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Evaluating the US Senate


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First, the US Senate:


Shleby (R-AL)

Sessions (R-AL)

Begich (D-AK)

Murkowski (R-AK)

McCain (R-AZ)

Kyl (R-AZ)

Prior (D-AR)

Lincoln (D-AR)

Feinstein (D-CA)

Boxer (D-CA)

Udall (D-CO)

Bennett (D-CO)

Dodd (D-CT)

Lieberman (I-CT)

Carper (D-DE)

Kaufman (D-DE)

Nelson (D-FL)

LeMieux (R-FL)

Chambliss (R-GA)

Isakson (R-GA)

Inuoye (D-HI)

Akaka (D-HI)

Crapo (R-ID)

Risch (R-ID)

Durbin (D-IL)

Burris (D-IL)

Lugar (R-IN)

Bayh (D-IN)

Grassley (R-IA)

Harkin (D-IA)

Brownback (R-KS)

Roberts (R-KS)

McConnell (R-KY)

Bunning (R-KY)

Landrieu (D-LA)

Vitter (R-LA)

Snowe (R-ME)

Collins (R-ME)

Mikulski (D-MD)

Cardin (D-MD)

Kerry (D-MA)

Kirk (D-MA)

Levin (D-MI)

Stabenow (D-MI)

Klobuchar (D-MN)

Franken (D-MN)

Cochran (R-MS)

Wicker (R-MS)

McCaskill (D-MO)

Bond (R-MO)

Baucus (D-MT)

Tester (D-MT)

Nelson (D-NE)

Johanns (R-NE)

Reid (D-NV)

Ensign (R-NV)

Gregg (R-NH)

Shaheen (D-NH)

Menendez (D-NJ)

Lautenberg (D-NJ)

Udall (D-NM)

Bingamen (D-NM)

Schumer (D-NY)

Gillibrand (D-NY)

Hagan (D-NC)

Burr (R-NC)

Conrad (D-ND)

Dorgan (D-ND)

Voinovich (R-OH)

Brown (D-OH)

Inhofe (R-OK)

Coburn (R-OK)

Wyden (D-OR)

Merkely (D-OR)

Specter (D-PA)

Casey (D-PA)

Reed (D-RI)

Whitehouse (D-RI)

Graham (R-SC)

DeMint (R-SC)

Johnson (D-SD)

Thune (R-SD)

Alexander (R-TN)

Corker (R-TN)

Cornyn (R-TX)

Hutchison (R-TX)

Hatch (R-UT)

Bennett (R-UT)

Leahy (D-VT)

Sanders (I-VT)

Webb (D-VA)

Warner (D-VA)

Murray (D-WA)

Cantwell (D-WA)

Byrd (D-WV)

Rockefeller (D-WV)

Fiengold (D-WI)

Kohl (D-WI)

Enzi (R-WY)

Barrasso (R-WY)


Next, the catagories:


Very Good:








Very Bad:


So let's mix and match each, have justification and avoid making judgments based on ideology. The criteria are pretty much how well they represent their constituency, the ethics of their tactics and the general character of themselves and their legislation. Obviously you should feel free to dispute what others say if you disagree with them, but answers such as "all are very bad/very good" are generally unacceptable.

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Just a couple off the top of my head.


Very Good:

Lugar (R-IN)

Fiengold (D-WI)

McCain (R-AZ)

Bond (R-MO)

Feinstein (D-CA)

Durbin (D-IL)

Baucus (D-MT)



Hatch (R-UT)

Graham (R-SC)

Sanders (I-VT)

Snowe (R-ME)

McCaskill (D-MO)



Franken (D-MN)

Chambliss (R-GA)



Dodd (D-CT)

Coburn (R-OK)

Reid (D-NV)


Very Bad:

Ensign (R-NV)

Specter (D-PA)

Landrieu (D-LA)

Inhofe (R-OK)

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I like Durbin and I'd put him in "good." Dick Lugar is excellent.


Taking politics out of the equation and going on straight honesty, Feingold is about as honest a guy as you can get. I don't know where that puts him.


I hate Inhofe and Coburn with a passion and I'd be pretty embarrassed if I lived in OK. They are both, umm, how do I put this nicely... complete f***ing idiots.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 03:51 PM)
Yeah McCain was awesome with his flip flop on torture.

