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Brown def Coakley in Mass


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 09:30 PM)
I'm sure, also, as Rex was alluding to, this wasn't about Obama and his policies, this was simply about a dumb woman who couldn't run her campaign, right? Wrong. Even in Massachusetts, this was about Obama.


That's all I'm going to say on this whole thing.


I'm gonna go with s***ty candidate, s***ty party here.


Is there anger against Obama? Sure. But in Mass he has 60% approval.


Just too bad they pick candidates who thinks that they are owed their seat and have a base of voters who think "but I just voted in 2008!" Democrats don't have the anger necessary to keep their party vital and the machine is run by people who don't get it. The Democrats deserve to have their ass handed to them this year, because they've basically conceded defeat with 59 seats in the Senate.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 11:37 PM)
Rex yr supposed to be the fighter to make me fight.


I'm over anger. There's too much of it. Yet I'm pissed. I'm pissed that I have to be pissed.


What can I tell you? I'm disaffected right now - I have a party that expects my support but won't act to make me equal. That's a personal insult for someone who's gone out for every campaign since 2004. And I mean every campaign. President, Governor, Senate, Congress, Freeholder, City Council...


The Democratic Party deserves to have its ass handed to it this year. I think I'll get excited about electing them to affect positive change again when the people I helped elect decide actually doing something to win and make the change we voted them in for is important again.


I think teabaggers are crazy, but at least they've lit a fire under the GOP's ass. The Dems are looking a lot like the 2006 White Sox right now. Tons of potential, no urge to realize it.

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I know. But I've fought for everything too, but i was under no illusion that it had a final point, the way so many did. And I continue to fight, even here in Brazil for gay marriage rights. It's a strange country, it really ISNT catholic anymore, people aren't religious, but the disgusting social dictating the church did hangs true. But slowly they make progress, we hold awareness meetings, the more they show their faces the better it will become. Big Brother, a huge show, just had it's first gay castmate. Anyway here's my email to TPM. These are my thoughts. In the summer, i was just laughing at the people saying Obama had to dictate, this HAD to go through the legislature, but now, now is when he needs to dictate.



Well, I'm sure you are bombarded with emails about now. But I had to. What drives me crazy is that Massachusetts, the go-to for liberal thought, has done this to me/us. And I have to think, did they not realize that for the next two years 1/2 of their votes will now be controlled by Oklahoma? I get the appeal, I do, really, the "ohh, he's just like us and understands our problems" thing...but the guy will be the newest member with no power, and is in a party controlled by KY and SC. Does it matter he's pro-choice? No. Those battles in the health care bill about this don't matter, because he won't vote for it anyway. Does it matter he's a moderate? No, he won't vote for anything. So congratulations MA, you are now in common bond with the south. Who cares about if she was awful, she's a vote, if the past year (the first year our Congress has had to work in 40 years) didn't convince you that that is ALL a senator is and nothing more, then you deserve it. Thanks for handcuffing the country, much appreciation.


And to my fellow progressives in general, I'm just shocked and appalled at the little fight in all of them. You thought you won? It's ALWAYS easier to stay the same, even if it's awful. You can show a meth addict how much more put together his/her life would be clean, and it wouldn't matter, they know their life now and think they can handle it. And our rationale is to hand it back to republicans to teach the DEMS A LESSON. Brilliant. You fight tooth and nail for progress. You got a democratic majority. But that was made up with conservatives...you support them to pass what they can, and then you fight for more liberal members to pass what they can, and so on. Progress. When you fall on your face you are still moving forward (thanks courage wolf). But instead, we whine and cry and say OHhhh but Obama's just a shill for the corporations, waaaaa. We are the children hiding behind our mother's dress, hoping she fixes everything for us and then throwing a tantrum when she doesn't. Put on some gloves and get to work. And better, try working with a dose of reality. I'm disgusted.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 11:52 PM)
I know. But I've fought for everything too, but i was under no illusion that it had a final point, the way so many did. And I continue to fight, even here in Brazil for gay marriage rights. It's a strange country, it really ISNT catholic anymore, people aren't religious, but the disgusting social dictating the church did hangs true. But slowly they make progress, we hold awareness meetings, the more they show their faces the better it will become. Big Brother, a huge show, just had it's first gay castmate. Anyway here's my email to TPM. These are my thoughts. In the summer, i was just laughing at the people saying Obama had to dictate, this HAD to go through the legislature, but now, now is when he needs to dictate.



Well, I'm sure you are bombarded with emails about now. But I had to. What drives me crazy is that Massachusetts, the go-to for liberal thought, has done this to me/us. And I have to think, did they not realize that for the next two years 1/2 of their votes will now be controlled by Oklahoma? I get the appeal, I do, really, the "ohh, he's just like us and understands our problems" thing...but the guy will be the newest member with no power, and is in a party controlled by KY and SC. Does it matter he's pro-choice? No. Those battles in the health care bill about this don't matter, because he won't vote for it anyway. Does it matter he's a moderate? No, he won't vote for anything. So congratulations MA, you are now in common bond with the south. Who cares about if she was awful, she's a vote, if the past year (the first year our Congress has had to work in 40 years) didn't convince you that that is ALL a senator is and nothing more, then you deserve it. Thanks for handcuffing the country, much appreciation.


