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I was headed up to Milwaukee a few years back for a Brewers game. We were close to the Illinois/Wisconsin border, looked towards the 94 southbound lanes, and saw a guy standing outside his car, hands on his head, with 10+ squad cars behind him. Standing behind the guy was a cop with the biggest fricken gun in the world. I dont know much about guns, so i cant really describe it, but it seriously looked like the gun was from a video game/cartoon, because the gun was just massive and did not seem real. It was pretty awesome.

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Ha. It's funny there are these stories. Just walking my dog in our neighborhood and a cop pulled up and asked if I lived in that subdivision. I just pointed to my house a block away and he left. Didn't even wait to see if I went into my house. WTF

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QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 05:06 PM)
Ha. It's funny there are these stories. Just walking my dog in our neighborhood and a cop pulled up and asked if I lived in that subdivision. I just pointed to my house a block away and he left. Didn't even wait to see if I went into my house. WTF

Cops are so inconsistent, I mean I know they are humans and each will be different but there is such a difference in professionalism between each. I've been on ride alongs, and I work with cops quite a bit as an RA, and I've met some who are just really down to earth and want to help you, and others who obviously do the job for a source of power and will instigate and make in fun of drunk students (which is really inappropriate imo).

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So my friend was asked to do something at work in another department, he told the supervisor that the person assigned to that dept. could do it. The supervisor said "it's a woman." He said "she gets paid the same as me, she could do the same amount of work." He got fired for being "sexist." Uhh... not the best way of saying it, but that's the OPPOSITE of sexist. Unless someone really believes that women are inherently inferior to men and shouldn't be having that job in the first place?

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QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 04:06 PM)
Ha. It's funny there are these stories. Just walking my dog in our neighborhood and a cop pulled up and asked if I lived in that subdivision. I just pointed to my house a block away and he left. Didn't even wait to see if I went into my house. WTF


Stories like these remind me of the time me & kjshoe04 got pulled over coming home from a Sox game & the cop flashed the light in my face the entire time.


Or the time that the cops pulled me over, gave me the full pat down & asked if I had any weapons, explosives included. While asking the girl inside the car if she was okay & if she was there against her will...


It was her car btw.

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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 10:41 PM)
Stories like these remind me of the time me & kjshoe04 got pulled over coming home from a Sox game & the cop flashed the light in my face the entire time.


Or the time that the cops pulled me over, gave me the full pat down & asked if I had any weapons, explosives included. While asking the girl inside the car if she was okay & if she was there against her will...


It was her car btw.

It's because you are a tall man.

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I was pulled over one night when I was 18 for looking suspicious. I was driving home when I decided I wanted some ice cream, so I pulled into a strip mall parking lot to turn around. When I pulled out, a cop come up behind me, pulled me over, and was really curious about what I was doing in that parking lot since "all the stores are closed."


I literally told him I turned around so I could get ice cream at the grocery store, and I'm not sure he believed me b/c he asked if I had been drinking and 4 separate times asked if I had drugs in the car. I told him I lived about 2 blocks from where he had pulled me over, and after he ran my plates and took my license, he came back to the car and gave me a "have a good night, sir." That was it. Kind of anti-climactic considering all the questions he was asking me about where I had been, if I was drinking, had drugs, etc.

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A cop pulled me over for zero reason last year. He asked me if I knew why he pulled me over, and I said I had no idea why he did. He said I blew a red light when a light didn't even turn yellow on me(passenger in the car also knows I didn't blow one) . He took my license and registration and then came back a minute later and told me to enjoy the rest of my night. It was 10pm on a Saturday night in college town I swear he just took a shot in the dark hoping for a DUI.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 01:40 AM)
I was pulled over one night when I was 18 for looking suspicious. I was driving home when I decided I wanted some ice cream, so I pulled into a strip mall parking lot to turn around. When I pulled out, a cop come up behind me, pulled me over, and was really curious about what I was doing in that parking lot since "all the stores are closed."


