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What's on your mind tonight?


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Holy s*** I'm going through a lot right now. For starters, we're moving from Pierre, SD to Bismarck, ND in about 3 weeks, and that's gonna suck ass. Moving to Bismarck is fine with me. I just really do not want to move away from Pierre. Small as it is, every friend of mine is here, and it will be very hard to move. And to get ready to move and sell the house we are in now, we have had to do a s***load of work. It has f***ing sucked, and only like me and my parents have done work. My brother has been a piece of s*** and done nothing and my sister is getting ready for college. We already bought a house in Bismarck(it is a nice house, 3 levels, a very nice and spacious master bedroom, a very nice, big lawn, a little walkway that looks over the front yard, a sun room, a deck, and a big upstairs. It is a huge house, and though I don't have the numbers in front of me, I am pretty sure the total sq footage of the house is over 3000....all that for just under $200,000. Of course there's a catch. The basement is very unfinished, because, aside from a family room, there is nothing done down there at all). So I have that going on, and the move up there is going to be hard as hell. All that, and my grandpa is dying(my mom said something that he was probably going to die tonight, but I haven't heard anything on it). Tragic, but no big surprise. He smoked for 50 years, what would you expect? I'm surprised he made it as long as he did. I believe he was like 75 or so, so he was pretty old. That will be hard, but I'll be able to move on. I also just found out that my best friend's uncle took his own life not that long ago. That has been and still is hard for me to get over. He was a great guy, funny as hell, and was a great father. He had bi-polar disorder and had stopped taking his medication. I don't think I have to explain much after that. I know that he had trouble telling me about it initially, and now that I've found out how he died, I can understand. It is a very hard thing to overcome, and he will be missed. I've also had some crazy ass dreams in the past 2 or 3 weeks or so, and there have been so many weird ones, I can't even remember them all. I do remember 3 quite well, so if you want me to explain what happened in them, I can.


And to top it all off, I have some good news(or bad news, depending on how you look at it). For the first time in my life, I got drunk. I didn't get drunk because of all this s*** that has been going on, I just got drunk because my sister asked me if I wanted to. I said sure, and I followed her to her room. Another of her friends brought in a little cooler of beer, but it was warm and gross, so that really was a bad experience. I would have preferred to have had it a little colder. I found out that I'm a pretty good chugger, and considering it was my first time, I'd say I've got good potential. Had like 5 beers, and I was pretty drunk. That's definately a weird feeling. I think I liked it, but I'm not going to become some raging alcoholic and drink like every weekend or anything like that. And I also experienced my first hangover, which you'd expect. I got the s***s and was nauseous, but I faired better then my sister, who was much worse then I was. She ended up holding on to the porcelain for a little bit and could not make it to work this morning. Had a popsickle and I was fine after that.


So, what's on your mind tonight?

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I'm not surprised that you have been having alot of dreams lately. Usually I get them when there's a lot of stress or when I'm worried about something in the back of my mind, but I don't realize it. Sorry about your grandpa and your friend's uncle.


Beer tastes horrible to me, I can't take it. I tried it like eight different times last year and every time I thought I'd acquire the taste. Didn't happen. Even malt beverages taste better (yes, I know they are for pussies) than beer. Rum and coke, not so good. I like vodka better than all of it. Smirnoff or Poland Spring, it all tastes the same. My first drinking experience sounds much like yours except I wasn't drinking with my sister, it was with a bunch of girls. Woke up like 3 hours after I had finished, had the same symptoms you had, plus I threw up about four hours after that, which to my surprise helped nothing. I was chewing tums all day.


To answer your original general question, I have very little on my mind comparatively.

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I just assume that beer tasted like s*** to me because it was warm. I hope it doesn't ruin my taste for beer. I think it would taste a whole hell of a lot better cold. I just know that right now, the last thing on my mind is drinking more warm beer. Makes me wanna f***ing throwup.


Oh, and there were like 3 girls and like 3 guys over at the time I was drinking. There were more before then, but they left before I started.


I had one Smirnoff Ice last summer....it was decent, but I wouldn't want to get drunk off that stuff. That would suck.


I actually slept pretty well, but there were a few times later in the day I was almost postive I was going to puke....but I never did. The worst thing was was the fact that I had to do a little heavy lifting today(we had to take a very big, very old fridge to the landfill today....it was like a 1940-something Co-Op....there's a picture of something like it on the bottom, but it was a couple years older).

