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Chris Henry Dies

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QUOTE (T R U @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 09:00 PM)
Really? Ide say people who have it coming to them are more like murderers or rapists. There are plenty of people who have done one or multiple things that he has done, even on this board, do they all have death coming to them as well?


And anyways, no one knows exactly what happened so to say he was trying to chase and attack her is just a biased opinion so far. May it be the case? Possibly. If it were though, how would she have even had time to get into the truck and drive away. Im pretty sure that if he had wanted to attack and injure her, it would have happened long before she had gotten into the truck and started to drive away.


So just so im understanding this.. smoking weed, speeding, getting into fights, and drinking with underage people means you should prolly die? I better watch my back.

Jumping into the back of a pickup truck and staying in there while she's speeding around, yeah I'd say he had it coming. A man of many stupid decisions and what 6 arrests? Not that surprising this happened the way it did...


QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 09:21 PM)
He also has a really good vocabulary. That's fine. But he's not the messiah of sports radio show hosts. You know who's the s***? Lawrence Holmes. He's every bit as good, if not better than Bernstein, and he doesn't come off as if he walks on water.

Bernstein's great. So is Holmes. Different guys, different personalities, both get the job done for me.

Edited by IlliniKrush
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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 09:32 PM)
Jumping into the back of a pickup truck and staying in there while she's speeding around, yeah I'd say he had it coming. A man of many stupid decisions and what 6 arrests? Not that surprising this happened the way it did...


Well ill wait to hear the whole story


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It's been brought up a few times here so I guess I'll ask... where did I "wish death upon him"?


All I said was this f***wad got what he deserved. He didn't give a s*** about himself, never bothered to turn his life around (where is the proof of this??? soemone watched Hard Knocks and believed what the f***ing narrator said????? the Bengals never gave a s*** about off the field, i never saw proof that Henry gave a damn... he collected his millions and laughed).


If he cared about his "kids" (ie his f*** trophies that just so happened to exist) he would have cut the s*** from day one. No chasing baby mama out da house and jumping in a moving truck bed and POUNDING ON THE BACK WINDOW.


You guys are a bunch of jagbags jumping on me because I happen to be able to say something that isn't PC. Big f***ing deal. Chris Henry was a pile of human feces. I'd like anyone to argue that fact.


"Aw man, that ain't cool dog. This sucka was gettin' his life straight n s***. s*** man. That poor family. They no longer have that ghetto pile of s*** gettin' arrested once a year at the least and tryin' ta beat on his girl. What a great guy. Chris Henry is Jesus. Chris Henry is the greatest person ever."


I know I just exaggerated big time, but the point is there. You guys all the sudden want to defend this sack of s*** when he's no better than any of your classic crooks. My GOD if i jumped in the bed of a truck while it was speeding and stood up and died, I'd sure as f***ing s*** pray to God no one sobbed because I was dumb enough to do that s***.


His kids are better off now... maybe they stand a chance because they won't grow up idolizing a piece of work like their father. They can eventually read how stupid he was, and how he pissed away millions given chance after chance.


DUI's, domestic disputes, violence... yup, let's get behind this guy and all plead that we're holier than thou because we think it's so classless and old Stevo is such an asshole.


This whole board freaked out because I called a spade a spade. Man I'm such an asshole.


Give me a break. I'm glad Chris Henry is dead, it's better for his kids.

Edited by Steve9347
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Jesus Steven.. drop the f***ing subject already. You already made your notion known plenty of times in this thread. Most of the stuff you said... many can't argue (and I agree with alot of it), and some of the stuff you said is bulls*** your spilling. You hate the guy, your glad he's gone, fine.


BTW, I have yet to see one poster who said Chris Henry wasn't a thug or a holy saint.

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While a little much since we are talking about a persons life, I like the fact that you spoke your mind without the PC filter covering up what you were really thinking.


That said, I agree with about 95% of this. But I'm sure people expect that of me.




QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 12:46 AM)
It's been brought up a few times here so I guess I'll ask... where did I "wish death upon him"?


All I said was this f***wad got what he deserved. He didn't give a s*** about himself, never bothered to turn his life around (where is the proof of this??? soemone watched Hard Knocks and believed what the f***ing narrator said????? the Bengals never gave a s*** about off the field, i never saw proof that Henry gave a damn... he collected his millions and laughed).


