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Dye says "I don't really have a feeling"


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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 10:24 PM)
Jermaine was arguably the least valuable position player in the second half for a team that didn't hit or field worth a damn as they fell out of contention down the stretch, he's going to catch s*** for this as he should and you're just gonna have to learn how to deal with it.



You are not necesarily right Kalapse. JD is not the reason this team lost in 2009

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There were 2 players aged 36+ that put up a 110+ OPS+ and qualified for the batting title in 2009 (Chipper and Ibanez). There wasn't a single one in the AL and only 5 aged 34+, 3 played for the Yankees (2 lefties, 1 Jeter), 1 was Ichiro and the other was Bobby Abreu. Unfortunately for Jermaine he can't run or draw walks like Abreu, Dye has to keep up his bat speed and mash in order to reach that 110 OPS+ plateau. When basically all your value comes from a high AVG and SLG you're going to have trouble maintaining that value when you hit 35+ years of age. Unfortunately for Jermaine he can't draw walks, play defense or run the bases worth a damn like some of the other old codgers that are still producing in the game today.

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Jermaine was arguably the least valuable position player in the second half for a team that didn't hit or field worth a damn as they fell out of contention down the stretch, he's going to catch s*** for this as he should and you're just gonna have to learn how to deal with it.



And why should he continue to catch s***? The season is over and he GAWN. So why kick him? People have made their point.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 04:31 PM)
And why should he continue to catch s***? The season is over and he GAWN. So why kick him? People have made their point.

Because people are going to want to discuss this team's failures, it's a rather natural practice that most all sports fans partake in at the conclusion of their favorite team's season. Jermaine was a large contributor to these failures so his name is going to come up. Being 35, slow and an awful defender Jermaine really had no long term value for this team unlike players such as Rios, Beckham, Pena or Peavy, his only value to this team was in the present and he failed spectacularly in that short period of time before his value to the club was to expire. Because of this he's going to catch more of the blame since the fans have no future production to look forward to concerning Jermaine.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 04:36 PM)
Because people are going to want to discuss this team's failures, it's a rather natural practice that most all sports fans partake in at the conclusion of their favorite team's season. Jermaine was a large contributor to these failures so his name is going to come up. Being 35, slow and an awful defender Jermaine really had no long term value for this team unlike players such as Rios, Beckham, Pena or Peavy, his only value to this team was in the present and he failed spectacularly in that short period of time before his value to the club was to expire. Because of this he's going to catch more of the blame since the fans have no future production to look forward to concerning Jermaine.


I can't believe you would say dye is an awful defender.

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JD is one of the best players in franchise history. He doesn't have to apologize for a damn thing. I'm not just thankful for 2005. I'm thankful for all 5 years he's been here. There might not be some mysterious reason why he fell off so much in the second half. Dude is 36 years old. And the days of players finding the fountain of youth at age 35 (not that Dye would ever cheat) are over. It was just a matter of time before the decline faze started. If yesterday was his last in a Sox uni, it's been an incredible ride. J4L salutes JD!

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I doubt he is back. I don't think he is done as a hitter. I think he's still got solid seasons left in him. But his age, defense, terrible second half, do not come close to warranting the price of his option, especially with this economy/market for free agents. Not to mention we need left handed power. Thome has a better chance of coming back than Dye.

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QUOTE (striker62704 @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 04:40 PM)
KW stated (I don't remember the source) that he wants a DH that can also play the field. JD is alright out there but I'm sure Dye is not what he has in mind.



This is the key, imo. I think we're seeing a trend that he's wearing down as seasons wear on and his age catches up to him. If KW believes that those lapses in endurance can be attributed to playing RF everyday, well, he may still have the energy to hit well through an entire season just being the DH. If KW believes that it isn't playing RF that wears him down then he's got to go. Additionally, as SS2K mentioned, if KW thinks it's all mental I think that means again that he needs to let him walk.


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QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Oct 6, 2009 -> 07:33 AM)
This is the key, imo. I think we're seeing a trend that he's wearing down as seasons wear on and his age catches up to him. If KW believes that those lapses in endurance can be attributed to playing RF everyday, well, he may still have the energy to hit well through an entire season just being the DH. If KW believes that it isn't playing RF that wears him down then he's got to go. Additionally, as SS2K mentioned, if KW thinks it's all mental I think that means again that he needs to let him walk.
dye would be good as a dh if we can resign him for 4 to 5 mil a year for 2 yrs would be ok i feel he will rebound next year


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QUOTE (1977 sox fan @ Oct 6, 2009 -> 07:55 AM)
dye would be good as a dh if we can resign him for 4 to 5 mil a year for 2 yrs would be ok i feel he will rebound next year
if not dye then sign abreu but he will cost more


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Because people are going to want to discuss this team's failures, it's a rather natural practice that most all sports fans partake in at the conclusion of their favorite team's season. Jermaine was a large contributor to these failures so his name is going to come up. Being 35, slow and an awful defender Jermaine really had no long term value for this team unlike players such as Rios, Beckham, Pena or Peavy, his only value to this team was in the present and he failed spectacularly in that short period of time before his value to the club was to expire. Because of this he's going to catch more of the blame since the fans have no future production to look forward to concerning Jermaine.


Then please also start threads on Dotel, Liney, Rios, Pods (to discuss his baserunning), Cox and his great calls at third base, Lexi (for his first half), Mark (for his post perfect game performance), Bobby (for his six blown saves and 'soft' saves as one poster put it, Castro, Randy Williams.

Thank you.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 05:07 PM)
We are going to miss his production.

My question is: Why do the Dye naysayers immediately claim he's finished and not just say he had an off year?

Rios ... oh he had an off year. Swisher last year ... oh he had an off year.

