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Tim Tebow to appear in anti-abortion Super Bowl ad


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 09:59 AM)
So you'd be cool if an charitable organization run by the Westboro Church ran an ad during the super bowl to promote organic foods?


EDIT: Forgot who I was responding to. You probably would be cool with that based on views you've stated in the past.




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QUOTE (Soxy @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 09:57 AM)
But it's giving implicit support of his views.


It's like saying, oh hey let's let the Hitler Foundation make a commercial about the clean air act.


Um, no.

I wont mention the drastic difference between number of human lives killed by abortion verse those killed by Hitler.


Hitler must be stopped.... but this abortion things ok.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 09:57 AM)
But it's giving implicit support of his views.


It's like saying, oh hey let's let the Hitler Foundation make a commercial about the clean air act.


Um, no.


That is a tough call to go back to associations... We elected President's despite their associations with all kinds of nasty people and subjects.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 11:11 AM)
I wont mention the drastic difference between number of human lives killed by abortion verse those killed by Hitler.


Hitler must be stopped.... but this abortion things ok.

Honey, arguing with you is like arguing with the Mad Hatter. Nothing makes sense and logic doesn't apply. Not to mention the contradictions and hypocrisy.


Seriously, though, congratulations you are the one bi-partisan uniter in these troubled times. You have managed to alienate and piss off everyone on the entire political spectrum through your diligent commitment to nonsensical bather.


And, lostfan, I'd like my 7 day ban now please. :)


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QUOTE (Soxy @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 10:15 AM)
Honey, arguing with you is like arguing with the Mad Hatter. Nothing makes sense and logic doesn't apply. Not to mention the contradictions and hypocrisy.


Seriously, though, congratulations you are the one bi-partisan uniter in these troubled times. You have managed to alienate and piss off everyone on the entire political spectrum through your diligent commitment to nonsensical bather.


And, lostfan, I'd like my 7 day ban now please. :)

If only I weren't already married. :wub:

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 10:15 AM)
That is a tough call to go back to associations... We elected President's despite their associations with all kinds of nasty people and subjects.

I think that is the best statement of what I have been trying to say... I've just been saying it badly.

Because I support Obama, does that mean I support Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright? Of Course not.

Because I am anti-abortion/Pro-Life, does that mean I believe Dobson is right in saying Gay's are "an abomination"? Of Course Not.

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I don't know why anyone is surprised. CBS banned an ad by the United Church of Christ that proclaimed the controversial message that they welcomed everyone.


The real reason this ad is getting on the air is that the superbowl is in two weeks, and CBS still hasn't sold out all the spots despite the fact that they are selling for less than last year.

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I wonder if it has anything to do with CBS having such a strong association with the SEC and Florida Gators football and all the gushing about they do about their biggest star of the past several years, Tim Tebow.


I wonder if this was a commercial featuring someone from Cal or Washington if they would be so inclined...

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lol i love how 30 second advertisments can spark message boards to drop f bombs, hitler and taliban comparisons in a little over an hour....


its pretty simple people.....tebow as the right to do the ad as protected by the 1st amendment ....if this is your thing, then cool...if you don't like it, thats cool too - just ignore it and move on....


the main thing i can never comprehend is why people get so ferocious at each other for having differing viewpoints. its like some people refuse to acknowledge and fail to understand either side of the argument. I have my own opinion on this topic, which I frankly wouldn't like to share with anyone, but I will say that I'm not outraged by either side, and certainly understand that some people may feel differently on the topic than I do.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:18 PM)
lol i love how 30 second advertisments can spark message boards to drop f bombs, hitler and taliban comparisons in a little over an hour....


its pretty simple people.....tebow as the right to do the ad as protected by the 1st amendment ....if this is your thing, then cool...if you don't like it, thats cool too - just ignore it and move on....


the main thing i can never comprehend is why people get so ferocious at each other for having differing viewpoints. its like some people refuse to acknowledge and fail to understand either side of the argument. I have my own opinion on this topic, which I frankly wouldn't like to share with anyone, but I will say that I'm not outraged by either side, and certainly understand that some people may feel differently on the topic than I do.

well said.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 11:18 AM)
lol i love how 30 second advertisments can spark message boards to drop f bombs, hitler and taliban comparisons in a little over an hour....


its pretty simple people.....tebow as the right to do the ad as protected by the 1st amendment ....if this is your thing, then cool...if you don't like it, thats cool too - just ignore it and move on....

the main thing i can never comprehend is why people get so ferocious at each other for having differing viewpoints. its like some people refuse to acknowledge and fail to understand either side of the argument. I have my own opinion on this topic, which I frankly wouldn't like to share with anyone, but I will say that I'm not outraged by either side, and certainly understand that some people may feel differently on the topic than I do.