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

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Well I got nothing on my mind near whats no your mind. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandpa and for the loss of your friends uncle.


That really sucks.


As far as drinking goes, I only had one horrible experience and it was on New Years. I had never drank hard liquor before (Not a big drinker, although I can hold my alcohol) and I was in a rather not so good mood (Very rare for me, I'm pretty much happy everyday of the year) and I had 3/4 of a bottle of vodka after eating a s***load of food.


Lets just say s*** hit the fan and I was puking the next freaking day. I was watching Notre Dame get their butts kicked by NC State while getting up and puking during the morning. Once I ate some food things were pretty much better, but I just know that that whole day sucked ass.


On the plus side, I've pretty much given up any heavy drinking since then and will only drink a beer or two (even though I can handle more). Plus, I realize its not a wise thing drinking when your in a pissed off mood.


Anyway, I wish your move the best and I'm sure you'll meet a ton of new people in this new town but it sucks that your gonna have to move away from all your friends and everything your used to.

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I've only had wine a few times, it was alright, a little strong and bitter. Champagne is the same way, I don't really think I could take a lot of champagne. Coffee I like though, that was an acquired taste but now I love it.

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If you're out of "The Beer Market" and looking for good alternatives that taste good, will get you tanked up, and be relatively cheap, try my favorite mixed drink, a Mouthwash. Essentially, it is 1/2 Peppermint Schnapps, 1/2 7-Up (best on ice, but not mandatory). Very good. Kind of has a candy cane taste to it.


Also, a friend of mine found a drink called "Pimp Juice" (I think he said he found it in a Playboy interview with Nelly). Anyways, it's a 1/3 Malibu rum, 1/3 peach shnapps, 1/3 pineapple juice (IIRC). Very sweet taste but it'll get you f***ed up fast.


As for the negative stuff in you're life, I'm sorry about all that. Just remember that without the valleys, the peaks wouldn't seem so high. Everyone's got to go through rough times. Makes life worth living, in the long run.

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I absolutely cannot and will not drink coffee.  I guess I have two side effects from it, my teeth should stay white  :D, but I will continue to be extremely tired in the mornings  :lol:

There's always crack.

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I remember at a party once a friend of mine had a cheap-ass bottle of wine (I think he said it was like $7 for like a gallon) and it had a really good taste to it... Very Gatorade-y (I forget what kind it was). Then, my ma busts out the nice s*** for Thanksgiving, I took a sip and nearly spit it out all over my grandma it was so nasty.


Maybe I'm just weird. :huh:

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If I'm gonna drink hard stuff I prefer the mixed drinks. Taste way better and I don't care if they are woosy. I love cranberry juice or like cranrasberry juice so I'll mix basically anything with that.


Also screwdrivers are good. Rum and Coke isn't bad either.


I still prefer Miller Lite or Coors Lite. I hear Newcastle is a good beer, but I'm to cheap to pay that much for a beer when an 18 pack of Coors or Miller is 9.99.


I'm interested in hearing people's worse drunk stories and all the stupid s*** they've done. I'm sure we've all done some really stupid things while hammered. :cheers

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I absolutely cannot and will not drink coffee.  I guess I have two side effects from it, my teeth should stay white  :D, but I will continue to be extremely tired in the mornings  :lol:

Apples are more effective at keeping you awake in the morning than caffeine, according to the lunchroom wall poster at the Museum of Science and Industry.

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I remember at a party once a friend of mine had a cheap-ass bottle of wine (I think he said it was like $7 for like a gallon) and it had a really good taste to it... Very Gatorade-y (I forget what kind it was). Then, my ma busts out the nice s*** for Thanksgiving, I took a sip and nearly spit it out all over my grandma it was so nasty.


Maybe I'm just weird. :huh:

My dad tells me trader joes is supposed to have really good wine for 2 bucks.


Everytime I try wine I can stand a few sips and then I just go damn, I'd rather have some Apple Juice or something.


Apple Juice :headbang

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I'm interested in hearing people's worse drunk stories and all the stupid s*** they've done. I'm sure we've all done some really stupid things while hammered. :cheers

One time, I passed out at my friend's place (in the basement). Anyways, apparently, they dragged me up 2 flights of stairs to his sister's bathroom and Naired my legs. I woke up the next morning feeling myself up. I didn't grow any hair back for like a month.