I literally told him I turned around so I could get ice cream at the grocery store, and I'm not sure he believed me b/c he asked if I had been drinking and 4 separate times asked if I had drugs in the car. I told him I lived about 2 blocks from where he had pulled me over, and after he ran my plates and took my license, he came back to the car and gave me a "have a good night, sir." That was it. Kind of anti-climactic considering all the questions he was asking me about where I had been, if I was drinking, had drugs, etc.


About three years ago, I was driving home from a friend's house. The distance between my place and hers was probably only a quarter mile of almost traffic-less streets. I had a few (now I wasn't drunk, but I was close) and decided to take the longer way in order to listen to a song that came on the radio. This was obviously a terrible decision. Well, as I'm driving down another road which gets much more traffic, I see a couple of blinking yellow lights coming up. My first thought was that it was an accident site, so I continued. As I neared, I realized it was a random sobriety stop and I knew I couldn't just pull a U-turn (even though there wasn't anyone behind or in front of me to prevent it), as it would almost assuredly tell the cops I was drunk.


I end up pulling to the stop and a cop comes up and asks how many I had. I don't want to look like an obvious liar, so I stretch the truth a little bit and say I had about three beers with dinner. He asks me to pull into the empty strip mall parking lot. At this point, I'm freaking out in my head but keeping a cool demeanor outwardly. I realize the first part of this test is actually going to be parking between the lines with no other cars to judge by. I don't know about you guys, but I use the cars around me as a barometer a lot when I'm parking in a lot like that. Thankfully I did it just fine. One cop ran my license and registration while another had me walk a line, touch my index fingers to my nose, and say the ABC's forwards and backwards. Then they bring out the breathalyzer and now I'm terrified. I know I can hold my alcohol, but I can't fake a BAC test. As soon as I'm done, the cop turns around and calls another cop over to check it out. I'm thinking that this definitely has to mean I blew over .08.


The cop comes back to me and says "I thought you did fine with the physical tests, but the breathalyzer says you're fine." Now he didn't emphasize the word "but," but we all know that "but" usually precedes an opposite statement. For the millisecond after he said "but," my heart dropped to the ground. With the relief I felt about passing, my personality almost got the best of me for a second. I asked, "You said you think I did fine, but I passed the breathalyzer, right?" He said, "yes." I then began to say, "But 'but' would mean..." and I cut myself off and decided I should just thank him and leave. Turns out I blew about half of the legal limit and called my friend when I got home to let her know what happened. She agreed that I had just experienced a miracle as I should've blown higher.


Anyway, I'm now terrified to drive drunk, as I should be. Whenever I tell this story to a friend and mention the part about saying the ABC's backwards, they almost always say, "I can't do that sober." This leads me to believe that cops ask people to do that so that they slip up and incriminate themselves.

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On the night of my 21st birthday, I was working for the Kane County Cougars and had to work the All-Star game they were hosting.


After the game, the league had a party and I had my first few "legal" beers. I didn't end up driving home till about 2 AM, definitely not drunk, but still had a few beers in me. I get to about 3 minutes away from my apartment and see the cops light behind me, I start freaking out. I didn't think I was drunk, but who knows what I would have blown.


Cop comes up, asks for my ID, then asks where I'm coming from. LUCKILY, I still had my work polo on and pointed to the all star game patch, explaining why I was working so late. He goes back to his car, runs my stuff, comes back and asks if I live close, I tell him I'm literally like 3 minutes away, he smirks, and tells me to slow it down.


Now I didn't get pulled over b/c of swerving or anything, but rather just speeding a little at 2 am. Still enough to scare the crap out of me and I will never ever ever do that again.

