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A+, Network+, Security+ Certification


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As many of you know, I graduated from Columbia College with a degree in radio broadcasting and was soon hired to be the Technology Coordinator at my church. Two months later I was married and we have one kid with another on the way.


As I look into the future, i am starting to think that the career path I had set out on many years ago when i decided to major in radio broadcasting is not going to work for the future financial support of my family.


So, I have decided I am going to make a shift and start moving towards a career in IT as that offers me more upward mobility, more money, and more flexibility in being able to relocate if we so choose.


I am 100% self taught in computers with no formal schooling, but 3 years of experience at my current job (it's not my entire job, just part of it). My thoughts are that doing some certification classes (and the exams too) would not only help my overall knowledge, but it would look good on a resume when I decide to look for a new job.


As anyone gone through the A+, Network+, or Security+ programs? If so, were they worth the time?

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I actually had a thread like this sometime last year. I wouldn't say it's hard, but it's best to know and understand the concepts which is why A+ is probably the best core class you're going to take from what I've studied so far. There's so much basic and simple stuff that people do not how to perform such as maintenence routine, securing themselves online, setting up a network(which really isn't all that hard), and fixing their printers.


SSI is probably best for information, I will say as he got me started in the right direction.


I would suggest taking all three certifications, and then going into something like Cisco or Microsoft certifications, depending on how much money you're looking for. I have a study guide which comes with an e-book, flashcards, and practice tests for the A+ examination. Networking and Security basically is a repeat with some more intricate detail added in, but it's all important information they are repeating. I also suggest having an old computer you can open up and take a look around at its "guts". As far as I know, Windows 7 is going to start being implemented in the certification tests, so I might just advise you to wait around for those books and guides come out, but it's up to you.

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Certifications are a funny thing. The true importance to vendor and industry certs to an individual are to get past the HR gatekeepers at most companies. When you send your resume in for most companies, its most likely not read but entered in a resume filtering program. If you hit enough of their buzzwords and base criteria then you get eyes on the resume. Now if you work for a consulting company thats where a cert may have some real value. Most consulting companies have some sort of reseller agreement with a manufacturer and to get to certain discount levels they are required to have so many certified people for X product.


Microsoft/Cisco from the networking side will get you your best saturation level. Most companies are running either one of the two. There are plenty of free virtualization programs out there to help you create a mini lab to learn different technologies. The big thing is to get the basics down and learn how things function and why. You can build on a good core. Again having a good atitude and a yearning to learn are key components that will make you successful start in this industry.


I will put a list of some resources for you including websites/links to downloads/book lists that can get you started and send it off via PM for you.

Edited by southsideirish71
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