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Failed terrorist attack in Detroit


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I mock the political opportunists because they deserve to be mocked. It's funny that it was implied there is a such thing as a liberal attack machine that I'm a part of (those "downplaying" comments are things I said), but I don't even watch the news on tv. Ever.

Edited by lostfan
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yea it was bulls*** article put out on the day of the attack. seriously, you guys worry me sometimes.


Even dumbass Geraldo was on FOX news reporting it correctly from the start. That's a bad sign when he of 'Al Capone's Vault' is one upping the NY Times and such.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 03:03 PM)
I mock the political opportunists because they deserve to be mocked. It's funny that it was implied there is a such thing as a liberal attack machine that I'm a part of (those "downplaying" comments are things I said), but I don't even watch the news on tv. Ever.


You're a Dem homer. Just admit it and get on with your life.



Edited by mr_genius
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Terror attack thwarted in Millennial Tech Magnet Middle School in San Diego! Well, not really. Seems some stupid ass vice principle saw a science project and freaked out thinking it was a bomb, even after talking to the kid.



Worst part is that they want to try and recover costs associated with responding to the incident ffrom the kids parents, when they should be going after the dumbass that called them in the first place. It is a TECH SCHOOL, and they are having a SCIENCE FAIR, and they even TALKED TO THE KID, and still over reacted.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 10:57 PM)
yea it was bulls*** article put out on the day of the attack. seriously, you guys worry me sometimes.


Even dumbass Geraldo was on FOX news reporting it correctly from the start. That's a bad sign when he of 'Al Capone's Vault' is one upping the NY Times and such.


yeah that was the AP, and you don't know that his 'start' was before or after this article. And i have a guess which one it is!

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 05:46 PM)
yeah that was the AP, and you don't know that his 'start' was before or after this article. And i have a guess which one it is!


Well,The NY Times had the 'firecracker' story on it's website for 2 days before changing it. lol


Maybe everyone was off for Christmas. Of course, Christmas is a day off at the NY Times merely for irony reasons (like a ironic hipster moustache).


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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 06:38 PM)
oh, cause they are all jews, right.


The NY Times is all Jews? I didn't know that.


I was thinking more along the lines of "Christmas is a tool of the white male oppressor to oppress people. but we'll take it off as a goof. "

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 07:18 PM)
It's actually quite remarkable how smoothly the slur changed from "Jewish Media" to "Liberal media".


But FOX news is called the "Jewish Media" by many a internet media expert. They support Israel too much.


So now FOX is the Liberal Media? Crazy times we live in, huh.

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Well s***, if an internet media expert is saying something it's gotta be true.


Both Jewish and Liberal media refers to a colossal hidden agenda embedded in almost all mainstream journalism. Somehow, with no discernible motive, all media outlets collectively decided they would only print stories favorable to Jews/liberals. This makes complete sense to a lot of people today as it did then. Hence Jewish/Liberal media are more or less synonyms for the same type of thing.


Thankfully FOX rolled in like Paladins on their steeds of integrity on a crusade to purge the blight that is jews and liberals in media.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 03:28 AM)
Thankfully FOX rolled in like Paladins on their steeds of integrity on a crusade to purge the blight that is jews and liberals in media.


You can trash FOX news and the GOP all you want, but I'm drawing a line in the sand over Paladin bashing.

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US Airways flight to Louisville diverted today because an observant Jewish person was wearing a phylactery on the flight to coincide with his morning prayers.


A passenger thought the straps running down his arms and strapped to his head was a bomb. So the plane made an emergency landing in Philadelphia this morning.

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So about this not really being Al Qaeda...




Bin Laden claims airline bomb attempt on Christmas



CAIRO | Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas in a new audio message released Sunday threatening more attacks on the United States.


A senior U.S. intelligence official in Washington said there is "no evidence whatsoever" that bin Laden had any involvement on the Christmas Day attack -- or even knew about it beforehand. The message suggests the al-Qaida leader wants to appear in direct command of the terrorist group's many affiliates around the world at a time when some analysts have suggested he is mostly a figurehead.


In the minute-long recording carried by Al-Jazeera Arabic news channel, bin Laden addressed President Barack Obama saying the Christmas attack was meant to send a message similar to that of the Sept. 11 attacks.


"The message delivered to you through the plane of the heroic warrior Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a confirmation of the previous messages sent by the heroes of the Sept. 11," he said. "America will never dream of security unless we will have it in reality in Palestine," he added.


"God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues."


On Christmas Day, Nigerian Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up his Northwest Airlines flight as it approached Detroit Metro Airport. But the explosive powder he was hiding in his underwear failed to detonate.


He told federal agents shortly afterward that he had been trained and given the explosives by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, an al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen.


The U.S. intelligence official said the Yemen-based group is linked with the central al-Qaida group that bin Laden heads and recent intelligence indicates there are ongoing contacts between al-Qaida in Yemen and Pakistan. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information.


Bin Laden's message, coming long after AQAP gave its own claim of responsibility, appears to be an effort on his part to stay relevant, said Rohan Gunaratna, author of "Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror."


"The training and the definition of the attack was by the local leaders of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, so in many ways you can say bin Laden is exploiting for his benefit this particular attack," he said. "Bin Laden still wants to claim leadership for the global jihad movement."


Of all the various offshoots and branches of al-Qaida around the world, Gunaratna said the group in Yemen is one of the closest to bin Laden since it is made up of bodyguards and associates of the organization's top ideologues. Yemen is bin Laden's ancestral homeland.


"Today the operational relationship has somewhat suffered, but the ideological relationship is very strong and that is why bin Laden claimed this attack," Gunaratna said.


Two of the group's top members were former detainees released in November 2007 from the U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay.


Since the Christmas Day attempt, the Yemeni government, at the U.S.'s urging has stepped up its attacks on the group's hideouts in the rugged country's remote hinterland.


Analysts have long debated how much control bin Laden, who is believed to be somewhere in Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, really has over the various organizations using his group's name.


The Yemen-based group, however, has closer ties than most to bin Laden and his key lieutenants, many having once been their bodyguards.


There was no way to confirm the voice on the audio message was actually that of bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him.


The U.S. says it can't immediately authenticate the message but White House adviser David Axelrod told CNN's "State of the Union" that whatever the source, the message "contains the same hollow justification for the mass slaughter of innocents."


In the past year, bin Laden's messages have concentrated heavily on the situation of the Palestinians in attempt to rally support from Muslims around the world.


Some analysts say bin Laden is focusing on the close U.S.-Israeli relationship because he is worried about Obama's popularity across the Middle East with his promises to withdraw from Iraq and because his father was a Muslim from the African nation of Kenya.


The plight of the Palestinians, especially in the blockaded Gaza Strip where 1,400 were killed in an Israeli offensive a year ago, angers many in the Arab world.


"The Palestinian conflict was never part of the al-Qaida original mandate, but Osama is clearly exploiting it," Gunaratna said.


Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Andy David dismissed the latest al-Qaida message and its attempt to link Israel with attacks on the U.S.


"This is nothing new. He has said this before," he said. "Terrorists always look for absurd excuses for their despicable deeds."


The last public message from bin Laden appears to have been on Sept. 26, when he demanded that European countries pull their troops out of Afghanistan. The order came in an audiotape that also warned of "retaliation" against nations that are allied with the United States in fighting the war.




Associated Press Writers Lara Jakes and Salah Nasrawi in Cairo and Ian Deitch in Jerusalem c

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