Eh McCain's got a long career behind him before doing that, and I wouldn't say it was a flip flop so much as a convenient sellout, which they all do out of necessity at some point or another. The 2008 McCain was a pretty bizarre thing to watch though, it was pretty much totally separate from his Senate career.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 02:58 PM)
Eh McCain's got a long career behind him before doing that, and I wouldn't say it was a flip flop so much as a convenient sellout, which they all do out of necessity at some point or another. The 2008 McCain was a pretty bizarre thing to watch though, it was pretty much totally separate from his Senate career.

As you also recently read in Greenwald's book, the torture stuff is something he voted on as a Senator.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 03:59 PM)
As you also recently read in Greenwald's book, the torture stuff is something he voted on as a Senator.

I can't remember exactly how Greenwald framed it, but it was something along the lines of how he ended up voting on a measure that was so watered-down that it was worthless but he still claimed he was against torture and nobody called him on it. He got away with being able to claim several things actually.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 02:49 PM)
I like Durbin and I'd put him in "good." Dick Lugar is excellent.


Taking politics out of the equation and going on straight honesty, Feingold is about as honest a guy as you can get. I don't know where that puts him.


I hate Inhofe and Coburn with a passion and I'd be pretty embarrassed if I lived in OK. They are both, umm, how do I put this nicely... complete f***ing idiots.



Don't tell Coburn's patients that. After several thousand successful baby deliveries, I would think Idiot is a bit harsh, no.


And giving Franken anything but incomplete is moot.

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Don't tell Coburn's patients that. After several thousand successful baby deliveries, I would think Idiot is a bit harsh, no.


And giving Franken anything but incomplete is moot.

This is about Coburn (R-OK) not Dr. Coburn.


Franken has actually been pretty consistent and respectful so far, nothing great and nothing bad.

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 04:03 PM)
Don't tell Coburn's patients that. After several thousand successful baby deliveries, I would think Idiot is a bit harsh, no.


And giving Franken anything but incomplete is moot.

That's kind of irrelevant to his career in the Senate, but I'm going solely off the asinine statements he makes all the time. Maybe he does that on purpose, I don't know.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 09:12 PM)
That's kind of irrelevant to his career in the Senate, but I'm going solely off the asinine statements he makes all the time. Maybe he does that on purpose, I don't know.


Whats worse, an actual stupid person, or a smart person who tries to act incredibly stupid and hoaky to fit in with his voters. (Grassley/Cobourne, I'm looking at you)


Lieberman appears to be actually stupid.


edit: also, both missouri senators are terrible. That state is not capable of producing a thoughtful senator, and house members are rare.


Insane that truman came from that state.

Edited by bmags
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I don't know how you can do this without bringing up ideology.


Take Lugar for example. I like some of the stuff he's done, but I wouldn't rate him very high because of his stance on gay rights and him being a member of the Family.


Someone else may see those things as positives.

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Very Good

Feingold - WI

Tester - MT



Lugar - IN

Boxer - CA

Gilibrand - NY

Burris - IL (Based on his performance as a lame duck Senator ONLY)

Brown - OH

Graham - SC

Franken - MN (and rising)

Sanders - VT



Menendez - NJ

Lautenberg - NJ

McCain - AZ

Harkin - IA

Schumer - NY

Dodd - CT

Specter - PA (and rising)

Rockefeller - WV

Kerry - MA

Hatch - UT (and falling)



Reid - NV

Murkowski - AK

Kyl - AK

Lincoln - AR

Carper - DE

Byrd - WV

Bunning - KY

Vitter - LA

Nelson - NE

Baucus - MT

Bayh - IN



Lieberman - CT

Chambliss - GA

Coburn - OK

Thune - SD



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Whats worse, an actual stupid person, or a smart person who tries to act incredibly stupid and hoaky to fit in with his voters. (Grassley/Cobourne, I'm looking at you)


Lieberman appears to be actually stupid.


edit: also, both missouri senators are terrible. That state is not capable of producing a thoughtful senator, and house members are rare.


Insane that truman came from that state.

I used to like McCaskill, but she proving herself more and more to not be what I thought she was. Bond says some dumb things, but he's a pretty alright guy.

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