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I will just say that with about the preceding 3-4 stories or so, I have no problem with them being pulled over. Some may view it as an immoral thing for a cop to pull someone over with no reason, but if they have any belief that the person may be drunk, then they have every right to do so and I think they should, because they are actually keeping the streets safe at that point. Drunk driving is one of the stupidest things a person can do and I have only driven semi-drunk once in the past 3 years, and it was a minor emergency when I did it - my girlfriend and I were down at the bars, a cop came and told the people leaving the bars that a storm with high winds capable of producing tornados was coming in. I'd had like 7 drinks in 3 hours, so I wasn't smashed, but probably wasn't legal to drive, but I wasn't concerned with getting a DUI at that point but instead getting to safety.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 01:44 PM)
Question: Can shotgun be called via a text message the day before a road trip? (i'm driving so it doesnt matter to me) :lol:


No it has to be the day of, and you have to call it when you are outside. If you go outside, call shotgun, and return inside for any reason, you lose your claim on shotgun, unless you are the first to call it when returning outside

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QUOTE (The Gooch @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 02:50 PM)
No it has to be the day of, and you have to call it when you are outside. If you go outside, call shotgun, and return inside for any reason, you lose your claim on shotgun, unless you are the first to call it when returning outside

Agreed. We play that you should have to have the car in eyesight too.

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I'll add my own pull-over story.


My buddy and I were driving back from a round of 18 (golf, not drinks :lol:) earlier this year on a Tuesday evening. The place is probably 7-8 miles from our apartment, but it's right down a main road where the speed limit is 55. It's literally turn out of the apartment complex, 1/4 mile down the road, turn right on the main road, go 7-8 miles, and left onto the golf course.


Anyway, as we're on our way back, it's just about to get dark, we were hungry, so we stopped at the Burger King on that road leading to our complex. As were sitting inside, both completely sober, didn't drink a thing, we notice a cop sitting in the very far corner of the parking lot, in the dark, next to this small strip mall. So as we pull out of the parking lot, I look over to the cop car and just as were turning he hauls ass behind us. I noticed he moved but after we turned I could't see him. So a second later I look in the rear view mirror and I see him shoot out of the lot, turn onto the road and haul ass behind us like a bat out of hell. Speed limit is 55 on this road too, we were going 35 when he caught up and pulled us over, literally 15 feet in front of the apartment complex entrance.


He's got his lights flashing and he walks up to the car and flashes his light right into our eyes. So he asks where we're coming from, OBVIOUSLY knowing we came from Burger King. Then he asks us where we were before that and we said golfing. Then he turned into even more of a cock. He asks us multiple times if we'd been drinking on the course and we said no, because we didn't. My buddy who was driving was 21, I was 20 but we were both completely sober.


Then I chime in and ask why exactly he pulled us over. He goes on to say that someone called in earlier saying there was an SUV driving recklessly on Lake Michigan Drive (the main road). We knew it was bulls*** because we were in Burger King bulls***ting for 45 minutes after we ate. We left the course with daylight and got pulled over when it was dark. And we obviously saw him sitting in the parking lot the whole time.


So he takes my buddy's license and walks towards his car. Out of nowhere, a lady cop comes out and comes to the passenger side, staring me down, shining a light in my eye, and looking through all the windows and such. We obviously have two totally visible golf bags sitting in the back. She never said a word. So the asshole walks back, stops at the back of the truck, looks into the back with the light, and comes up to the window.


He looks and my buddy and says, and I quote, "Want to step out of the car for me big guy?". He asked him 2 more times if he had been drinking, and then gives him the "So if you were to take the Breathalyzer right now it'd say all zero's?" By buddy said yes, and then was forced to do a field sobriety test AND a Breathalyzer. He obviously passed both and blew 0's and finally they let us go. I was ridiculously pissed and I wasn't even driving.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 02:33 PM)
I will just say that with about the preceding 3-4 stories or so, I have no problem with them being pulled over. Some may view it as an immoral thing for a cop to pull someone over with no reason, but if they have any belief that the person may be drunk, then they have every right to do so and I think they should, because they are actually keeping the streets safe at that point. Drunk driving is one of the stupidest things a person can do and I have only driven semi-drunk once in the past 3 years, and it was a minor emergency when I did it - my girlfriend and I were down at the bars, a cop came and told the people leaving the bars that a storm with high winds capable of producing tornados was coming in. I'd had like 7 drinks in 3 hours, so I wasn't smashed, but probably wasn't legal to drive, but I wasn't concerned with getting a DUI at that point but instead getting to safety.


God it feels like I don't even know you anymore.

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