Heh. Coming from someone that might punch a Cub fan in the face if enough Sox bashing were initiated.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 01:30 PM)
Heh. Coming from someone that might punch a Cub fan in the face if enough Sox bashing were initiated.

i dislike the cubs, and openly and outwardly root against them...but id say 75% of my friends from chicago are cubs fans....its not like i dont understand that they are cub fans and i certainly don't argue with them to try to convince them to be sox fans....and im not entirely sure why you think you know me well enough to assume i would ever assault anyone


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QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 11:35 AM)
i dislike the cubs, and openly and outwardly root against them...but id say 75% of my friends from chicago are cubs fans....its not like i dont understand that they are cub fans and i certainly don't argue with them to try to convince them to be sox fans....and im not entirely sure why you think you know me well enough to assume i would ever assault anyone

I apologize. It was directed as a comment to sports fans in general. I should have mentioned that.

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Personally, I am Pro Life. For scientific reasons, not any moral or religious convictions. But, I know it's only right and fair for abortion to be legal. If I knew someone who was considering abortion, I would try to convince them to not go through with it or at least consider it a last resort and to consider adoption. But, I know it's ultimately their choice. Technically, I guess I am both Pro Life and Pro Choice. I may get flamed for this, but not everything is so black and white, especially abortion. I try to be reasonable about it. The Pro Life movement spends too much of their time trying to change laws when they would do better to try to change hearts and minds. I'm certainly not sticking up for any organization that is racist or bigoted by any means. I just think people need to come to the middle to find peace.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:18 PM)
lol i love how 30 second advertisments can spark message boards to drop f bombs, hitler and taliban comparisons in a little over an hour....


its pretty simple people.....tebow as the right to do the ad as protected by the 1st amendment ....if this is your thing, then cool...if you don't like it, thats cool too - just ignore it and move on....


the main thing i can never comprehend is why people get so ferocious at each other for having differing viewpoints. its like some people refuse to acknowledge and fail to understand either side of the argument. I have my own opinion on this topic, which I frankly wouldn't like to share with anyone, but I will say that I'm not outraged by either side, and certainly understand that some people may feel differently on the topic than I do.


It's all fake outrage in the end. This ad changes nothing.


But it is kinda odd that the supposed liberal media won't take ads from left wing advocacy groups and even churches who have a slightly left of center message like we don't excommunicate the gays can't get their ads run during network shows that nobody even wants to watch - but when crazy right wing groups like Focus on the Family want to air a purely political advocacy ad during the most watched telecast of the year, its suddenly not an issue for the network anymore.

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I applaud him for speaking his beliefs. I'm not a big fan of that group, but if their mission statement involves witnessing to the largest possible audience, they will have succeeded. I am also glad a group is using that platform for something of more substance than which beer to drink or car to buy.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:05 PM)
It's all fake outrage in the end. This ad changes nothing.


But it is kinda odd that the supposed liberal media won't take ads from left wing advocacy groups and even churches who have a slightly left of center message like we don't excommunicate the gays can't get their ads run during network shows that nobody even wants to watch - but when crazy right wing groups like Focus on the Family want to air a purely political advocacy ad during the most watched telecast of the year, its suddenly not an issue for the network anymore.



It's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, nothing more.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:49 PM)
So only money from far right extremists is acceptable?



Would the left spend this kind of money on asshatery? ??? I dunno, I'm just asking.


Someone else said it, I think, but it's also Tim (slurp) Tebow.

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I think we should hold judgement. If the commercial is simply choose life and family...is that so wrong? I could see if they're showing embryos or something, but if it's in good taste and is simply a matter of choose life, why is that bad. If your pro choice does that mean you push for and encourage abortions?? I'm not sure what the issue here is, when we don't even know what the commercial is about. If it was some shock and awe pro life campaign, I would suspect it wouldn't get approved and it shouldn't.


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