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One of the toughest boxers (and I'd argue was the toughest) to ever lace up the gloves with the best left jab/hook. Huge heart. My uncle has fond memories of Smokin Joe (his favorite boxer). Guy literally wouldn't give an inch even if you had the mile on him. R.I.P.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 13, 2011 -> 12:20 AM)
Power punches: Pacquiao 117 of 274 (43 percent) Marquez 100 of 254 (39 percent).


Pacquiao landed 176 of 578 punches - 30 percent. Marquez landed 138 of 436 - 32 percent.


Cool, cuz compu-box numbers = how to judge a boxing victory


JMM outboxed the hell outta him. I really thought he had NO chance, given his advanced age and inferior physical attributes, but his skill and technique truly neutralized manny's speed and power. manny proved that if he cannot show dominance by overpowering and outspeeding, he still does not have the pure boxing to outbox a truly elite boxer still boxing at a high level. JMM's counters were a thing of beauty, and he had the most meaningful power punches of the night, splitting open manny's lip and gashing his brow. Sound gameplan and great skill really rattled manny, leaving him lunging back to try to make something happen after getting hit with combinations.


In the end though, nothing short of a knock down or 2 was gonna allow JMM to get that victory, obviously. Wayy too much money at stake for manny to lose. Mayweather is gonna beat him soundly, and the fight will happen for the one obvious reason...$$$$$$$$$$

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f***in jesus. Look, I've said for years that I've thought Floyd is a better fighter than Manny and I also love Pac and despise Mayweather to the point where I'd pay a lot of money myself to get my ass kicked by Floyd if I could just take a swipe at him. All that being said, JMM did not control this f***in fight tonight, he was no where near robbed, it was a fun fight where the decision could have went either f***in way. Before I saw the stats, I thought it was a toss up and compubox makes it look like it favored Manny, the fact is, it was a very enjoyable fight that could have went either way. I'm also not ignorant enough to believe that these judges weren't swayed by the possible payday but once again, there's absolutely 0 chance that this was a one sided fight, it legitimately could have went either way.


Real, you're a biased motherf***er so your opinion literally means jacks***, and sleepy, I respect the f*** out of you, but you're wrong here, nothing else to say at the moment...

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QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ Nov 13, 2011 -> 02:37 AM)
Cool, cuz compu-box numbers = how to judge a boxing victory


JMM outboxed the hell outta him. I really thought he had NO chance, given his advanced age and inferior physical attributes, but his skill and technique truly neutralized manny's speed and power. manny proved that if he cannot show dominance by overpowering and outspeeding, he still does not have the pure boxing to outbox a truly elite boxer still boxing at a high level. JMM's counters were a thing of beauty, and he had the most meaningful power punches of the night, splitting open manny's lip and gashing his brow. Sound gameplan and great skill really rattled manny, leaving him lunging back to try to make something happen after getting hit with combinations.


In the end though, nothing short of a knock down or 2 was gonna allow JMM to get that victory, obviously. Wayy too much money at stake for manny to lose. Mayweather is gonna beat him soundly, and the fight will happen for the one obvious reason...$$$$$$$$$$

Might wanna check how Manny got his brow split open again...

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I don't watch a ton of boxing, but I do know that when you're the challenger to the longtime champ at anything, you have to decisively defeat him to expect the win, and even then, if you leave it the a decision, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed. You'd better either knock his ass down more than you went down yourself, or completely smoke his ass if you expect to win in a decision.


Doesn't sound like either of those things took place here...

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 13, 2011 -> 03:44 AM)
f***in jesus. Look, I've said for years that I've thought Floyd is a better fighter than Manny and I also love Pac and despise Mayweather to the point where I'd pay a lot of money myself to get my ass kicked by Floyd if I could just take a swipe at him. All that being said, JMM did not control this f***in fight tonight, he was no where near robbed, it was a fun fight where the decision could have went either f***in way. Before I saw the stats, I thought it was a toss up and compubox makes it look like it favored Manny, the fact is, it was a very enjoyable fight that could have went either way. I'm also not ignorant enough to believe that these judges weren't swayed by the possible payday but once again, there's absolutely 0 chance that this was a one sided fight, it legitimately could have went either way.