Another time my friends and I were out drinkin' at her place in Burbank and we went to the White Castle at 76th and Harlem (?... Across from Haunted Trails)... Got a Sack of 30 for a bunch of us. Also, note, I have an intolerance for onions... They get me queasy when I'm sober. Anyways, fell asleep, woke up, puked on her carpet, she yelled at me, kicked me in the head and then I helped her clean up a few hours later.


Good times.


My friend made out with an inflatable, purple alien hammered once. Then he was praying to the porcelian gods for a couple of hours.

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I just had that one night where I was absolutely piss drunk on New Years. I heaved all over my friends bathroom. Luckily I was able to make it to the bathroom, but I forgot to lift the lid of the throne.


Lets just say the next morning I was cleaning for a while. I also denied throwing up cause I didn't even know I did. I didn't even freaking remember that night past a certain point, I only remembered a few times where I was telling my buddies that I wasn't drunk and I"d try to explain them why I wasn't.


My friends said my comments were the greatest things ever cause I was saying I didn't puke for like half an hour, and then all of a sudden I was like maybe I did and they were like ya you did and I was like oh ya.


It was an ugly night....no fun at all. Since then I just stick to watching other people act like asses when they are hammered. I was the ass once and once is enough for me.

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So, what's on your mind tonight?


Just got back from a party..I went a bit after 9(it was my ex's brother Manuel's B-day) today.. He's a cool guy though and had to go..I guess we're friends..although it was always a bit weird cause I was dating his sister :o


Anyways, the reason it was at 9 cause his family threw him a big party with all the relatives and s***...This one was for "friends" and s***

We held it at some dudes house that i don't know and had to f***in drive around the streets of Gary(which is a bad idea :lol:


Found the house finally...and let me say...I thought there was only gonna be maybe 10 people or whatver..and hardly any chicks..s***..I'd say there was almost 30 people there..and a whole bunch of hot latin chicks too! Whoa!


I got f***in nervous as hell for some ODD reason, There was about 7 guys I knew at the party..and my ex-girlfriend..


But there was a whole bunch of Corona's a flowin...I only had 4, cause I had to drive back home...And the 4 were drank during a 5 hour period..so i was cabable...And beer always tastes like s***....I was forced to drink a whole bunch beers when I was 18 by my uncle...to get acquainted to the taste..it was nasty as hell..

But I got sorta acquainted to the taste as of now...still..there's always that bad aftertaste that sometimes gets to me


I did get into a conversation with a couple chicks and did get a phone # of one of them... :headbang :headbang


So call it an alright night

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I've only had wine a few times, it was alright, a little strong and bitter. Champagne is the same way, I don't really think I could take a lot of champagne. Coffee I like though, that was an acquired taste but now I love it.

I don't like coffee..although i haven't drank enough to acquire the taste so........ :huh:

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I've only had wine a few times, it was alright, a little strong and bitter. Champagne is the same way, I don't really think I could take a lot of champagne. Coffee I like though, that was an acquired taste but now I love it.

I don't like coffee..although i haven't drank enough to acquire the taste so........ :huh:

I can only drink tea.

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I absolutely cannot and will not drink coffee.  I guess I have two side effects from it, my teeth should stay white  :D, but I will continue to be extremely tired in the mornings  :lol:

Just do what i do..a couple of caffeine pills and a coke to work ought to wake your ass up... :D

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I dunno I've had cold beer and it did nothing for me but make me sour on it. Some people probably acquire the taste faster though.


And don't you have to take the doors off of old fridges like that cause kids can get stuck inside of them?

Here's a question, do you like the taste of wine?


Personally I can't touch the stuff, just like I can't touch coffee, both taste like absolute crap to me.

I remember at a party once a friend of mine had a cheap-ass bottle of wine (I think he said it was like $7 for like a gallon) and it had a really good taste to it... Very Gatorade-y (I forget what kind it was). Then, my ma busts out the nice s*** for Thanksgiving, I took a sip and nearly spit it out all over my grandma it was so nasty.


Maybe I'm just weird. :huh:

My dad tells me trader joes is supposed to have really good wine for 2 bucks.


Everytime I try wine I can stand a few sips and then I just go damn, I'd rather have some Apple Juice or something.


Apple Juice :headbang

I say I drink more orange juice more then any other beverage..I may be addicted..


I say my top 3 regular drinks are OJ, Coke, and Apple juice...and 4th...Starwberry Quick(those are sooo good) :headbang

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