let more people borrow it, and more people can buy things and help the economy grow.


Dah! Just shut up you know nothing!

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Guest mr1drfl
HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

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Guest mr1drfl
Interest is essential because nobody would let you borrow money if they did not get interest! There would be no point! It creates more money for the bank so that they can let more people borrow it, and more people can buy things and help the economy grow.


Dah! Just shut up you know nothing!

youd still get loans. its called generosity. oh wait, from a species that invented the atomic bomb, generosity is a damn rare thing

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

uh, don't retailers handle money all day? Don't they take money from people and give them back change? That's working with money. Don't entrepeneurs handle their own books? That's working with money.


I can't even believe I'm having this conversation. You are so ignorant, I've never met anyone who hated the way the economy works and bottom line is you are making up s*** to try and salvage your argument that Vida Guerra is somehow dumb because she poses for a magazine.

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Interest is essential because nobody would let you borrow money if they did not get interest! There would be no point! It creates more money for the bank so that they can let more people borrow it, and more people can buy things and help the economy grow.


Dah! Just shut up you know nothing!

youd still get loans. its called generosity. oh wait, from a species that invented the atomic bomb, generosity is a damn rare thing

Nobody could afford to be generous! You think people in the Biblical economy had extra money to go lending out to people? They had s***, they needed everything they had.


Now you are arguing with the economy, and human nature. Well, good luck with that.

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Interest is essential because nobody would let you borrow money if they did not get interest! There would be no point! It creates more money for the bank so that they can let more people borrow it, and more people can buy things and help the economy grow.


Dah! Just shut up you know nothing!

youd still get loans. its called generosity. oh wait, from a species that invented the atomic bomb, generosity is a damn rare thing

So people would just give money to people for no reason, just because. That didn't happen in biblical times man. Try reading your bible a little closer. There has ALWAYS been incentive for lending. Otherwise it would not happen.

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we coulda f***ed the whole idea outta the system a long time ago. but we created it and i guess thats alright. then we made debts, loans, interests, claims and all this bulls***. senseless, useless bulls***. again, it used to be gimme money and ill give ya merchandise. now its go find a loan so you can buy this s*** and then pay back the bank with interest. what the f***? the point of this is what? maybe loans are useful so people can borrow money but paying back in interest is bulls***

Interest pays for the cost of taking money out of circulation, processing the funds, and allowing people to buy bigger and better things. Don't like it, don't use it. Pretty simple.

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Interest is essential because nobody would let you borrow money if they did not get interest! There would be no point! It creates more money for the bank so that they can let more people borrow it, and more people can buy things and help the economy grow.


Dah! Just shut up you know nothing!

youd still get loans. its called generosity. oh wait, from a species that invented the atomic bomb, generosity is a damn rare thing

Moron... if you let people borrow for free and not have a way to replenish those funds while they are being used (interest) you'd run out of money and someone would be SOL.


I'm not buying that A's and B's story.

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

Hey from one who has been there, good luck. What is your focus?

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

Hey from one who has been there, good luck. What is your focus?

My focus is more microeconomics, rural economics, regional economics too. I like Macroeconomics also. I´m working on a paper that talk about profit optimization of water resources, by charging the use of water trying to eliminate the lost of water, here in Brazil.

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

Hey from one who has been there, good luck. What is your focus?

My focus is more microeconomics, rural economics, regional economics too. I like Macroeconomics also. I´m working on a paper that talk about profit optimization of water resources, by charging the use of water trying to eliminate the lost of water, here in Brazil.

I did a lot of research in historical econ. Good stuff.

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

Hey from one who has been there, good luck. What is your focus?

My focus is more microeconomics, rural economics, regional economics too. I like Macroeconomics also. I´m working on a paper that talk about profit optimization of water resources, by charging the use of water trying to eliminate the lost of water, here in Brazil.

I did a lot of research in historical econ. Good stuff.

That´s the worst part in my course of Economics. It´s good to read but i prefer read it like a normal book and not must book to prepare yourself for a test, do you understand? But i have already read a little bit of Marx and Adam Smith. You gotta read this books to be a Economist!. What you do 2k3?

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HAHA wow that is so retarded. You wish the money system was just like biblical times? In that case I'd like to see you ever make money to begin with.


And anyone with money can go f*** themselves? Well, that would involve economists, bankers, people in retail, accountants, entrepeneurs, a big chunk of the population. Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete moron.

anyone who WORKS with money you dumbass motherf***er. bankers, economists, loan officers. reading, its a skill asshole

Hey man, calm down, i´m studying to become a economist. And without them what would be your wealth.

Hey from one who has been there, good luck. What is your focus?

My focus is more microeconomics, rural economics, regional economics too. I like Macroeconomics also. I´m working on a paper that talk about profit optimization of water resources, by charging the use of water trying to eliminate the lost of water, here in Brazil.

I did a lot of research in historical econ. Good stuff.

That´s the worst part in my course of Economics. It´s good to read but i prefer read it like a normal book and not must book to prepare yourself for a test, do you understand? But i have already read a little bit of Marx and Adam Smith. You gotta read this books to be a Economist!. What you do 2k3?

I actually work in the commodities markets in Chicago. I actually worked on the trading floor of the options exchange for 3 years, and now I work for a brokerage that trades futures. The last true bastion of supply and demand :)

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