But Dye is finished? Dye will have 2 good years with whomever acquires him. I'm just saying KW needs to replace some big time production in Dye and Thome.

Why can't some people just say Dye had an off year or rotten second half?? I know why. We know him too well and people are sick of him and want new blood. Hope the new blood can produce like the Jermaine of the first half.


Not true if you look at Dye's splits between 1st half and 2nd half production its been pretty noticeable that he wears down a but in the 2nd half. I think I had a thread on it about a month ago. Except for 2006 his power #s from 07, 08, 09 look like 22 Hr's first half and like 10 Hr's 2nd half. Same with his Avg and OBP, steady declines the 2nd half. That my friend is the tell tale sign of age catching up with a slugger.

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QUOTE (qwerty @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 08:42 PM)
I was expecting more of a reaction.


But yes, of course dye is atrocious out there.


Ya the other poster doesn't get it. I was shocked too, cause Kalapse is one of (if not the biggest) the biggest JD fans on this board... the offensive JD not the fielding JD.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 07:15 PM)
I really, REALLY don't like basing any of my opinions on what Cowley writes or says, but like it or not, he does have more access at this point than I do. He has said numerous times that Dye sulked in the clubhouse on a regular basis during the second half, and expected the Sox to approach him about a new deal. When he found out the Sox didn't have him in the plans, along with acquiring Rios, he mailed it in.


If that is true, I lost a ton of respect for Dye, who was probably in my Top 3 favorites of all time.


Im not saying he did or didn't mail it in. But if he found out the sox were essentially going to make him a Free Agent wouldnt that motivate him even more to get out of that slump, and start producing in his contract year, knowing that hes gonna need to show some clubs he can still play. Doens't make sense why would a guy rollover after being informed hes going to be a free agent and need to negotiate a new contract with a new team.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 5, 2009 -> 09:46 PM)
Then please also start threads on Dotel, Liney, Rios, Pods (to discuss his baserunning), Cox and his great calls at third base, Lexi (for his first half), Mark (for his post perfect game performance), Bobby (for his six blown saves and 'soft' saves as one poster put it, Castro, Randy Williams.

Thank you.

Do you read this board?

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Yes and I'm shocked that last year it was Paulie who got the rude treatment and of late it's been Jermaine.

I don't get it.

The guy is gone; we all know it. No need to pile on a guy who was very very instrumental in the Sox winning perhaps the only WS of your lifetime.

Ask my great grandfather who never had a WS title as he died a few years before the title year and had to live through the Black Sox bulls***.

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Yes and I'm shocked that last year it was Paulie who got the rude treatment and of late it's been Jermaine.

I don't get it.

The guy is gone; we all know it. No need to pile on a guy who was very very instrumental in the Sox winning perhaps the only WS of your lifetime.

Ask my great grandfather who never had a WS title as he died a few years before the title year and had to live through the Black Sox bulls***.

I hate that argument so much.... I'm not even going to bother arguing this subject with you anymore.

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Rude, then you tell me why it is wise to pile on a guy who you know is gone? Everybody talks about track records. His was one of excellence.


I've tried to stop bashing my least favorite Sox player who sucked all second half. We all know Dye sucked the second half and is off to another team. You tell me what good it is to bash him?


As far as WS titles, if we do win a second anytime soon, the Sox should become the greatest story in the history of Chicago sports. You know how difficult it will be to win a second WS in your lifetime? Dye was so instrumental in that first one. He deserves respect as he heads out the door. Nothing but respect as he is GAWN.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 6, 2009 -> 12:47 AM)
Rude, then you tell me why it is wise to pile on a guy who you know is gone? Everybody talks about track records. His was one of excellence.


I've tried to stop bashing my least favorite Sox player who sucked all second half. We all know Dye sucked the second half and is off to another team. You tell me what good it is to bash him?


As far as WS titles, if we do win a second anytime soon, the Sox should become the greatest story in the history of Chicago sports. You know how difficult it will be to win a second WS in your lifetime? Dye was so instrumental in that first one. He deserves respect as he heads out the door. Nothing but respect as he is GAWN.


Oh brother! Please stop the whining.


There are not many who will disagree on the importance JD has to this franchise. However, this is a White Sox message board where people debate the merits of players. The season just ended and the debate is whether Dye will be back or not. He is PROBABLY gone but nothing is certain yet.


If you do not like the discussion, then leave. Otherwise, stop with the lecturing and realize people are entitled to their opinion.


BTW, people forget not only is Dye 35-6, he has also been playing since 19, I believe. The years and the toll they take on the body mean more than the actual age.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 6, 2009 -> 12:47 AM)
Rude, then you tell me why it is wise to pile on a guy who you know is gone? Everybody talks about track records. His was one of excellence.

I've tried to stop bashing my least favorite Sox player who sucked all second half. We all know Dye sucked the second half and is off to another team. You tell me what good it is to bash him?


As far as WS titles, if we do win a second anytime soon, the Sox should become the greatest story in the history of Chicago sports. You know how difficult it will be to win a second WS in your lifetime? Dye was so instrumental in that first one. He deserves respect as he heads out the door. Nothing but respect as he is GAWN.




Well maybe you should lighten up on Rios a bit, francis. I mean he has a TRACK RECORD of EXCELLENCE(if you use the Jermaine Dye bar of excellence, that is)


You spent the entire summer, and most of last summer bashing on the most useful pitcher in the organization(carrasco), and defending a player who couldnt hit over .200 for 2 1/2 months. Seems a bit hypocritical and misguided




I was just thinking about this, Dye came into the organization with a wicked bad 2 1/2 month start in 2005, and (likely) left the organization with a wicked bad 2 1/2 month finish

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