If he cared about his "kids" (ie his f*** trophies that just so happened to exist) he would have cut the s*** from day one. No chasing baby mama out da house and jumping in a moving truck bed and POUNDING ON THE BACK WINDOW.


You guys are a bunch of jagbags jumping on me because I happen to be able to say something that isn't PC. Big f***ing deal. Chris Henry was a pile of human feces. I'd like anyone to argue that fact.


"Aw man, that ain't cool dog. This sucka was gettin' his life straight n s***. s*** man. That poor family. They no longer have that ghetto pile of s*** gettin' arrested once a year at the least and tryin' ta beat on his girl. What a great guy. Chris Henry is Jesus. Chris Henry is the greatest person ever."


I know I just exaggerated big time, but the point is there. You guys all the sudden want to defend this sack of s*** when he's no better than any of your classic crooks. My GOD if i jumped in the bed of a truck while it was speeding and stood up and died, I'd sure as f***ing s*** pray to God no one sobbed because I was dumb enough to do that s***.


His kids are better off now... maybe they stand a chance because they won't grow up idolizing a piece of work like their father. They can eventually read how stupid he was, and how he pissed away millions given chance after chance.


DUI's, domestic disputes, violence... yup, let's get behind this guy and all plead that we're holier than thou because we think it's so classless and old Stevo is such an asshole.


This whole board freaked out because I called a spade a spade. Man I'm such an asshole.


Give me a break. I'm glad Chris Henry is dead, it's better for his kids.


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 12:46 AM)
It's been brought up a few times here so I guess I'll ask... where did I "wish death upon him"?


All I said was this f***wad got what he deserved. He didn't give a s*** about himself, never bothered to turn his life around (where is the proof of this??? soemone watched Hard Knocks and believed what the f***ing narrator said????? the Bengals never gave a s*** about off the field, i never saw proof that Henry gave a damn... he collected his millions and laughed).


If he cared about his "kids" (ie his f*** trophies that just so happened to exist) he would have cut the s*** from day one. No chasing baby mama out da house and jumping in a moving truck bed and POUNDING ON THE BACK WINDOW.


You guys are a bunch of jagbags jumping on me because I happen to be able to say something that isn't PC. Big f***ing deal. Chris Henry was a pile of human feces. I'd like anyone to argue that fact.


"Aw man, that ain't cool dog. This sucka was gettin' his life straight n s***. s*** man. That poor family. They no longer have that ghetto pile of s*** gettin' arrested once a year at the least and tryin' ta beat on his girl. What a great guy. Chris Henry is Jesus. Chris Henry is the greatest person ever."


I know I just exaggerated big time, but the point is there. You guys all the sudden want to defend this sack of s*** when he's no better than any of your classic crooks. My GOD if i jumped in the bed of a truck while it was speeding and stood up and died, I'd sure as f***ing s*** pray to God no one sobbed because I was dumb enough to do that s***.


His kids are better off now... maybe they stand a chance because they won't grow up idolizing a piece of work like their father. They can eventually read how stupid he was, and how he pissed away millions given chance after chance.


DUI's, domestic disputes, violence... yup, let's get behind this guy and all plead that we're holier than thou because we think it's so classless and old Stevo is such an asshole.


This whole board freaked out because I called a spade a spade. Man I'm such an asshole.


Give me a break. I'm glad Chris Henry is dead, it's better for his kids.


Hyperbole at its absolute finest. But you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I don't think anybody is saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do. But this is a public message board. When you post something as bold and brash as you originally did, you're putting yourself out there, for better or worse. What did you expect? Everybody was gonna be like "HAHAHAHA! YOU'RE RIGHT STEVE, YO! I'M GLAD THAT SUCKA'S DEAD! MAY HIS PUNK, THUGGISH ASS ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!" Maybe that's what you were expecting? So since that's not what you got we're all "jagbags"? Next time, keep your thoughts on sensitive subjects to yourself if you're not able to handle any potential criticism that might stem from them.

Edited by Jordan4life
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 12:46 AM)
DUI's, domestic disputes, violence...