And to my fellow progressives in general, I'm just shocked and appalled at the little fight in all of them. You thought you won? It's ALWAYS easier to stay the same, even if it's awful. You can show a meth addict how much more put together his/her life would be clean, and it wouldn't matter, they know their life now and think they can handle it. And our rationale is to hand it back to republicans to teach the DEMS A LESSON. Brilliant. You fight tooth and nail for progress. You got a democratic majority. But that was made up with conservatives...you support them to pass what they can, and then you fight for more liberal members to pass what they can, and so on. Progress. When you fall on your face you are still moving forward (thanks courage wolf). But instead, we whine and cry and say OHhhh but Obama's just a shill for the corporations, waaaaa. We are the children hiding behind our mother's dress, hoping she fixes everything for us and then throwing a tantrum when she doesn't. Put on some gloves and get to work. And better, try working with a dose of reality. I'm disgusted.


I still work. I'm working on a campaign now, as a volunteer. But I'm calling a spade a spade. My party is f***ed up. We have no will to win. And we're run by a bunch of McGovernite losers who have been hanging on and being generally worthless since 1972. The Democrats actually handed the keys to the party to the people after 2004 and within four years they have 60 votes in the Senate and a huge majority in the house. They got everything they needed to succeed. And then, somehow, the losers who got us in the s***ty spot we were in after 2004 got the keys again.


I'll still work - but the more I'm taken for granted, the less interested I am.

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No I understand you, but the whole "trash the bill because it isn't want I wanted" crowd just drives me nuts. You are absolutely right about Kaine and them pushing out Dean. I was so happy we were done with DLC but it looks like they will have the keys again.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:05 AM)
No I understand you, but the whole "trash the bill because it isn't want I wanted" crowd just drives me nuts. You are absolutely right about Kaine and them pushing out Dean. I was so happy we were done with DLC but it looks like they will have the keys again.


It's no secret about what's happening there. Last year Deeds ran to the middle and he lost. That dude in NY-23 ran to the base message and he beat the teabagger. Run with the message that wins and win. Expect to win or run to the center (Republican lite) and you don't get your base to turn out and you don't get enough Republican votes to make up for it.


(Say what you want about Corzine, but in a year where every Dem in the state but the governor wins, there's something very "special" about that specific race.)

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The thing that pisses me most off about these republicans though is they really just aren't concerned about governing. At all. From a chemical standpoint, they just want to lock onto the receptors to prevent the dopamine from latching on and making us happy.

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I'm done with the democratic party, which is funny considering 12 months ago I couldn't be more infatuated with them. Couldn't keep being subjected to the will of a screaming minority while my majority that I had waited quite a while to get just took it. There's something to be said for getting beaten to a pulp without throwing back and still be left standing. But they're all face down on the mat while the only signs of life from them are these spastic convulsions that are so depressing to watch you'd rather they just lie still and die. Hard to imagine a party could get a guy like Barack Obama and completely waste that opportunity.

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MA still loves Obama, his approval there is in the 60's. For some, this was about Obama. But for most of the independents who slid to Brown - and those were the difference makers here - they were dissatisfied (as someone else said) about a number of things, including...


--ECONOMY AND JOBS - its bad, so, change is good

--Coakley was a horrible choice for a candidate for the Dems, thoroughly unlikeable, and just ran a terrible campaign

--Overspending at the federal level, and perceived tax increases on the horizon

--Federal Health Care that MA residents would have to pay for, when their own state already did the same and taxed them for it

--Brown was charismatic, and hit all the right notes

--The Dems' internal fighting in Congress over Health Care got people impatient


In that order. Obama would be somewhere near the bottom of that list.


From my view... I'm happy Brown won. Someone like Coakley SHOULD lose, and I think both parties will be just a little big healthier after this election. Congress is becoming awful, so any small thing that helps light a fire under its ass is a good thing right now.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 08:02 AM)
I don't get it. Don't you need 51 votes to pass a bill? Let the Republicans filibuster and talk for 20 straight days and then vote on the bill when they're finally done talking.

The sad thing is, the way the rules are now written, the Republicans don't need to maintain a filibuster. They need exactly 1 person on the floor. The majority that is trying to break the filibuster needs to maintain nearly all of its 60 members on the floor. Otherwise, the single Republican there can note a lack of quorum and have the session ended.

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 10:04 AM)
Karma's a crazy thing...


The Senate was 59-41 in January 2009 and it's 59-41 in January 2010. Arlen Specter's party switch made it 60-40 for about 8 months, but then things somehow get back to the way they were intended.

Best headline of the day:


Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate
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