Real, you're a biased motherf***er so your opinion literally means jacks***, and sleepy, I respect the f*** out of you, but you're wrong here, nothing else to say at the moment...


why you mad bro, i post 3 youtube videos of pacquiao fans admitting marquez won, and you're all butthurt, just watched the fight for the third time, i had it more lopsided than originally (I had it 115-112 or something, i left my card at my friend's house, we watched it on his 106" 1080p projector setup), but after rewatching it a couple times, I have Marquez winning 117-112 (8-3-1), Pacquiao didn't have a single obvious round that he won convincingly, you'd be surprised at how often he was punching at AIR, Marquez was masterful


RD 1: Toss up, gave it to Pacquiao

RD 2: Marquez easily wins this round

RD 3: Marquez

RD 4: Marquez

RD 5: Marquez

RD 6: Pacquiao, JMM was very inactive this round

RD 7: Marquez

RD 8: Marquez

RD 9: Marquez

RD 10: 10/10 Round

RD 11: Marquez

RD 12: Pacquiao


From their twitter accounts:


Marvin Hagler "Disgusting result! #ROBBERY!" http://twitter.com/#!/TheMarvelous0ne


Bernard Hopkins "FloydMayweather blow thru MannyPacquiao easy!!" http://twitter.com/#!/therealbhop


OscarDeLaHoya "I'm still sitting on my couch in disbelief. Paquiao cannot compete with a counter puncher like Marquez. Juan has the Patience to wait and capitalize on mistakes. I think this shows how superior mayweather is." http://twitter.com/#!/oscardelahoya


Andre Dirrell "Ok after this fight, I don't know what 2 think! Did JMM just have a good night, or did Pacman put on a great possum show 2 get MW! U TELL ME. GO GET YO GLOVES ON AND COME WHOOP THIS DUDE!!!! PACMAN CAN'T SEE YOU!!!" http://twitter.com/#!/andredirrell


ZAB JUDAH "Robbery!!!!" http://twitter.com/#!/SUPERJUDAH


Steve Cunningham "All pro fighters I know ,guys which know what to look 4 in a fight had jmm winning. It's not just entertainment to us its a #lifestyle#" http://twitter.com/#!/usscunningham


Anthonydirrell "If y'all think that they was bout to lose out on 150 million y'all crazy"


Matthew Macklin "It was close but still wrong...and for it to happen THREE times!!!!!?? WTF!!!" http://twitter.com/#!/mattmacklin


Andre S.O.G. Ward "Well, I was wrong. Marquez is boxing a masterful fight. Marquez won this fight, period!!" http://twitter.com/#!/andreward


Terry Norris "Wow! Thought PAC man would win. But clearly Marquez was robbed again. PAC did NOT win this fight."


Andre Berto "Smh WOW..... Come on u know Top Rank was gonna let Marquez **** the money up!!! Great fight though"


Omar Henry "Wow I just watched Pacquiao get beat and Marquez get robbed!!!! and yes I was one of the people in the crowd booing the robbery!!!!"


Chris Arreola "Marquez won, true champ. Let's see Mayweather-Pacquiao. ****."


Rashad Holloway "I'm team Pacquiao all day but Marquez won this fight hands down. Sad to see how politics run this sport when fighters work so hard." http://twitter.com/#!/RASHADHOLLOWAY


Fernando Vargas "Well I'm DISGUSTED at tonight's event. It's sad that u can TRAIN your butt off for months and get jobbed at the end of the day! Truth is that EVERYWHERE Marquez goes EVERYONE will tell him that he WAS ROBBED & HELL FEEL LIKE HE WON BECUZ HE REALLY DID!!! SAME FOR PACMAN. EVERYWHERE HE GOES PEOPLE WILL TELL HIM HE REALLY LOST AND HE GOT A GIFT!!! LOVE THIS SPORT. But this is a SAD MOMENT FOR ME.

