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Prince Fielder


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So, all this Prince Fielder talk that I'm not sure if ESPN just made it up to start Fielder to Red Sox rumors has made me wonder...


...would the Sox have enough bait to trade for Fielder?



Going into 2010, their CF (Cameron), 2B (Lopez), and C (Kendall) are FA's, and if the trade happened, they'd need a 1B. And of course...


We all know the Brewers would ask for starting pitching, so there goes Hudson and Torres, and you'd probably have to include 1 of Charlie Shirek, Jack Egbert (if anyone would want him), and Lucas Harrell. That's the given.


So that means you'd have to give up a CF; That means you could give them Shelby, D2, Mitchell or Rios.


Rios - You'd have to eat salary, and plenty of it. It might not be worth it, or it could be worth it, but you're eating a lot of salary for them to take The Albatrios.

Shelby - Brewers might have interest in him, and if they did, include him.

Danks - I'd try to avoid biting on including D2, because his being shipped could affect Danks resigning.

Mitchell - Are we even allowed to include him? I know you can't trade a player until a year after they're drafted, but could he be on the 40 Man roster and be shipped or could he be a player to be named later?


Now, for the 2B, you have three guys you could give them; Nix, Retherford, and Lillibridge.


Nix - Has shown he could be a good ML 2B so you might have to bite on trading him

Retherford - Is no slouch either and according to FutureSox he's kind of like Nix, so you'd probably have to give up Nix.

Lillibridge - He might be thrown in with Nix or Retherford, but he's not going over one of those two.


As for catcher, you have really two options, and only one reasonable one. Flowers and (maybe) Phegley.


Flowers - At least this would mean we'd essentially turn Chris Young, El Duque, Luis Vizcaino, Javier Vazquez, and Boone Logan into Fielder. I could live with this, because AJ is about as durable as they come and is still going strong. And now throws out runners to boot.

Phegley - See Mitchell.


Now, that leaves one more hole, first basemen. And that leaves two guys. Viciedo and Flowers.


Flowers - You might just get off including him as a 1B and C. If he's included though, you're not giving up Phegley.

Viciedo - Would it be worth it? We might shut down our Cuban Connection, but Viciedo makes a lot to not be on our big league roster, this one wouldn't take as much thinking as the others.


So that means a 7 for 1 of:


Fielder for: Hudson, Torres, Shirek/Egbert/Harrel, Rios/Shelby/D2/Mitchell, Nix/Retherford/+Lillibridge, Flowers/Phegley, Viciedo/Flowers (Phegley not included).


How would we coup our losses?


We'd lose Hudson and Torres, so essentially our #5 starter for 2011. Who knows? Maybe Freddy has a resurgance and he's 33, so not incredibly old and a decent Freddy Garcia is fine behind a Buehrle/Peavy/Danks/Floyd 4-headed Monster.


We lose a minor league pitcher who could be a #5 one day or a BP arm, not hard at all to recover.


We lose a centerfielder, but we have plenty of depth to recover from losing one of those.


We lose a utility player and Lillibridge, but which ever one we keep between Nix and Retherford can take that spot, and Lillibridge is...Lillibridge.


We lose a catcher and we keep the other. We don't need one to be ready next year, since we still have AJ for a couple years.


We lose Viciedo, but gain Fielder, so we lose nothing.


What do we get?


A lefty power bat that could DH or spell Paulie at 1B and a a guy that could help us for years to come.


And that was a big write, I was apparently bored.


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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 17, 2009 -> 06:46 AM)
Hard to come up with many teams in more need of starting pitching than the Brewers. If I'm Doug Melvin and Kenny comes to me about the availability of PF, I demand John Danks. So in other words, ain't nothing happening here, IMO.


Yup, I think a deal with Fielder would start & end with Johnny Danks. They would want quality young pitching, that they could throw in the rotation today, cause they want to win now. All the trade talk with the Giants seems to center around Matt Cain.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 17, 2009 -> 04:52 AM)
Yup, I think a deal with Fielder would start & end with Johnny Danks. They would want quality young pitching, that they could throw in the rotation today, cause they want to win now. All the trade talk with the Giants seems to center around Matt Cain.

Give Hudson a few months next year and see what he's worth then.

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