You're making him out to be some sort of serial rapist and child molester. Do you hope anyone that gets a DUI or smokes pot dies? I mean for crying out loud the guy died yesterday and you're jumping up and down for joy. If you really loathe the man for driving drink and smoking pot earlier in his life then maybe wait a day or two after his death out of tact. Not everyone lives such a perfect, moral life like you do.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 09:08 AM)
Hyperbole at its absolute finest. But you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I don't think anybody is saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do. But this is a public message board. When you post something as bold and brash as you originally did, you're putting yourself out there, for better or worse. What did you expect? Everybody was gonna be like "HAHAHAHA! YOU'RE RIGHT STEVE, YO! I'M GLAD THAT SUCKA'S DEAD! MAY HIS PUNK, THUGGISH ASS ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!" Maybe that's what you were expecting? So since that's not what you got we're all "jagbags"? Next time, keep your thoughts on sensitive subjects to yourself if you're not able to handle any potential criticism that might stem from them.


Perfect. If you are going to put yourself out there slamming someone in death, shouldn't you be able to handle getting slammed yourself? Because you have essentially set the bar at zero respect for people.

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Chris Henry won the lottery and messed it all up. The fact he lead a life style that most people would question and blew everything is what I think people are holding against him. He had the opportunity to be extremely wealthy and set up his three kids for the rest of their lives.


At the end of the day if he was not going to to turn his life around and it seems as though he did not, his kids are better off although their mother needs to make better choices and I do not think this is going to to happen either.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 09:24 AM)
You're making him out to be some sort of serial rapist and child molester. Do you hope anyone that gets a DUI or smokes pot dies? I mean for crying out loud the guy died yesterday and you're jumping up and down for joy. If you really loathe the man for driving drink and smoking pot earlier in his life then maybe wait a day or two after his death out of tact. Not everyone lives such a perfect, moral life like you do.

Now you are just making stuff up. Nobody is happy that anyone died, its just that for the most part, nobody cares this guy did. Its a collective yawn.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 10:53 AM)
Now you are just making stuff up. Nobody is happy that anyone died, its just that for the most part, nobody cares this guy did. Its a collective yawn.


He may have been referring to this:

QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 01:46 AM)
I'm glad Chris Henry is dead
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 09:59 AM)
He may have been referring to this:


That's part of the 5% of his post I disagreed with. While there are people that die and I'm happy they're no longer alive, that sort of hate is reserved for the worst kind of people in this world -- not football players that made some bad mistakes.


Re-reading much of his post, I'd have to say in honesty I disagree with more than just 5% of it, mostly the truly hateful parts, but hey, whatever. I got his point, and some of what he said was dead on.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 09:24 AM)
You're making him out to be some sort of serial rapist and child molester. Do you hope anyone that gets a DUI or smokes pot dies?
It's as if you don't even read the messages I type. Where did I say I hope he dies? I said he got what he deserved for acting like a f***ing idiot and jumping into a moving truck. If someone dies driving drunk, they get what they deserve too for being stupid. Smoking pot... I don't see how you could kill yourself with it, so I don't know where you're going with that one.


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 12:26 PM)
It's as if you don't even read the messages I type. Where did I say I hope he dies? I said he got what he deserved for acting like a f***ing idiot and jumping into a moving truck. If someone dies driving drunk, they get what they deserve too for being stupid. Smoking pot... I don't see how you could kill yourself with it, so I don't know where you're going with that one.



QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 12:30 PM)
Sorry for offending anyone in the thread; but I find it funny that folks are mourning him like it's some great loss for society.


I love irony.

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I'm not glad Chris Henry is dead, but at the same time I think it's over the top for the NFL to have a moment of silence for him around the league. Dan Bernstein had a great comment earlier when he said that if Chris Henry survived, he would once again be in Goodell's office facing another suspension.

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QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 03:54 PM)
I'm not glad Chris Henry is dead, but at the same time I think it's over the top for the NFL to have a moment of silence for him around the league. Dan Bernstein had a great comment earlier when he said that if Chris Henry survived, he would once again be in Goodell's office facing another suspension.


The fact of the matter is that he died. The NFL would (and has) had moments of silence and commemorated lesser players before. If an active player passes away in any league, they are going to commemorate him.

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