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Your top 5 Events...


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I was tempted to put this in Filibuster but hope it won't have to be moved there. If Mods think it belongs there, I understand.


What are 5 events that happened in our history that effected/changed the world/country?


We are all of different ages so it may vary. No particular order...


1. 9/11: Since Pearl Harbor, the first attack inside our country from another country/foriegners. Seems like an event that also brought the country together for the first time in a long time.


2. Pearl Harbor: Brought the US into World War 2, as a result, D-Day and Nagasaki/Hiroshima, which could be 2 seperate choices.


3. JFK Assasination: I was born in 79 but seemed like an event that could of had a hand in counter culture. Would we of stayed in Vietnam? Just from reading things, you wonder how different things would of been if JFK lived and served his terms.


4. The signing of the Declaration of Independance, duh.


5. Columbine Shooting...People will disagree with me. I was in college at the time and remember the aftermath. In my eyes, we were living of fear of everything. Y2K was shoved down our throats. High Schools and colleges weren't safe anymore. Metal detectors in schools. We still see incidents today like this. Never remember hearing of school shooting before Columbine in 99.

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These are some things that changed the country.


1. Montgomery Bus Boycott


2. New Deal


3. 1968 Democratic Convention / Kent State shootings


4. Roe vs. Wade


5. 2005 White Sox.


If there was a 6th it would be the NES.

Edited by GoSox05
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5. Evolution of opposable thumbs, upright locomotion, verbal communication, and other uniquely human traits.

4. Harnessing of fire by humans.

3. Invention/perfecting of the wheel.

2. Survival of Homo sapiens evolutionary line as the competitive dominants over the remainder of contemporary hominid lines.

1. Creation of the Mai Tai cocktail by Victor "Trader Vic" Bergeron in 1944.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 07:38 PM)
It would be really cool to hear the top five moments during people's life times.

Yeah, I think it might be easier to limit it to things that effected the country, and within our lifetimes. Doing the entire world over time is impossible.


My biggest historical events for the U.S. as a country, in my lifetime...


1. Creation of and rise to predominance of the internet

2. 9/11

4. The flight from Saigon / the end of the Vietnam War

3. Berlin Wall taken down / End of the Cold War

5. The current economic recession and the financial meltdown that preceded it


Katrina just misses the list.


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As far as events that have changed MY life, it's easy:


No necessarily in any order

1. Birth of my first daughter

2. Birth of my son

3. Birth of my second daughter

4. Joining the USCG

5. Getting out of the CG


I'd have to think about events that changed life as we know it. The one that really stands out is 9/11. If you really think about how much life has changed since then it's incredible. I barely remember what it was like to travel by plane before then.

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  • Computers and networking (communications)
  • 9/11
  • Hybridization and cultivation of crops resulting in huge advancements in yields.
  • Reagan makes us feel invincible after Nixon/Ford/Iranian hostages.
  • Kennedy assassination and achieving goal of landing a man on the moon.
Just missing were the various "rights" movements that continue today.
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During my lifetime:

Includes stuff I can't remember

Berlin wall falling

Failure of the ERA amendment (I was 5 days old)


2000 election

Challenger explosion



Stuff I can remember


Princess Diana's death (more world impact than US)

Jeanine Nicarico trials (not her death, but I remember reading about it a lot and the press coverage as a kid--it was terrifying and the subsequent stopping of the death penalty in IL--I think the two are connected)

2000 election

The whole Ballyhou with the Episcopal church (and now the ELCA) about gay clergy (several of my friends used to be barred from ordination--and now aren't. It really restored my faith in THE CHURCH as an organization)



Graduating from college

Getting an awesome job

Studying abroad

Soon to be on list: finishing my f***ing Ph.D

I'll leave the last spot open for the next awesome chapter

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 14, 2009 -> 11:09 AM)
During my lifetime:

Includes stuff I can't remember

Berlin wall falling

Failure of the ERA amendment (I was 5 days old)


2000 election

Challenger explosion



Stuff I can remember


Princess Diana's death (more world impact than US)

Jeanine Nicarico trials (not her death, but I remember reading about it a lot and the press coverage as a kid--it was terrifying)

2000 election

The whole Ballyhou with the Episcopal church (and now the ELCA) about gay clergy (several of my friends used to be barred from ordination--and now aren't. It really restored my faith in THE CHURCH as an organization)


Oh yeah, forgot about Challenger. I remember seeing that in school - everyone was watching because of the teacher aboard.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 14, 2009 -> 11:11 AM)
Oh yeah, forgot about Challenger. I remember seeing that in school - everyone was watching because of the teacher aboard.


Of the major space events of my life, at lest as dtermined by the media coverage, the moon landings had a bigger impact than the notable failures.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 13, 2009 -> 12:56 PM)
1. Al Gore invents the internet.


2. A porn guy invents Pay Per View.


3. Pepsi Co introduces Mountain Dew.


4. Joey Motorola invents the cell phone.


5. John Facebook invents a website.

John McCain invented Cell phones and John Facebook is the Buzz Aldrin to Tom Spaces Neil Armstrong.

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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 14, 2009 -> 12:41 PM)
Persephone and Pluto shared a pomegranate penchant one night.


I realize I'm mixing my Greek and Roman pantheons, but the song called for the alliteration.


:lolhitting I thought this was the alphabetic thread and we were on "P" I was about to post


quit showing off Professor Jim

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As far as events that affected MY life, I'd say Columbine tops everything. I was in 8th grade when it happened, and it immediately changed the previously unquestioned safety you felt within schools. Suddenly, the thought of dying within a classroom was real. You treated people differently than before because, who knows, they may have it out for you. You sat in classrooms thinking of escape routes if gunshots echoed through the hallways.


I'll never forget, on the one year anniversary of Columbine it was a terrible day outside. The skies looked dark green. I'd say 30% of the school didn't show up because someone wrote an anonymous note highlighting the Columbine anniversary saying it may happen again at our school. My parents still sent me. First period, a classroom next door was showing a video while we were completing a worksheet. Suddenly, you hear a bell ring and -- no exaggeration -- everyone in that room immediately perks up. Even the teacher. I remember a girl near me had this look of fear on her face. I'm sure I did as well. Well, a few seconds afterwards we realized it was the video and continued on with work. All throughout the day everyone was on edge.


Eventually everything was back to normal, but even September 11th didn't match the fear I felt after Columbine. It was probably because, one, I was older; and two, the method of attacks (airplanes) weren't very connected to my life.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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