#LongLiveDinamitaMarquez" http://twitter.com/#!/_FernandoVargas


Juan Diaz "Great fight for the boxung fans but bad decision by the judges." http://twitter.com/#!/1Babybull


Amir Khan "mayb a good draw or marquez by 1-2 rounds." http://twitter.com/#!/amirkingkhan


Anthony Mundine "I luv PAC too...but he lost fair & square...but I'm sure he will return stronger...PAC v Marquez 4 #bringit. Actually I change my mind! Marquez deserves the pay day v money!! As he was really the victor! Don't think I wanna see 4. Even tho money." http://twitter.com/The_Man_Mundine


Erik Morales "Nos robaroooon y feo. Marquez total reconocimiento es el segundo mexicano que le pone en su madre a pacquiao, gano y gano muy bien felicidadees!" Which translates to English as "They robbed us and it was an ugly robbery too. To Marquez total recognition, he is the second Mexican to beat the hamburgers out of Pacquiao, he won and he won nicely. Congratulations!" http://twitter.com/terrible100


Jean Pascal "On my card Marquez WON!!!!" http://twitter.com/jeanpascalchamp

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Not even gonna lie real, you're about as dumb as they come. Listen, I LOVE Manny Pacquiao and I despise Floyd Mayweather, I wont even pretend otherwise. Here's the thing, Manny and JMM was an absolute toss up. I would have had no problem with JMM getting a decision win in this fight, both guys fought their asses off and if JMM won a decision, I would literally just sit back and not say a damn word but now that the Floyd fans are coming out of the wood work is absolutely absurd, do we not remember Manny dominating Hatton and Oscar while Mayweather struggled with them? Common opponents in boxing is so f***in stupid.


AND ONCE AGAIN, I believe Floyd is the better fighter, actually there is no doubt in my mind, I would pay a lot of money to see Mayweather get hurt and get hurt bad but he's the best boxer in the world imo, so enjoy trying to go anywhere further with this argument...

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  • 6 months later...

Arum will probably sue.


Las Vegas just lost a $500 million fight.


God, I would never want to watch another Bradley fight, but it seems they already have it lined up for November 10th.


The Marquez decision was bad enough last (that one legitimately could have gone either way), but this one was absolutely atrocious.



Between boxing and horse racing, horrible weekend for both sports with all the speculation about doping and illegal training methods being the reason they pulled their horse at the Belmont...since he was going to be sequestered/monitored along with all the other horses to prevent any monkey business (Wetzel with Yahoo Sports has a great column).


Should have been 8-4 or 9-3, at the VERY worst, it was a 7-5 decision for Pacquiao.



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QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 10, 2012 -> 12:21 AM)
I don't follow or care about Boxing, but everything I am seeing on Twitter is saying they think it was fixed so they would get a rematch that would be even bigger than this fight. Because everyone knows a revenge fight to settle a wrongdoing is going to sell mad tickets and pay-per views.

Which is a complete joke.

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It wasn't even a good or entertaining fight. Bradley did next to nothing but just survive and keep his legs under him.


Well, it was decent, from the Pacquiao side, and much better than Marquez and Mosley.


Pacquiao had Bradley on the ropes and almost ready to go down 3-4 times. Bradley never once hurt Manny in the entire fight, and, for as strong as he looks physically with the carved upper body, "Desert Storm" was about as effective as a pea shooter or Scud Missile in doing any type of damage.


It seems Manny overtrained a bit and just didn't quite have enough gas left the final four rounds to mount enough of a threat....but he killed Bradley in rounds 2-7/8.

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Decision not bad for boxing?





Pacquiao has a rematch clause in his contract, and the date was already determined to be Nov. 10 in the event of a rematch. Bradley even had a mock oversized ticket and mock poster printed to show off during the promotion to show people his confidence.


Bradley (29-0, 12 KOs) didn't sound like a man who thought he won the fight.


"It was a good fight. Every round was pretty close," Bradley said. "Pacquiao won the early rounds, I won the later rounds with my jab. I have to go home and see the tape to see who won."


The CompuBox statistics favored Pacquiao, who landed more punches than Bradley in 10 of the 12 rounds. Pacquiao landed 253 of 751 punches (34 percent), while Bradley landed 159 of 839 (19 percent). Pacquiao also landed 82 more power shots (190-108).

Although Bradley was game, he didn't seem to land many effective or clean shots. Pacquiao, meanwhile, landed a lot of shots. He shook Bradley several times in the fight, including with a combination late in the third round.


"Manny hurt me a few times in the fight with his left," Bradley said. "He's a beast, but my corner told me if I won the last round, I would win the fight. I gotta give Manny a rematch.


"Manny was aggressive, but he only landed four or five clean shots. He's a strong puncher, he rocked me a couple times. I withstood it and fought hard to the end."


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