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Wasn't sure where to post this...but this has really been a big stink out here. This past week ASU baseball coach Pat Murphy abruptly "quits". Speculation was there was an ongoing investigation about recruiting misdeeds. Also speculation he and AD Lisa Love butted heads quite often. As brash as the guy can be he really put a great product on the field.


Not sure what this does with their recruiting as the recently signed a new class. They named former UDub coach Ken Knutson as the interim coach and are conducting a search. One of the problems between Murphy and Love was Murphy kept pushing for a salary increase. He was only making 300K at ASU which seems pretty measly given the status of the program IMO. Some were speculating he was offered a AAA job (which I doubt happened but who knows). He'd actually do well at that level IMO (if he could get over himself).


Already have heard grumblings of some recruits decommiting. Guys like Jake Barrett (3rd Rnd Jays choice...potential 1st rounder this past year) can't be happy. There's just a stench to this whole story. My nephew who committed to UofA recently fed me a few morsels that some friends of his that are committed to ASU whose parents are close to the ASU program said that Murphy was escorted out of the facility by security guards (which doesn't sound like quitting...unless it was a very heated moment).


Again...not sure where to post this. But was an interesting baseball story for me this offseason. Something stinks with this and I'm going to find out what the story is.

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Being escorted can happen when you quit. It is good protection for all parties concerned when there are sensitive documents involved. Usually if the person has quit, they have already taken everything they wanted.


Most likely, based on what you wrote, he quit in the midst of an argument with the AD. In that case, an escort would have been advised.

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