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Anyone else get this spam message from this ass-clown?


I don't know how much you guys like baseball over here, but I would like to show a site i go to, mlbcenter.com. I thought since you might like baseball, you might want to check it out and sign up. The site is a baseballgaming/baseball news site with a great staff and great addon mods. For more information on the site features when we open(a week i think), plesae check the forum "Sugestion Box" and the topic "Site." Right now the site is not up,but a preview can be found in the forum "The Clubhouse" forums.mlbcenter.com is the forums url. Midway representatives are coming over in a few days to post and browse, so this is definetly a site worth coming too.


This is one of the reasons I joined this site was to avoid this kind of crap. I would appreciate hearing from one of the mods that this guy is banned.

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Oh come on. Hes just trying to promote what looks to be a good baseball site. Why cant he do that?

You're kidding right. The guys signs up as a poster and starts sending spam right away, and you defend him? Two things, #1 if a respected member wants to post something about a cool new site that is one thing, but for someone to thinnly veil spam as good info is just BS, and an insult to all of our intellegences. And #2 if we start letting people spam like this, this place could become no better than the ESPNtype boards where you have to wade through the trolls and the spam to find the two decent baseball posts. No thanks

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Oh come on. Hes just trying to promote what looks to be a good baseball site. Why cant he do that?

Roman...all he would of had to do was email me or private message me about his site. I would of told him to make a post on the off topic board to tell everyone who was interested about the site.


But to come in and just message people randomly isn't the way to handle things. Especially with us, were so laid back as it is. I have no problem with him promoting his site, its just the way he did it.


I guess in short, I hate spam :lol:

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Who is Midway?  :huh:

I'm guessing the video game company because he said it was a gaming site. I got that PM too, it was annoying. I wouldn't worry about it too much. It will be dealt with and there is really no way to prevent this from happening without putting unfair restrictions on new posters.

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